CHAPTER IPrinciples and scopeCHAPTER IIType approvalCHAPTER IIIInstallation and inspectionCHAPTER IVUse of equipmentCHAPTER VFinal provisions
I.DEFINITIONS II.GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONS OF RECORDING EQUIPMENT III.CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING EQUIPMENT (a)General points 1.Recording equipment shall include the following: 1.1.Visual instruments showing: 1.2.Recording instruments comprising: 1.3.A means of marking showing on the record sheet individually:...2.Any inclusion in the equipment of devices additional to those...3.Materials 3.1.All the constituent parts of the recording equipment must be...3.2.Any modification in a constituent part of the equipment or...4.Measurement of distance travelled 5.Measurement of speed 5.1.The range of speed measurement shall be as stated in...5.2.The natural frequency and the damping of the measuring device...6.Measurement of time (clock) 6.1.The control of the mechanism for resetting the clock must...6.2.If the forward movement mechanism of the record sheet is...7.Lighting and Protection 7.1The visual instruments of the equipment must be provided with...7.2.For normal conditions of use, all the internal parts of...(b)Visual instruments 1.Distance travelled indicator (distance recorder) 1.1.The value of the smallest grading on the instrument showing...1.2.The figures on the distance recorder must be clearly legible...1.3.The distance recorder must be capable of reading up to...2.Speed indicators (speedometer) 2.1.Within the range of measurement, the speed scale must be...2.2.The range indicated beyond that measured need not be marked...2.3.The length of each space on the scale representing a...2.4.On an indicator with a needle, the distance between the...3.Time indicator (clock) (c)Recording instruments 1.General points 1.1.All equipment, whatever the form of the record sheet (strip...1.2.The mechanism moving the record sheet must be such as...1.3.For record sheets in disc form, the forward movement device...1.4.Recording of the distance travelled, of the speed of the...2.Recording distance travelled 2.1.Every kilometre of distance travelled must be represented on the...2.2.Even at speeds reaching the upper limit of the range...3.Recording speed 3.1.Whatever the form of the record sheet, the speed recording...3.2.Each variation in speed of 10 kilometres per hour must...4.Recording time 4.1.Recording equipment must be so constructed that the period of...4.2.It must be possible, from the characteristics of the traces,...4.3.In the case of vehicles with a crew consisting of...(d)Closing device 1.The case containing the record sheet or sheets and the...2.Each opening of the case containing the record sheet or...(e)Markings 1.The following markings must appear on the instrument face of...2.The descriptive plaque must be built into the equipment and...(f)Maximum tolerances (visual and recording instruments) 1.On the test bench before installation: 2.On installation: 3.In use: 4.The maximum tolerances set out in points 1, 2 and...5.Measurement of the maximum tolerances set out in points 2...IV.RECORD SHEETS (a)General points 1.The record sheets must be such that they do not...2.The minimum recording capacity of the sheets, whatever their form,...(b)Recording areas and their graduation 1.The record sheets shall include the following recording areas: 2.The area for recording speed must be scaled off in...3.The area for recording distance travelled must be set out...4.The area or areas reserved for recording the periods referred...