OPS 1.430 Aerodrome Operating Minima — General U.K. (See Appendix 1 to OPS 1.430) U.K.


An operator shall establish, for each aerodrome planned to be used, aerodrome operating minima that are not lower than the values given in Appendix 1. The method of determination of such minima must be acceptable to the Authority. Such minima shall not be lower than any that may be established for such aerodromes by the State in which the aerodrome is located, except when specifically approved by that State.

Note: The above paragraph does not prohibit in-flight calculation of minima for a non planned alternate aerodrome if carried out in accordance with an accepted method. U.K.


In establishing the aerodrome operating minima which will apply to any particular operation, an operator must take full account of:


The type, performance and handling characteristics of the aeroplane;


The composition of the flight crew, their competence and experience;


The dimensions and characteristics of the runways which may be selected for use;


The adequacy and performance of the available visual and non-visual ground aids;


The equipment available on the aeroplane for the purpose of navigation and/or control of the flight path, as appropriate, during the take-off, the approach, the flare, the landing, roll-out and the missed approach;


The obstacles in the approach, missed approach and the climb-out areas required for the execution of contingency procedures and necessary clearance;


The obstacle clearance altitude/height for the instrument approach procedures; and


The means to determine and report meteorological conditions.


The aeroplane categories referred to in this Subpart must be derived in accordance with the method given in Appendix 2 to OPS 1.430 (c).

OPS 1.435 Terminology U.K.

Terms used in this Subpart have the following meaning:


Circling. The visual phase of an instrument approach to bring an aircraft into position for landing on a runway which is not suitably located for a straight-in approach.


Low Visibility Procedures (LVP). Procedures applied at an aerodrome for the purpose of ensuring safe operations during Category II and III approaches and Low Visibility Take-Offs.


Low Visibility Take-Off (LVTO). A take-off where the Runway Visual Range (RVR) is less than 400 m.


Flight control system. A system which includes an automatic landing system and/or a hybrid landing system.


Fail-Passive flight control system. A flight control system is fail-passive if, in the event of a failure, there is no significant out-of-trim condition or deviation of flight path or attitude but the landing is not completed automatically. For a fail-passive automatic flight control system the pilot assumes control of the aeroplane after a failure.


Fail-Operational flight control system. A flight control system is fail-operational if, in the event of a failure below alert height, the approach, flare and landing, can be completed automatically. In the event of a failure, the automatic landing system will operate as a fail-passive system.


Fail-operational hybrid landing system A system which consists of a primary fail-passive automatic landing system and a secondary independent guidance system enabling the pilot to complete a landing manually after failure of the primary system.

Note: A typical secondary independent guidance system consists of a monitored head-up display providing guidance which normally takes the form of command information but it may alternatively be situation (or deviation) information. U.K.


Visual approach. An approach when either part or all of an instrument approach procedure is not completed and the approach is executed with visual reference to the terrain.

OPS 1.440 Low visibility operations — General operating rules U.K. (See Appendix 1 to OPS 1.440) U.K.


An operator shall not conduct Category II or III operations unless:


Each aeroplane concerned is certificated for operations with decision heights below 200 ft, or no decision height, and equipped in accordance with CS-AWO on all weather operations or an equivalent accepted by the Authority;


A suitable system for recording approach and/or automatic landing success and failure is established and maintained to monitor the overall safety of the operation;


The operations are approved by the Authority;


The flight crew consists of at least 2 pilots; and


Decision Height is determined by means of a radio altimeter.


An operator shall not conduct low visibility take-offs in less than 150 m RVR (Category A, B and C aeroplanes) or 200 m RVR (Category D aeroplanes) unless approved by the Authority.

OPS 1.445 Low visibility operations — Aerodrome considerations U.K.


An operator shall not use an aerodrome for Category II or III operations unless the aerodrome is approved for such operations by the State in which the aerodrome is located.


