Description of the goodsClassification CN codeReasons

1.Electromechanical food processor with a total weight of 9 kg, a power input of 1 kW and a 3,5 capacity bowl

8438 80 99

Classification is determined by the provisions of general rule 1 and the texts of CN codes 8438 and 8438 80 99.

Due to its power and capacity this machine is not of a kind normally used in the household and does not comply with the text of CN code 8509.

2.Electronic system for printing from digital data

8472 90 90

Classification is determined by the provisions of general rule 1 and the texts of CN codes 8472 and 8472 90 90.

A laser beam discharges selectively a precharged electro-sensitive surface corresponding to the required image. Negatively charged particles of dry ink are then applied to the photoreceptor where they adhere to the positive area to form the desired image. This image is then transferred onto a positively charged sheet of paper, and subsequently fixed by heat. Heading 9009 does not apply as the print is produced directly from digital data and not by means of an original document.