(c)Information to be printed on the record sheets (d)Free space for hand written insertions V.INSTALLATION OF RECORDING EQUIPMENT 1.Recording equipment must be positioned in the vehicle in such...2.It must be possible to adapt the constant of the...3.After the equipment has been checked on installation, an installation...4.Sealing 5.The cables connecting the recording equipment to the transmitter must...VI.CHECKS AND INSPECTIONS 1.Certification of new or repaired instruments 2.Installation 3.Periodic inspections 4.Measurement of errors I.DEFINITIONS II.GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE RECORDING EQUIPMENT 1.General characteristics 2.Functions 3.Modes of operation 4.Security III.CONSTRUCTION AND FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING EQUIPMENT 1.Monitoring cards insertion and withdrawal 2.Speed and distance measurement 2.1.Measurement of distance travelled 2.2.Measurement of speed 3.Time measurement 4.Monitoring driver activities 5.Monitoring driving status 6.Drivers manual entries 6.1.Entry of places where daily work periods begin and/or end...6.2.Manual entry of driver activities 6.3.Entry of specific conditions 7.Company locks management 8.Monitoring control activities 9.Detection of events and/or faults 9.1.Insertion of a non-valid card ‘’ event 9.2.‘ Card conflict ’ event 9.3.‘ Time overlap ’ event 9.4.‘ Driving without an appropriate card ’ event 9.5.‘ Card insertion while driving ’ event 9.6.‘ Last card session not correctly closed ’ event 9.7.‘ Over speeding ’ event 9.8.‘ Power supply interruption ’ event 9.9.‘ Motion data error ’ event 9.9 bis.‘ Vehicle Motion Conflict ’ event 9.10.‘ Security breach attempt ’ event 9.11.‘ Card ’ fault 9.12.‘ Recording equipment ’ fault 10.Built-in and self tests 11.Reading from data memory 12.Recording and storing in the data memory 12.1.Equipment identification data 12.1.1.Vehicle unit identification data 12.1.2.Motion sensor identification data 12.2.Security elements 12.3.Driver card insertion and withdrawal data 12.4.Driver activity data 12.5.Places where daily work periods start and/or end 12.6.Odometer data 12.7.Detailed speed data 12.8.Events data 12.9.Faults data 12.10.Calibration data 12.11.Time adjustment data 12.12.Control activity data 12.13.Company locks data 12.14.Download activity data 12.15.Specific conditions data 13.Reading from tachograph cards 14.Recording and storing on tachograph cards 15.Displaying 15.1.Default display 15.2.Warning display 15.3.Menu access 15.4.Other displays 16.Printing 17.Warnings 18.Data downloading to external media 19.Output data to additional external devices 20.Calibration 21.Time adjustment 22.Performance characteristics 23.Materials 24.Markings IV.CONSTRUCTION AND FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TACHOGRAPH CARDS 1.Visible data 2.Security 3.Standards 4.Environmental and electrical specifications 5.Data storage 5.1.Card identification and security data 5.1.1.Application identification 5.1.2.Chip identification 5.1.3.IC card identification 5.1.4.Security elements 5.2.Driver card 5.2.1.Card identification 5.2.2.Card holder identification 5.2.3.Driving licence information 5.2.4.Vehicles used data 5.2.5.Driver activity data 5.2.6.Places where daily work periods start and/or end 5.2.7.Events data 5.2.8.Faults data 5.2.9.Control activity data 5.2.10.Card session data 5.2.11.Specific conditions data 5.3.Workshop card 5.3.1.Security elements 5.3.2.Card identification 5.3.3.Card holder identification 5.3.4.Vehicles used data 5.3.5.Driver activity data 5.3.6.Daily work periods start and/or end data 5.3.7.Events and faults data 5.3.8.Control activity data 5.3.9.Calibration and time adjustment data 5.3.10.Specific conditions data 5.4.Control card 5.4.1.Card identification 5.4.2.Card holder identification 5.4.3.Control activity data 5.5.Company card 5.5.1.Card identification 5.5.2.Card holder identification 5.5.3.Company activity data V.INSTALLATION OF RECORDING EQUIPMENT 1.Installation 2.Installation plaque 3.Sealing VI.CHECKS, INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS 1.Approval of fitters or workshops 2.Check of new or repaired instruments 3.Installation inspection 4.Periodic inspections 5.Measurement of errors 6.Repairs VII.CARD ISSUING VIII.TYPE APPROVAL OF RECORDING EQUIPMENT AND TACHOGRAPH CARDS 1.General points 2.Security certificate 3.Functional certificate 4.Interoperability