Article 1

There is hereby introduced for use in connection with export refunds an agricultural product nomenclature, hereinafter referred to as the ‘refund nomenclature’, based on the combined nomenclature.

The refund nomenclature shall be as shown in the Annex hereto.

It shall include additional subdivisions to those of the combined nomenclature as required for the description of goods on which export refunds are granted, and code numbers as specified in Article 2.

Article 2

1.Each subheading of the refund nomenclature shall be provided with a numeric code of eleven consecutive digits as follows:

(a)the first eight digits shall be those of the numeric code for the relevant combined nomenclature subheading;

(b)the ninth, 10th and 11th digits shall identify the refund nomenclature subheading. If a combined nomenclature subheading is not further subdivided in the refund nomenclature the last three figures shall be ‘000’;

2.In the case of tobacco a 12th figure shall be added to the product code when the refund amounts are published, for the purpose of identifying the crop year.

Article 3

The refund nomenclature shall be used by the Commission and the Member States for the application of Community measures relating to export refunds on agricultural products, and the numeric codes shall be entered on the documents provided for this purpose.

Member States may combine the refund nomenclature with other nomenclatures.

The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of European Communities the full version of the refund nomenclature, as it follows from the regulatory provisions on export arrangements for agricultural products, that is to be used from 1 January each year.

Article 4

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1988.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 17 December 1987.

For the Commission

Frans Andriessen
