2.3.Article 3U.K.

2.3.3.Paragraph 3 — Sheets made up of piecesU.K.

The several pieces constituting one sheet may be made of different materials conforming to the provisions of Article 3 (2) of Annex 2.


Any arrangement of the pieces which adequately guarantees security will be allowed in making up the sheet, on condition that the pieces are assembled in conformity with the requirements of Article 3 of Annex 2.

2.3.6.(a)Subparagraph 6 (a) — Vehicles with sliding ringsU.K.

Metal securing rings sliding on metal bars fixed to the vehicles are acceptable for the purpose of this paragraph (see Sketch No 2 appended to this Annex) provided that:


the bars are affixed to the vehicles at maximum spacings of 60 cm and in such a manner that they cannot be removed and replaced without leaving obvious traces;


the rings are made with a double hoop or equipped with a central bar and made in one piece without the use of welding; and


the sheet is fixed to the vehicle in strict compliance with the conditions set forth in Article 1 (a) of Annex 2 to this Convention.

2.3.6.(b)Subparagraph 6 (b) — Permanently-secured sheetsU.K.

Where one or more edges of the sheet are permanently attached to the body of the vehicle, the sheet shall be held in place by one strip of metal or other suitable material secured to the body of the vehicle by joining devices meeting the requirements of subparagraph (a) of Explanatory Note 2.2.1 (a) of this Annex.

[F12.3.8. Paragraph 8 — Spaces between the rings and between the eyelets U.K.

Spaces exceeding 200 mm but not exceeding 300 mm are acceptable over the uprights if the rings are recessed in the side boards and the eyelets are oval and so small that they can just pass over the rings.]

2.3.9.Paragraph 9 — Textile-cored steel fastening ropesU.K.

For purposes of this paragraph, ropes comprising a textile core surrounded by six strands consisting solely of steel wire and completely covering the core will be allowed on condition that the ropes (without taking into account the transparent plastic sheath, if any) are not less than 3 mm in diameter.

2.3.11.(a)Subparagraph 11 (a) — Sheet-tensioning flapsU.K.

The sheets of many vehicles are provided on the outside with a horizontal flap pierced by eyelets running along the length of the side of the vehicle. Such flaps, known as tensioning flaps, are used to tauten the sheet by means of tensioning cords or similar devices. Such flaps have been used to conceal horizontal slits made in the sheets giving improper access to the goods carried in the vehicle. It is therefore recommended that the use of flaps of this type should not be allowed. The following devices may be used instead:


tensioning flaps of similar design fixed on the inside of the sheet; or


small individual flaps each pierced by one eyelet secured to the outside surface of the sheet and spaced at such distances as will permit an adequate tensioning of the sheet.

Alternatively, it may be possible in certain cases to avoid the use of tensioning flaps on sheets.