certificate 5.Type approval certificate 6.Exceptional procedure: first interoperability certificates 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1.Approach for definitions of data types 1.2.References 2.DATA TYPE DEFINITIONS 2.1.ActivityChangeInfo Note for the case ‘ card withdrawal ’ : 2.2.Address 2.3.BCDString 2.4.CalibrationPurpose 2.5.CardActivityDailyRecord 2.6.CardActivityLengthRange 2.7.CardApprovalNumber 2.8.CardCertificate 2.9.CardChipIdentification 2.10.CardConsecutiveIndex 2.11.CardControlActivityDataRecord 2.12.CardCurrentUse 2.13.CardDriverActivity 2.14.CardDrivingLicenceInformation 2.15.CardEventData 2.16.CardEventRecord 2.17.CardFaultData 2.18.CardFaultRecord 2.19.CardIccIdentification 2.20.CardIdentification 2.21.CardNumber 2.22.CardPlaceDailyWorkPeriod 2.23.CardPrivateKey 2.24.CardPublicKey 2.25.CardRenewalIndex 2.26.CardReplacementIndex 2.27.CardSlotNumber 2.28.CardSlotsStatus 2.29.CardStructureVersion 2.30.CardVehicleRecord 2.31.CardVehiclesUsed 2.32.Certificate 2.33.CertificateContent 2.34.CertificateHolderAuthorisation 2.35.CertificateRequestID 2.36.CertificationAuthorityKID 2.37.CompanyActivityData 2.38.CompanyActivityType 2.39.CompanyCardApplicationIdentification 2.40.CompanyCardHolderIdentification 2.41.ControlCardApplicationIdentification 2.42.ControlCardControlActivityData 2.43.ControlCardHolderIdentification 2.44.ControlType 2.45.CurrentDateTime 2.46.DailyPresenceCounter 2.47.Datef 2.48.Distance 2.49.DriverCardApplicationIdentification 2.50.DriverCardHolderIdentification 2.51.EntryTypeDailyWorkPeriod 2.52.EquipmentType 2.53.EuropeanPublicKey 2.54.EventFaultType 2.55.EventFaultRecordPurpose 2.56.ExtendedSerialNumber 2.57.FullCardNumber 2.58.HighResOdometer 2.59.HighResTripDistance 2.60.HolderName 2.61.K-ConstantOfRecordingEquipment 2.62.KeyIdentifier 2.63.L-TyreCircumference 2.64.Language 2.65.LastCardDownload 2.66.ManualInputFlag 2.67.ManufacturerCode 2.68.MemberStateCertificate 2.69.MemberStatePublicKey 2.70.Name 2.71.NationAlpha 2.72.NationNumeric 2.73.NoOfCalibrationRecords 2.74.NoOfCalibrationsSinceDownload 2.75.NoOfCardPlaceRecords 2.76.NoOfCardVehicleRecords 2.77.NoOfCompanyActivityRecords 2.78.NoOfControlActivityRecords 2.79.NoOfEventsPerType 2.80.NoOfFaultsPerType 2.81.OdometerValueMidnight 2.82.OdometerShort 2.83.OverspeedNumber 2.84.PlaceRecord 2.85.PreviousVehicleInfo 2.86.PublicKey 2.87.RegionAlpha 2.88.RegionNumeric 2.89.RSAKeyModulus 2.90.RSAKeyPrivateExponent 2.91.RSAKeyPublicExponent 2.92.SensorApprovalNumber 2.93.SensorIdentification 2.94.SensorInstallation 2.95.SensorInstallationSecData 2.96.SensorOSIdentifier 2.97.SensorPaired 2.98.SensorPairingDate 2.99.SensorSerialNumber 2.100.SensorSCIdentifier 2.101.Signature 2.102.SimilarEventsNumber 2.103.SpecificConditionType 2.104.SpecificConditionRecord 2.105.Speed 2.106.SpeedAuthorised 2.107.SpeedAverage 2.108.SpeedMax 2.109.TDesSessionKey 2.110.TimeReal 2.111.TyreSize 2.112.VehicleIdentificationNumber 2.113.VehicleRegistrationIdentification 2.114.VehicleRegistrationNumber 2.115.VuActivityDailyData 2.116.VuApprovalNumber 2.117.VuCalibrationData 2.118.VuCalibrationRecord 2.119.VuCardIWData 2.120.VuCardIWRecord 2.121.VuCertificate 2.122.VuCompanyLocksData 2.123.VuCompanyLocksRecord 2.124.VuControlActivityData 2.125.VuControlActivityRecord 2.126.VuDataBlockCounter 2.127.VuDetailedSpeedBlock 2.128.VuDetailedSpeedData 2.129.VuDownloadablePeriod 2.130.VuDownloadActivityData 2.131.VuEventData 2.132.VuEventRecord 2.133.VuFaultData 2.134.VuFaultRecord 2.135.VuIdentification 2.136.VuManufacturerAddress 2.137.VuManufacturerName 2.138.VuManufacturingDate 2.139.VuOverSpeedingControlData 2.140.VuOverSpeedingEventData 2.141.VuOverSpeedingEventRecord 2.142.VuPartNumber 2.143.VuPlaceDailyWorkPeriodData 2.144.VuPlaceDailyWorkPeriodRecord 2.145.VuPrivateKey 2.146.VuPublicKey 2.147.VuSerialNumber 2.148.VuSoftInstallationDate 2.149.VuSoftwareIdentification 2.150.VuSoftwareVersion 2.151.VuSpecificConditionData 2.152.VuTimeAdjustmentData 