5.1.Preparation of the unsaponifiables.U.K.

5.1.1.Using the 500 μl microsyringe [X1introduce, into a 250 ml flask a volume of 0,2 % β-cholestanol solution in chloroform (4.17) containing an amount of cholestanol corresponding to approximately 10 % of the sterol content of the sample aliquot to be taken for the determination.] For example, for 5 g of sample add 500 μl of the 0,2 % α-cholestanol solution in the case of an olive oil and 1 500 μl for[F1 seed oils or] olive-pomaca oil.U.K.

Evaporate to [X1dryness in a current] of nitrogen and then weigh accurately 5 g of the dry filtered sample into the same flask.

[F2Oils] containing appreciable quantities of cholesterol may show a peak having a retention time identical to cholestanol. If this occurs the sterol fraction will have to be analyzed in duplicate with and without internal standard[F3or betulinol will have to be used instead of cholestanol].

5.1.2.Add 50 ml of [X12 mol/L] ethanolic potassium hydroxide solution, fit the reflux condenser and heat to gentle boiling on a water bath with continuous vigorous stirring until saponification takes place (the solution becomes clear). Continue heating for a further 20 minutes, then add 50 ml of [X1distilled water to the] top of the condenser, detach the condenser and cool the flask to approximately 30 °C.U.K.
5.1.3.Transfer the contents of the flask quantitatively into a 500 ml separating funnel using several rinses of distilled water, amounting in all to about 50 ml. Add approximately 80 ml of [X1diethyl ether], shake vigorously for approximately 30 seconds and allow to settle (Note 1).U.K.

Separate off the lower aqueous phase collecting it in a second separating funnel. Perform two further extractions on the aqueous phase in the same way using 60 to 70 ml of ethyl ether on each occasion.

Note 1.U.K.

Any emulsion can be destroyed by adding small quantities of ethyl or methyl alcohol by means of a spray.U.K.

5.1.4.Pool the ether extracts into a single separating funnel and wash with distilled water (50 ml at a time) until the wash water gives a neutral reaction.U.K.

When the wash water has been removed, dry with anhydrous sodium sulphate and [X1filter through anhydrous] sodium sulphate into a previously weighed 250 ml flask, washing the funnel and filter with small quantities of [X1diethyl ether.]

5.1.5.Distil the ether down to a few ml, then bring to dryness under a slight vacuum or in a current of nitrogen, completing drying in a stove at 100 °C for approximately a quarter of an hour, and then weigh after cooling in a desiccator.U.K.

5.2.Separation of the sterol fraction.U.K.

5.2.1.Preparation of the basic plates. Immerse the silica gel plates (4.4) completely in the [X10,2 mol/L] ethanolic potassium hydroxide solution (4.5) for 10 seconds, then allow to dry in a fume cupboard for two hours and finally place [X1in an oven at] 100 °C for one hour.U.K.

Remove from the stove and keep in a calcium chloride desiccator until required for use (plates treated in this way must be used within 15 days).

Note 2.U.K.

When basic silica gel plates are used to separate the sterol fraction there is no need to treat the unsaponifiables with alumina. In this way all compounds of an acid nature (fatty acids and others) are retained on the spotting line and the sterols band is clearly separated from the aliphatic and triterpene alcohols band.U.K.

5.2.2.Place a 95:5 (v/v) benzene/acetone [X1mixture into the] plate-developing chamber to a depth of approximately 1 cm. As an alternative a 65:35 (v/v) hexane/ethyl ether mixture may be used. Close the chamber with the appropriate cover and leave thus for approximately half an hour so that liquid-vapour equilibrium is established. Strips of filter paper dipping into the eluent may be placed on the internal surfaces of the chamber. This reduces developing time by approximately one-third and brings about more uniform and regular elution of the components.U.K.
Note 3.U.K.

The developing mixture should be replaced for every test in order to achieve perfectly reproducible elution conditions.U.K.

5.2.3.Prepare an approximately 5 % solution of the unsaponifiables (5.1.5) in chloroform and, using the 100 μl microsyringe, streak a chromatographic plate [X1(5.2.1) with 300 μl] approximately 2 cm from one end in a streak which is as thin and as uniform as possible. In line with the streak place 2 to 3 μl of the sterol reference solution (4.11) at one end of the plate so that the sterol band can be identified after developing.U.K.
5.2.4.Place the plate in the developing chamber prepared as specified in 5.2.2. The ambient temperature should be maintained between 15 and 20 °C. Immediately close the chamber with the cover and allow to elute until the solvent front reaches approximately 1 cm from the upper edge of the plate. Remove the plate from the developing chamber and evaporate the solvent in a flow of hot air or by leaving the plate for a short while under a hood.U.K.
5.2.5.Spray the plate lightly and uniformly with the 2,7-dichlorofluoroscein solution. When the plate is observed under ultraviolet light the sterol band can be identified through being aligned with the stain obtained from the reference solution. Mark the limits of the band along the edges of the fluorescence with a black pencil.U.K.
5.2.6.Using a metal spatula scrape off the silica gel in the marked area. Place the finely comminuted material removed into the filter funnel (3.7). Add 10 ml of hot chloroform, mix carefully with the metal spatula and filter under vacuum, collecting the filtrate in the conical flask (3.8) attached to the filter funnel.U.K.

