ANNEX 2 (A) (B) (2) (3) (7) (8) (9) (13) (14) (15)U.K.COMPETENT INSTITUTIONS(Article 1 (o) of the Regulation and Article 4 (2) of the implementing Regulation)


1. Sickness and maternity:
(a)Cash benefits:

KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki, or

the employment fund with which the person concerned is insured;

(b)Benefits in kind:
(i)refunds under sickness insurance:

KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki, or

the employment fund with which the person concerned is insured;

[F2(ii) social insurance institution rehabilitation:
Kansaneläkelaitos/Folkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki;]
[F3(iii)] public health and hospital service:
the local units which provide services under the scheme.
2. Old-age, invalidity, death (pensions):
(a)National pensions:
KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki, or
(b)Employment pensions:
the employment pension institution which grants and pays the pensions.
3. Accidents at work, occupational diseases:
the insurance institution which is responsible for the accident insurance of the person concerned.
4. Death grants:

[F4Kansaneläkelaitos Folkpensionsanstalten ( Social Insurance Institution ), Helsinki, or]

the insurance institution which is responsible for paying thebenefits in case of accident insurance.

5. Unemployment:
(a)Basic scheme:
KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki[F2and Ahvenanmaan maakunnan työvoimatoimikunta/Arbetskraftskommissionen i landskapet Åland (Employment Commission in the Province of Åland)], or
(b)Earnings-related scheme:
the competent unemployment fund.
6. Family benefits
KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki.
[F27. Special non-contributory benefits:
Kansaneläkelaitos/Folkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki.]