4.1.Potassium hydroxide, [X1approximately 2 mol/L ethanolic solution.] Dissolve 130 g of potassium hydroxide [X1(minimum concentration 85 %)] with cooling in 200 ml of distilled water and then make up to one litre with ethanol. Keep the solution in well-stoppered dark glass bottles.U.K.
4.2. [X1Diethyl ether], analytical purity.U.K.
4.3.Anhydrous sodium sulphate, analytical purity.U.K.
4.4.Glass plates coated with silica gel, without fluorescence indicator, thickness 0,25 mm (commercially available ready for use).U.K.
4.5.Potassium hydroxide, [X10,2 mol/L] ethanolic solution. Dissolve 13 g of potassium hydroxide in 20 ml of distilled water and make up to one litre with ethanol.U.K.
4.6.Benzene, for chromatography. (See 5.2.2)U.K.
4.7.Acetone, for chromatography. (See 5.2.2)U.K.
4.8.Hexane, for chromatography. (See 5.2.2)U.K.
4.9. [X1Diethyl ether], for chromatography. (See 5.2.2)U.K.
4.10.Chloroform, analytical purity. (See 5.2.2)U.K.
4.11.Reference solution for thin-layer chromatography: cholesterol or phytosterols, [F12 %] solution in chloroform.U.K.
4.12.2,7-dichlorofluorescein, 0,2 % ethanolic solution. Make slightly basic by adding a few drops of [X12 mol/L] alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution.U.K.
4.13.Anhydrous pyridine, for chromatography.U.K.
4.14.Hexamethyl disilazane.U.K.
4.16.Reference solutions of sterol trimethylsilyl ethers. To be prepared at the time of use from pure sterols or mixtures of sterols obtained from oils containing them.U.K.
4.17. [X1β-cholestanol], 0,2 % solution (m/V) in chloroform (internal standard).U.K.
4.18.Carrier gas: hydrogen or helium, gas-chromatographic purity.U.K.
4.19.Auxiliary gases:U.K.
hydrogen, gas-chromatographic purity,
air, gas-chromatographic purity.