Wash the residue [X1in the funnel three times with diethyl ether] (approximately 10 ml each time) collecting the filtrate in the same flask attached to the funnel. Evaporate the filtrate to a volume of 4 to 5 ml, transfer the residual solution to the previously weighed 10 ml test tube (3.9), evaporate to dryness by mild heating in a gentle flow of nitrogen, make up again using a few drops of acetone, evaporate again to dryness, place in a stove at 105 °C for approximately 10 minutes and then allow to cool in a desiccator and weigh.

The residue contained in the test tube consists of the sterol fraction.

5.3.Preparation of the trimethylsilyl ethers.U.K.

5.3.1.Add the silylation reagent, consisting of a 9:3:1 (v/v/v) mixture of pyridine/hexamethyl disilazane/trimethyl chlorosilane (Note 4) in the ratio of 50 μl for every milligram of sterols to the test tube containing the sterol fraction, avoiding any uptake of moisture (Note 5).U.K.
Note 4.U.K.

Solutions which are ready for use are available commercially. Other silanizing reagents such as, for example, bis-trimethylsilyl, trifluor acetamide + 1 % trimethyl chlorosilane, which has to be diluted with an equal volume of anhydrous pyridine, are also available.U.K.

5.3.2.Stopper the test tube, shake carefully (without overturning) until the sterols are completely dissolved. Stand for at least 15 minutes at ambient temperature and then centrifuge for a few minutes. The clear solution is ready for gas chromatographic analysis.U.K.
Note 5.U.K.

The slight opalescence which may form is normal and does not cause any interference. The formation of a white floc or the appearance of a pink colour are indicative of the presence of moisture or deterioration of the reagent. If these occur the test must be repeated.U.K.

5.4.Gas chromatographic analysis.U.K.

5.4.1.Preliminary operations, column packing.U.K. the column in the gas chromatograph, attaching the inlet end to the evaporator connected to the splitting system and the outlet end to the detector.U.K.

Carry out general checks on the gas chromatograph unit (leaks from the gas circuits, detector efficiency, efficiency of the splitting system and recording system, etc.). the column is being used for the first time it is recommended that it should be subjected to conditioning. Pass a gentle flow of gas through the column and then switch on the gas chromatography unit and begin gradual heating up to a temperature of at least 20 °C above the operating temperature (Note 6). Hold this temperature for at least two hours, then place the entire unit in operating mode (adjustment of gas flows and splitting, ignition of the flame, connection with the electronic recorder, adjustment of the column chamber, detector and injector temperature, etc.) and then record the signal with a sensitivity at least two times greater than that intended for the analysis. The course of the base line must be linear, without peaks of any kind, and must not drift.U.K.

A negative straight-line drift indicates leakage from the column connections; a positive drift indicates inadequate conditioning of the column.

Note 6.U.K.

The conditioning temperature must always be at least 20 °C less than the maximum temperature specified for the stationary phase used.U.K.

5.4.2.Choice of operating conditions.U.K. guideline operating conditions are as follows:U.K.

These conditions may be varied in the light of column and gas-chromatograph characteristics so as to obtain chromatograms which meet the following requirements:

5.4.3.Analytical procedure.U.K. the 10 μl microsyringe take 1 μl of hexane, draw in 0,5 μl of air and then 0,5 to 1 μl of the sample solution. Raise the plunger of the syringe further so the needle is emptied. Push the needle through the membrane of the injection unit and after one to two seconds inject rapidly, then slowly remove the needle after some five seconds.U.K. recording until the TMSE of the sterols present are completely elutedU.K.

The base line must continue to meet the requirements (

5.4.4.Peak identification.U.K.

Identify individual peaks on the basis of retention times and by comparison with mixtures of sterol TMSE analysed under the same conditions.

The sterols are eluted in the following order: cholesterol, brassicasterol, 24-methylene cholesterol, campesterol, campestanol, stigmasterol, Δ 7-campesterol, Δ 5,23-stigmastadienol, [X1chlerosterol], β-sistosterol, sitostanol, Δ 5-avenasterol, Δ 5,24-stigmastadienol[X1, Δ 7-stigmasterol,] Δ 7-avenasterol.

The retention times for sitosterol for SE-52 and SE-54 columns are shown in Table 1.

Figures 1 and 2 illustrate typical chromatograms for some oils.

5.4.5.Quantitative evaluation.U.K. the areas of the [X1β-cholestanol and the sterol peaks using the integrator. Ignore peaks for any compounds which are not included among those listed in Table 1. The response coefficient for β-cholestanol] is to be equal to 1.U.K. the concentration of each individual sterol in mg/100 g of fatty material as follows:U.K.




peak area for sterol x[F1, in square millimetres;



area of the [X1β-cholestanol peak, in square millimetres];



mass of β-cholestanol] added, im milligrams;



mass of the sample used for determination, in grams.