2.153.VuTimeAdjustmentRecord 2.154.W-VehicleCharacteristicConstant 2.155.WorkshopCardApplicationIdentification 2.156.WorkshopCardCalibrationData 2.157.WorkshopCardCalibrationRecord 2.158.WorkshopCardHolderIdentification 2.159.WorkshopCardPIN 3.VALUE AND SIZE RANGE DEFINITIONS 3.1.Definitions for the Driver Card: 3.2.Definitions for the Workshop Card: 3.3.Definitions for the Control Card: 3.4.Definitions for the Company Card: 4.CHARACTER SETS 5.ENCODING 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1.Abbreviations 1.2.References 2.ELECTRICAL AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2.1.Supply voltage and current consumption 2.2.Programming voltage V pp 2.3.Clock generation and frequency 2.4.I/O contact 2.5.States of the card 3.HARDWARE AND COMMUNICATION 3.1.Introduction 3.2.Transmission protocol 3.2.1.Protocols 3.2.2.ATR 3.2.3.PTS 3.3.Access conditions (AC) 3.4.Data encryption 3.5.Commands and error codes overview 3.6.Commands description 3.6.1.Select file by name (AID) of an elementary file using its file identifier 3.6.2.Read Binary without secure messaging with secure messaging 3.6.3.Update Binary without secure messaging with secure messaging 3.6.4.Get challenge 3.6.5.Verify 3.6.6.Get response 3.6.7.PSO: verify certificate 3.6.8.Internal authenticate 3.6.9.External authenticate 3.6.10.Manage security environment 3.6.11.PSO: hash 3.6.12.Perform hash of file 3.6.13.PSO: compute digital signature 3.6.14.PSO: verify digital signature 4.TACHOGRAPH CARDS STRUCTURE 4.1.Driver card structure 4.2.Workshop card structure 4.3.Control card structure 4.4.Company card structure 1.GENERALITIES 2.DATA BLOCKS SPECIFICATION 3.PRINTOUT SPECIFICATIONS 3.1.Driver Activities from Card Daily Printout 3.2.Driver Activities from daily VU printout 3.3.Events and faults from card printout 3.4.Events and faults from VU printout 3.5.Technical data printout 3.6.Over speeding printout 1.HARDWARE 1.1.Connector 1.2.Contact allocation 1.3.Block diagram 2.DOWNLOADING INTERFACE 3.CALIBRATION INTERFACE 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1.Scope 1.2.Acronyms and notations 2.VU DATA DOWNLOADING 2.1.Download procedure 2.2.Data download protocol 2.2.1.Message structure 2.2.2.Message types communication request (SID 81) response start communication (SID C1) diagnostic session request (SID 10) response start diagnostic (SID 50) control service (SID 87) control positive response (SID C7) upload (SID 35) response request upload (SID 75) data request (SID 36) response transfer data (SID 76) transfer exit (SID 37) response request transfer exit (SID 77) communication request (SID 82) response stop communication (SID C2) submessage (SID 83) Response (SID 7F) 2.2.3.Message flow 2.2.4.Timing 2.2.5.Error handling communication phase phase 2.2.6.Response message content response transfer data overview response transfer data activities response transfer data events and faults response transfer data detailed speed response transfer data technical data 2.3.ESM File storage 3.TACHOGRAPH CARDS DOWNLOADING PROTOCOL 3.1.Scope 3.2.Definitions 3.3.Card downloading 3.3.1.Initialisation sequence 3.3.2.Sequence for unsigned data files 3.3.3.Sequence for signed data files 3.3.4.Sequence for resetting the calibration counter 3.4.Data storage format 3.4.1.Introduction 3.4.2.File format 4.DOWNLOADING A TACHOGRAPH CARD VIA A VEHICLE UNIT 1.INTRODUCTION 2.TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND REFERENCES 3.OVERVIEW OF SERVICES 3.1.Services available 3.2.Response codes 4.COMMUNICATION SERVICES 4.1.StartCommunication Service 4.2.StopCommunication service 4.2.1.Message description 4.2.2.Message format 4.2.3.Parameter definition 4.3.TesterPresent service 4.3.1.Message description 4.3.2.Message format 5.MANAGEMENT SERVICES 5.1.StartDiagnosticSession service 5.1.1.Message description 5.1.2.Message format 5.1.3.Parameter definition 5.2.SecurityAccess service 5.2.1.Message description 5.2.2.Message format — SecurityAccess — requestSeed 5.2.3.Message format — SecurityAccess — sendKey 6.DATA TRANSMISSION SERVICES 6.1.ReadDataByIdentifier service 6.1.1.Message description 6.1.2.Message format 6.1.3.Parameter definition 6.2.WriteDataByIdentifier service 6.2.1.Message description 6.2.2.Message format 6.2.3.Parameter definition 7.CONTROL OF TEST PULSES — INPUT/OUTPUT CONTROL FUNCTIONAL UNIT 7.1.Message description 7.1.1.Message description 7.1.2.Message format 7.1.3.Parameter definition 8.DATARECORDS FORMATS 8.1.Transmitted parameter ranges 8.2.dataRecords formats 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1.Type approval 1.2.References 2.VEHICLE UNIT FUNCTIONAL TESTS 3.MOTION SENSOR FUNCTIONAL TESTS 4.TACHOGRAPH CARDS FUNCTIONAL TESTS 5.INTEROPERABILITY TESTS MOTION SENSOR GENERIC SECURITY TARGET 1.Introduction 2.Abbreviations, definitions and references 2.1.Abbreviations 2.2.Definitions 2.3.References 3.Product rationale 3.1.Motion sensor description and method of use 3.2.Motion sensor life cycle 3.3.Threats 3.3.1.Threats to access control policies 3.3.2.Design related threats 3.3.3.Operation oriented threats 3.4.Security objectives 3.5.Information technology security objectives 3.6.Physical, personnel or procedural means 3.6.1.Equipment design 3.6.2.Equipment delivery 3.6.3.Security data generation and delivery 3.6.4.Recording equipment installation, calibration, and inspection 3.6.5.Law enforcement control 3.6.6.Software upgrades 4.Security enforcing functions 4.1.Identification and authentication 4.2.Access control 4.2.1.Access control policy 4.2.2.Data access rights 4.2.3.File structure and access conditions 4.3.Accountability 4.4.Audit 4.5.Accuracy 4.5.1.Information flow control policy 4.5.2.Internal data transfers 4.5.3.Stored data integrity 4.6.Reliability of service 4.6.1Tests 4.6.2.Software 4.6.3.Physical protection 4.6.4.Power supply interruptions 4.6.5.Reset conditions 4.6.6.Data availability 4.6.7.Multiple applications 4.7.Data exchange 4.8.Cryptographic support 5.Definition of security mechanisms 6.Minimum strength of security mechanisms 7.Level of assurance 8.Rationale VEHICLE UNIT GENERIC SECURITY TARGET 1.Introduction 2.Abbreviations, definitions and references 2.1.Abbreviations 2.2.Definitions 2.3.References 3.Product rationale 3.1.Vehicle unit description and method of use 3.2.Vehicle unit life cycle 3.3.Threats 3.3.1.Threats to identification and access control policies 3.3.2.Design related threats 3.3.3.Operation oriented threats 3.4.Security objectives 3.5.Information technology security objectives 3.6.Physical, personnel or procedural means 3.6.1.Equipment design 3.6.2.Equipment delivery and activation 3.6.3.Security data generation and delivery 3.6.4.Cards delivery 3.6.5.Recording equipment installation, calibration, and inspection 3.6.6.Equipment operation 3.6.7.Law enforcement control 3.6.8.Software upgrades 4.Security enforcing functions 4.1.Identification and authentication 4.1.1.Motion sensor identification and authentication 4.1.2.User identification and authentication 4.1.3.Remotely connected company identification and authentication 4.1.4.Management device identification and authentication 4.2.Access control 4.2.1.Access control policy 4.2.2.Access rights to functions 4.2.3.Access rights to data 4.2.4.File structure and access conditions 4.3.Accountability 4.4.Audit 4.5.Object re-use 4.6.Accuracy 4.6.1.Information flow control policy 4.6.2.Internal data transfers 4.6.3.Stored data integrity 4.7.Reliability of service 4.7.1.Tests 4.7.2.Software 4.7.3.Physical protection 4.7.4.Power supply interruptions 4.7.5.Reset conditions 4.7.6.Data availability 4.7.7.Multiple applications 4.8.Data exchange 4.8.1.Data exchange with motion sensor 4.8.2.Data exchange with tachograph cards 4.8.3.Data exchange with external storage media (downloading function) 4.9.Cryptographic support 5.Definition of security mechanisms 6.Minimum strength of security mechanisms 7.Level of assurance 8.Rationale TACHOGRAPH CARD GENERIC SECURITY TARGET 1.Introduction 