An operator shall verify that Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) have been established, and will be enforced, at those aerodromes where low visibility operations are to be conducted.

OPS 1.450 Low visibility operations — Training and Qualifications U.K. (See Appendix 1 to OPS 1.450) U.K.

An operator shall ensure that, prior to conducting Low Visibility Take-Off, Category II and III operations:


Each flight crew member:


Completes the training and checking requirements prescribed in Appendix 1 including Flight simulator training in operating to the limiting values of RVR and Decision Height appropriate to the operator's Category II/III approval; and


Is qualified in accordance with Appendix 1;


The training and checking is conducted in accordance with a detailed syllabus approved by the Authority and included in the Operations Manual. This training is in addition to that prescribed in Subpart N; and


The flight crew qualification is specific to the operation and the aeroplane type.

OPS 1.455 Low visibility operations — Operating Procedures U.K. (See Appendix 1 to OPS 1.455) U.K.


An operator must establish procedures and instructions to be used for Low Visibility Take-Off and Category II and III operations. These procedures must be included in the Operations Manual and contain the duties of flight crew members during taxiing, take-off, approach, flare, landing, roll-out and missed approach as appropriate.


The commander shall satisfy himself/herself that:


The status of the visual and non-visual facilities is sufficient prior to commencing a Low Visibility Take-Off or a Category II or III approach;


Appropriate LVPs are in force according to information received from Air Traffic Services, before commencing a Low Visibility Take-off or a Category II or III approach; and


The flight crew members are properly qualified prior to commencing a Low Visibility Take-off in an RVR of less than 150 m (Category A, B and C aeroplanes) or 200 m (Cat D aeroplanes) or a Category II or III approach.

OPS 1.460 Low visibility operations — Minimum equipment U.K.


An operator must include in the Operations Manual the minimum equipment that has to be serviceable at the commencement of a Low Visibility Take-off or a Category II or III approach in accordance with the AFM or other approved document.


The commander shall satisfy himself/herself that the status of the aeroplane and of the relevant airborne systems is appropriate for the specific operation to be conducted.

OPS 1.465 VFR Operating minima U.K. (See Appendix 1 to OPS 1.465) U.K.

An operator shall ensure that:


VFR flights are conducted in accordance with the Visual Flight Rules and in accordance with the Table in Appendix 1 to OPS 1.465.


Special VFR flights are not commenced when the visibility is less than 3 km and not otherwise conducted when the visibility is less than 1,5 km.

Appendix 1 to OPS 1.430 Aerodrome Operating Minima U.K.


Take-off Minima




Take-off minima established by the operator must be expressed as visibility or RVR limits, taking into account all relevant factors for each aerodrome planned to be used and the aeroplane characteristics. Where there is a specific need to see and avoid obstacles on departure and/or for a forced landing, additional conditions (e.g. ceiling) must be specified.


The commander shall not commence take-off unless the weather conditions at the aerodrome of departure are equal to or better than applicable minima for landing at that aerodrome unless a suitable take-off alternate aerodrome is available.


When the reported meteorological visibility is below that required for take-off and RVR is not reported, a take-off may only be commenced if the commander can determine that the RVR/visibility along the take-off runway is equal to or better than the required minimum.


When no reported meteorological visibility or RVR is available, a take-off may only be commenced if the commander can determine that the RVR/visibility along the take-off runway is equal to or better than the required minimum.


Visual reference. The take-off minima must be selected to ensure sufficient guidance to control the aeroplane in the event of both a discontinued take-off in adverse circumstances and a continued take-off after failure of the critical power unit.


Required RVR/Visibility


For multi-engined aeroplanes, whose performance is such that, in the event of a critical power unit failure at any point during take-off, the aeroplane can either stop or continue the take-off to a height of 1 500 ft above the aerodrome while clearing obstacles by the required margins, the take-off minima established by an operator must be expressed as RVR/Visibility values not lower than those given in Table 1 below except as provided in paragraph (4) below:

Table 1
RVR/Visibility for take-off

Note 1: The higher values apply to Category D aeroplanes.

