A.GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE HOLDING B.TYPE OF OCCUPATION D.NUMBER AND VALUE OF LIVESTOCK E.LIVESTOCK PURCHASES AND SALES F.COSTS G.LAND AND BUILDINGS, DEADSTOCK AND CIRCULATING CAPITAL H.DEBTS I.VALUE ADDED TAX (VAT) J.GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES K.PRODUCTION (excluding animals) (headings 120 to 375) L.QUOTAS AND OTHER RIGHTS N.DETAILS OF PURCHASES AND SALES OF LIVESTOCK I.GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS II.DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS IN RESPECT OF INDIVIDUAL ITEMS IN THE...A.GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE HOLDING 1.Holding number 2.Particulars concerning computer records 3.Organisational form of the holding 4.National sampling and weighting factors 5.Location of the holding 6.Category of holding 7.Dates of closure of accounts and creation of the information...8.Less-favoured area 9.Other particulars concerning the holding B.TYPE OF OCCUPANCY OF UAA 10.UAA in owner occupation 11.Rented UAA 12.UAA in sharecropping C.LABOUR A.Regular unpaid labour 13.Holder/manager 14.Holder/not manager 15.Manager/not holder 16.Spouse(s) of holder(s) 17.Other regular unpaid labour B. 18.Casual and seasonal unpaid labour C.Regular paid labour 19.Farm manager 20.Others D. 21.Casual and seasonal paid labour COLUMNS OF TABLE C Functions performed (code) (column 1, positions 51, 55, 59, 63 and...Number of persons (column 1, positions 71 and 74) Year of birth (column 2) Total work force: number of annual units (column 3) Time worked (column 4) Work on an agricultural holding D.NUMBER AND VALUE OF ANIMALS COLUMNS OF TABLE D Opening valuation (columns 1 and 2) Closing valuation (columns 3 and 4) Average number (column 5) E.LIVESTOCK PURCHASES AND SALES COLUMNS OF TABLE E Livestock purchases (column 1) Livestock sales (column 2) Farmhouse consumption and benefits in kind (column 3) F.COSTS 59.Wages and social security costs for paid labour 60.Contract work and machinery hire 61.Current upkeep of machinery and equipment 62.Motor fuels and lubricants 63.Car expenses Feedingstuffs Purchased feedingstuffs for: Farm-produced feedingstuffs used on farms for: 71.Other specific livestock costs 72.Seeds and seedlings purchased 73.Seeds and seedlings produced and used on the farm 74.Fertilisers and soil improvers 75.Crop protection products 76.Other specific crop costs (including permanent meadows and grassland) 77.Specific forestry costs 78.Current upkeep of land improvements and buildings 79.Electricity 80.Heating fuels 81.Water 82.Insurance 83.Farm taxes and other dues 84.Other farming overheads 85.Rent paid 86.. . . . . . . . . ....87.Insurance for farm buildings 88.Taxes and other charges on land and buildings 89.Interest and financial charges paid, total 90.Interest and financial charges paid on loans obtained for the...91.Of which: interest and financial charges paid on loans obtained...92.Interest and financial charges paid on loans obtained to finance...93.Total costs G.LAND AND BUILDINGS, DEADSTOCK AND CIRCULATING CAPITAL 94.Agricultural land, farm buildings and rights 95.Agricultural land 96.Permanent crops 97.Land improvements 98.Farm buildings 99.Acquisition costs, quotas and other rights 100.Forest land including standing timber 101.Machinery and equipment 102.Circulating capital 103.Total COLUMNS OF TABLE G Opening valuation (column 3) Investments (column 4) Investment subsidies (column 5) Sales (column 6) Depreciation (column 7) Depreciation of plantations Depreciation of farm buildings, fixed equipment and land improvements Depreciation of machinery and equipment Closing valuation (column 8) H.DEBTS 104.Long- and medium-term loans 105.Short-term loans and creditors 106.Total I.VALUE ADDED TAX (VAT) 107.VAT system Subdivision of the VAT system (Spain, France, Italy, Hungary and...Headings 108 to 111 108.VAT on sales 109.VAT on purchases 110.VAT on investments 111.VAT refunded by the tax authorities J.GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES 112.Grants and subsidies except those on costs and purchase of...113.Of which: details of the total in heading 112 1.. . . . . . . . . ....2.. . . . . . . . . ....3.Specific codes indicated in the following list: 114.Grants and subsidies on costs 115.. . . . . . . . . ....116.Grants and subsidies on the purchase of animals 117.. . . . . . . . . ....118.Total grants and subsidies K.PRODUCTION (excluding livestock) A.CROPS Cereals Other field crops Vegetables and non-perennial fruit Flowers and ornamental plants Seeds Fodder crops and fallow Permanent crops Other crops products B.ANIMAL PRODUCTS C.FORESTRY D.OTHER PRODUCTS COLUMNS OF TABLE K Products (column 1) Type of crop (column 2) A.. . . . . . . . . ....B.Market gardening and floricultural crops grown in the open C.Crops under shelter D.Crops on land set aside in conformity with Council Regulations...E.Energy crops Missing data (column 3) Area (column 4) Production for the accounting year (column 5) Opening valuation (column 6) Sales (column 7) Farmhouse consumption and benefits in kind (column 8) Closing valuation (column 9) Farm use (column 10) L.QUOTAS AND OTHER RIGHTS COLUMNS IN TABLE L Quotas or other rights (column 1) Type of data (column 2) (column 3) Unused Payments (column 4) Receipts (column 5) Opening valuation (column 6) Depreciation (column 7) Closing valuation (column 8) Quantity (column 9) Taxes, additional levy (column 10) M.DIRECT PAYMENTS BASED ON AREA OR ANIMAL PRODUCTION — under...COLUMNS IN TABLE M Product or product combination (column 1) (Columns 2 and 3) Unused Number of basic units for payments (column 4). Total aid (column 5) Reference amount (column 6) (Columns 7 to 10) Unused. N.DETAILS OF PURCHASES AND SALES OF LIVESTOCK COLUMNS OF TABLE N Category of livestock (column 1) Number of animals purchased (column 4) Livestock purchases (column 5) Number of animals sold (column 6) Livestock sales (column 7) 1.Device characteristics 2.Presentation of a file

Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2237/77

of 23 September 1977

amending Regulation No 118/66/EEC on the form of farm return to be used for the purpose of determining incomes of agricultural holdings (repealed)

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