Article 953Refund on benefits in kind provided under sickness and maternity insurance to pensioners and to members of their families who do not reside in a Member State under whose legislation they receive a pension and are entitled to benefits


The amount of the benefits in kind provided under Articles 28 (1) and 28a of the Regulation shall be refunded by the competent institutions to the institutions which provided the said benefits, on the basis of a lump sum which is a close as possible to the actual expenditure incurred.


The lump-sum payment shall be determined by multiplying the average annual cost per pensioner by the average annual number of pensioners to be taken into account, and by reducing the resultant amount by 20 %.


The factors necessary for the calculation of the said lump sum shall be determined according to the following rules:


the average annual cost per pensioner shall be obtained, for each Member State, by dividing the annual expenditure on all the benefits in kind provided by the institutions of that Member State to all pensioners whose pensions are payable under the legislation of that Member State, under the social security schemes to be taken into consideration, and to members of their families, by the average annual number of pensioners; the social security schemes to be taken into consideration for that purpose are specified in Annex 9;


in dealings between the institutions of two Member States, the average annual number of pensioners to be taken into account shall be equal to the average annual number of pensioners referred to in Article 28 (2) of the Regulation who, whilst residing in the territory of one of the Member States, are entitled to benefits in kind chargeable to the institution of the other Member State.


The number of pensioners to be taken into account in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 (b) shall be determined by means of a list kept for that purpose by the institution of the place of residence, based upon documentary evidence supplied by the competent institution of the rights of the persons concerned. In the event of any dispute, the observations of the institutions involved shall be submitted to the Audit Board provided for in Article 101 (3) of the implementing Regulation.


The Administrative Commission shall lay down the methods and procedures for determining the calculation factors referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4.


Two or more Member States or the competent authorities of those Member States may, having received the opinion of the Administrative Commission, agree on other methods of assessing the amounts to be refunded.