2.Abbreviations, definitions and references 2.1.Abbreviations 2.2.Definitions 2.3.References 3.Product Rationale 3.1.Tachograph card description and method of use 3.2.Tachograph card life cycle 3.3.Threats 3.3.1.Final aims 3.3.2.Attack paths 3.4.Security Objectives 3.5.Information technology security objectives 3.6.Physical, personnel or procedural means 4.Security enforcing functions 4.1.Compliance to protection profiles 4.2.User identification and authentication 4.2.1.User identification 4.2.2.User authentication 4.2.3.Authentication failures 4.3.Access control 4.3.1.Access control policy 4.3.2.Access control functions 4.4.Accountability 4.5.Audit 4.6.Accuracy 4.6.1.Stored data integrity 4.6.2.Basic data authentication 4.7.Reliability of service 4.7.1.Tests 4.7.2.Software 4.7.3.Power supply 4.7.4.Reset conditions 4.8.Data exchange 4.8.1.Data exchange with a vehicle unit 4.8.2.Export of data to a non-vehicle unit (download function) 4.9.Cryptographic support 5.Definition of security mechanisms 6.Claimed minimum strength of mechanisms 7.Level of Assurance 8.Rationale 1.GENERALITIES 1.1.References 1.2.Notations and abbreviated terms 2.CRYPTOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS AND ALGORITHMS 2.1.Cryptographic systems 2.2.Cryptographic algorithms 2.2.1.RSA algorithm 2.2.2.Hash algorithm 2.2.3.Data encryption algorithm 3.KEYS AND CERTIFICATES 3.1.Keys generation and distribution 3.1.1.RSA keys generation and distribution 3.1.2.RSA test keys 3.1.3.Motion sensor keys 3.1.4.T-DES session keys generation and distribution 3.2.Keys 3.3.Certificates 3.3.1.Certificates content Notes: 1.The ‘ Certificate Profile Identifier ’ (CPI) delineates the exact...2.The ‘ Certification Authority Reference ’ (CAR) has the purpose...3.The ‘ Certificate Holder Authorisation ’ ((CHA) is used to...4.‘ Certificate Holder Reference ’ (CHR) has the purpose of...5.Key Identifiers uniquely identify certificate holder or certification authorities. They...6.Certificate verifiers shall implicitly know that the public key certified...3.3.2.Certificates issued Notes: 1.This certificate is 194 bytes long. 2.CAR, being hidden by the signature, is also appended to...3.The certificate verifier shall implicitly know the algorithm used by...4.The headerlist associated with this issued certificate is as follows:...3.3.3.Certificate verification and unwrapping 4.MUTUAL AUTHENTICATION MECHANISM 5.VU-CARDS DATA TRANSFER CONFIDENTIALITY, INTEGRITY AND AUTHENTICATION MECHANISMS 5.1.Secure messaging 5.2.Treatment of secure messaging errors 5.3.Algorithm to compute cryptographic checksums 5.4.Algorithm to compute cryptograms for confidentiality DOs 6.DATA DOWNLOAD DIGITAL SIGNATURE MECHANISMS 6.1.Signature generation 6.2.Signature verification 1.ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 1.1.Abbreviations 1.2.Reference standards 2.GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE ADAPTOR 2.1.Adaptor general description 2.2.Functions 2.3.Security 3.REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RECORDING EQUIPMENT WHEN AN ADAPTOR IS INSTALLED...4.CONSTRUCTION AND FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ADAPTOR 4.1.Interfacing and adapting incoming speed pulses 4.2.Inducing the incoming pulses to the embedded motion sensor 4.3.Embedded motion sensor 4.4.Security requirements 4.5.Performance characteristics 4.6.Materials 4.7.Markings 5.INSTALLATION OF THE RECORDING EQUIPMENT WHEN AN ADAPTOR IS USED...5.1.Installation 5.2.Sealing 6.CHECKS, INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS 6.1.Periodic inspections 7.TYPE APPROVAL OF RECORDING EQUIPMENT WHEN AN ADAPTOR IS USED...7.1.General points 7.2.Functional certificate I.APPROVAL MARK 1.The approval mark shall be made up of: 2.The approval mark shall be shown on the descriptive plaque...3.The dimensions of the approval mark drawn below are expressed...II.APPROVAL CERTIFICATE FOR PRODUCTS COMPLIANT WITH ANNEX I III.APPROVAL CERTIFICATE FOR PRODUCTS COMPLIANT WITH ANNEX I B

