Implementation of Articles 52 and 53 of the Regulation

Article 60Benefits in kind in the case of residence in a Member State other than the competent State


In order to receive benefits in kind under Article 52 (a) of the Regulation, an employed or self-employed person shall submit to the institution of the place of residence a certified statement testifying that he is entitled to such benefits in kind. This certified statement, based upon information supplied by the employer, where appropriate, shall be issued by the competent institution. Moreover, if the legislation of the competent State so provides, the employed or self-employed person shall submit to the institution of the place of residence a receipt from the competent institution of notification of an accident at work or of an occupational disease. If the person concerned does not submit such documents, the institution of the place of residence shall obtain them from the competent institution and, pending their arrival, it shall grant him the benefits in kind under sickness insurance, provided that he satisfies the conditions for entitlement thereto.


That certified statement shall remain valid until the institution of the place of residence receives notification of its cancellation. However, when the said certified statement has been issued by a French institution, it shall be valid only for a year following the date of its issue, and must be renewed every year.


If the person concerned is a seasonal worker, the certified statement referred to in paragraph 1 shall be valid for the whole of the expected duration of the seasonal work unless, in the meanwhile, the competent institution notifies the institution of the place of residence of its cancellation.


Upon each application for benefits in kind, the person concerned shall submit the supporting documents for the granting of benefits in kind under the legislation of the Member State in whose territory he resides.


In the event of hospitalization the institution of the place of residence shall, within three days of becoming aware of the fact, notify the competent institution of the date of entry into hospital, the probable duration of hospitalization and the date of leaving hospital.


The institution of the place of residence shall notify the competent institution in advance of any decision relating to the granting of benefits in kind where the likely or actual cost exceeds a lump sum which is fixed and periodically reviewed by the Administrative Commission.

The competent institution shall have 15 days from the day on which such information is sent within which to raise any objection and to state the reasons on which such objection is based; if, at the end of that period, no such objection has been raised, the institution of the place of residence shall grant the benefits in kind. Where such benefits in kind have to be granted in a case of extreme urgency, the institution of the place of residence shall forthwith inform the competent institution thereof.


The person concerned shall inform the institution of the place of residence of any change in his situation which is likely to alter his entitlement to benefits in kind, in particular any cessation or change of employment or self-employment or any transfer of residence or stay. Likewise, should the person concerned cease to be insured or cease to be entitled to benefits in kind, the competent institution shall inform the institution of the place of residence accordingly. The institution of the place of residence may, at any time, request the competent institution to supply it with any information relating to the insurance of the person concerned or to his entitlement to benefits in kind.


In the case of frontier workers, medicinal products, bandages, spectacles and small appliances may be issued, and laboratory analyses and tests carried out, only in the territory of the Member State in which they were prescribed in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of that Member State.


Two or more Member State or the competent authorities of these Member States may, having received the opinion of the Administrative Commission, agree on other implementing provisions.

Article 61Cash benefits other than pensions in the case of residence in a Member State other than the competent State


In order to receiver cash benefits other than pensions under Article 52 (b) of the Regulation, an employed or self-employed person shall, within three days of commencement of the incapacity for work, apply to the institution of the place of residence by submitting a notification of having ceased work or, if the legislation administered by the competent institution or by the institution of the place of residence so provides, a certificate of incapacity for work issued by the doctor providing treatment for the person concerned.


If the doctors providing treatment in the country of residence do not issue certificates of incapacity for work, the person concerned shall apply directly to the institution of the place of residencewithin the time limit fixed by the legislation which it administers.

The institution shall immediately have the incapacity for work medically confirmed and the certificate referred to in paragraph 1 drawn up. Such certificate shall state the probable duration of the incapacity and shall be forwarded to the competent institution forthwith.


In case where paragraph 2 does not apply, the institution of the place of residence shall, as soon as possible and in any event within the three days following the date on which the person concerned applied to it, have him medically examined as if he were insured with that institution. The report of the examining doctor shall indicate, in particular, the probable duration of the incapacity for work, and shall be forwarded to the competent institution of the place of residence within the three days following the date of the examination.


The institution of the place of residence shall subsequently carry out any necessary administrative checks or medical examinations of the person concerned as if he were insured with that institution. As soon as it establishes that he is fit to resume work it shall forthwith notify the person concerned and the competent institution accordingly stating the date on which the incapacity for work ceased. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 6, the notification to the person concerned shall be treated as a decision taken on behalf of the competent institution.


In all cases, the competent institution shall reserve the right to have the person concerned examined by a doctor of its own choice.


If the competent institution decides to withhold the cash benefits because the person concerned has not completed the formalities laid down by the legislation of the country of residence, or if it establishes that the person concerned is fit to resume work, it shall notify the person concerned of its decision and shall simultaneously send a copy of such decision to the institution of the place of residence.


When the person concerned resumes work, he shall notify the competent institution accordingly if such notification is required by the legislation administered by that institution.


The competent institution shall pay cash benefits by the appropriate method, in particular by international money order, and shall inform the institution of the place of residence and the person concerned accordingly. Where cash benefits are paid by the institution of the place of residence on behalf of the competent institution, the latter shall inform the person concerned of his rights and shall notify the institution of the place of residence of the amount of the cash benefits, the dates for payment and the maximum period during which they should be granted, in accordance with the legislation of the competent State.


Two or more Member States or the competent authorities of those Member States may, having received the opinion of the Administrative Commission, agree on other implementing provisions.