Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2568/91Show full title

Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2568/91 of 11 July 1991 on the characteristics of olive oil and olive-residue oil and on the relevant methods of analysis

[F11.2. Immediate packaging exceeding 5 litres U.K.

Primary Sample for immediate packaging exceeding 5 litres shall mean a representative part of the total increments, obtained by a process of reduction and in agreement with Table 2. The primary sample must be composed of various examples.

Example of a primary sample shall mean each of the packages making up the primary sample.

Table 2

Minimum number of increments to be selected

Number of packages in the lot Minimum number of increments to be selected
Up to 10 1
From … 11 to 150 2
From … 151 to 500 3
From … 501 to 1 500 4
From … 1 501 to 2 500 5
> 2 500 per 1 000 packages 1 extra increment

In order to reduce the volume of the sampling immediate packs, the content of the sampling increments is homogenised for the preparation of the primary sample. The portions of the different increments are poured into a common container for homogenisation by stirring, so that it will be best protected from air.

The content of the primary sample must be poured into a series of packages of the minimum capacity of 1,0 liter, each one of which constitutes an example of the primary sample.

The number of primary samples can be increased by each Member State, according to their own necessity (for example organoleptic assessment by a different laboratory from the one that performed the chemical analyses, counter-analysis, etc).

Each package must be filled in a way to minimise the air layer on top and then suitably closed and sealed to ensure the product is tamper-proof.

These examples must be labeled to ensure correct identification.]