Council Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85

of 20 December 1985

on recording equipment in road transport


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 75 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission1,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament2,

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee3,

Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 1463/704 as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2828/775 introduced recording equipment in road transport;

Whereas, taking into account the amendments set out hereinafter, in order to clarify matters, all the relevant provisions should be brought together in a single text, and in consequence thereof, Regulation (EEC) No 1463/70 of the Council should be repealed; whereas, however, the exemptions set out in Article 3 (1) for certain passenger services should be maintained in force for a certain time;

Whereas the use of recording equipment that may indicate the periods of time referred to in Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport6 is intended to ensure effective checking on that social legislation;

Whereas the obligation to use such recording equipment can be imposed only for vehicles registered in Member States; whereas furthermore certain of such vehicles may, without giving rise to difficulty, be excluded from the scope of this Regulation;

Whereas the Member States should be entitled, with the Commission's authorization, to grant certain vehicles exemptions from the provisions of the Regulation in exceptional circumstances; whereas, in urgent cases, it should be possible to grant these exemptions for a limited time without prior authorization from the Commission;

Whereas, in order to ensure effective checking, the equipment must be reliable in operation, easy to use and designed in such a way as to minimize any possibility of fraudulent use; whereas to this end recording equipment should in particular be capable of providing, on separate sheets for each driver and in a sufficiently precise and easily readable form, recorded details of the various periods of time;

Whereas automatic recording of other details of a vehicle's journey, such as speed and distance covered, will contribute significantly to road safety and will encourage sensible driving of the vehicle; whereas, consequently, it appears appropriate to provide for the equipment also to record those details;

Whereas it is necessary to set Community construction and installation standards for recording equipment and to provide for an EEC approval procedure, in order to avoid throughout the territory of the Member States any impediment to the registration of vehicles fitted with such recording equipment, to their entry into service or use, or to such equipment being used;

Whereas, in the event of differences of opinion between Member States concerning cases of EEC type approval, the Commission should be empowered to take a decision on a dispute within six months if the States concerned have been unable to reach a settlement;

Whereas it would be helpful in implementing this Regulation and preventing abuses to issue drivers who so request with a copy of their record sheets;

Whereas, in order to achieve the aims hereinbefore mentioned of keeping a check on work and rest periods, it is necessary that employers and drivers be responsible for seeing that the equipment functions correctly and that they perform with due care the operations prescribed;

Whereas the provisions governing the number of record sheets that a driver must keep with him must be amended following the replacement of the flexible week by a fixed week;

Whereas technical progress necessitates rapid adaptation of the technical specifications set out in the Annexes to this Regulation; whereas, in order to facilitate the implementation of the measures necessary for this purpose, provision should be made for a procedure establishing close cooperation between the Member States and the Commission within an Advisory Committee;

Whereas Member States should exchange the available information on breaches established;

Whereas, in order to ensure that recording equipment functions reliably and correctly, it is advisable to lay down uniform requirements for the periodic checks and inspections to which the equipment is to be subject after installation,