Note 2: For night operations at least runway edge and runway end lights are required.

Note 3: The reported RVR/Visibility value representative of the initial part of the take-off run can be replaced by pilot assessment.

Note 4: The required RVR value must be achieved for all of the relevant RVR reporting points with the exception given in Note 3 above.

Take-off RVR/Visibility
Facilities RVR/Visibility ( Note 3 )
Nil (Day only) 500 m
Runway edge lighting and/or centreline marking 250/300 m ( Notes 1 and 2 )
Runway edge and centreline lighting 200/250 m ( Note 1 )
Runway edge and centreline lighting and multiple RVR information 150/200 m ( Notes 1 and 4 )

For multi-engined aeroplanes whose performance is such that they cannot comply with the performance conditions in subparagraph (a)(3)(i) above in the event of a critical power unit failure, there may be a need to re-land immediately and to see and avoid obstacles in the take-off area. Such aeroplanes may be operated to the following take-off minima provided they are able to comply with the applicable obstacle clearance criteria, assuming engine failure at the height specified. The take-off minima established by an operator must be based upon the height from which the one engine inoperative net take-off flight path can be constructed. The RVR minima used may not be lower than either of the values given in Table 1 above or Table 2 below.

Table 2
Assumed engine failure height above the runway versus RVR/Visibility

Note 1: 1 500 m is also applicable if no positive take-off flight path can be constructed.

Note 2: The reported RVR/Visibility value representative of the initial part of the take-off run can be replaced by pilot assessment.

Take-off RVR/Visibility — flight path
Assumed engine failure height above the take-off runway RVR/Visibility ( Note 2 )
< 50 ft 200 m
51-100 ft 300 m
101-150 ft 400 m
151-200 ft 500 m
201-300 ft 1 000 m
> 300 ft 1 500 m ( Note 1 )

When reported RVR, or meteorological visibility is not available, the commander shall not commence take-off unless he/she can determine that the actual conditions satisfy the applicable take-off minima.


Exceptions to paragraph (a)(3)(i) above:


Subject to the approval of the Authority, and provided the requirements in paragraphs (A) to (E) below have been satisfied, an operator may reduce the take-off minima to 125 m RVR (Category A, B and C aeroplanes) or 150 m RVR (Category D aeroplanes) when:


Low Visibility Procedures are in force;


High intensity runway centreline lights spaced 15 m or less and high intensity edge lights spaced 60 m or less are in operation;


Flight crew members have satisfactorily completed training in a Flight Simulator;


A 90 m visual segment is available from the cockpit at the start of the take-off run; and


The required RVR value has been achieved for all of the relevant RVR reporting points.


Subject to the approval of the Authority, an operator of an aeroplane using an approved lateral guidance system for take-off may reduce the take-off minima to an RVR less than 125 m (Category A, B and C aeroplanes) or 150 m (Category D aeroplanes) but not lower than 75 m provided runway protection and facilities equivalent to Category III landing operations are available.


Non-Precision approach


System minima


An operator must ensure that system minima for non-precision approach procedures, which are based upon the use of ILS without glide path (LLZ only), VOR, NDB, SRA and VDF are not lower than the MDH values given in Table 3 below.

Table 3
System minima for non-precision approach aids
System minima
Facility Lowest MDH
ILS (no glide path — LLZ) 250 ft
SRA (terminating at 1/2 NM) 250 ft
SRA (terminating at 1 NM) 300 ft
SRA (terminating at 2 NM) 350 ft
VOR 300 ft
VOR/DME 250 ft
NDB 300 ft
VDF (QDM & QGH) 300 ft

Minimum Descent Height. An operator must ensure that the minimum descent height for a non-precision approach is not lower than either:


The OCH/OCL for the category of aeroplane; or


The system minimum.


Visual Reference. A pilot may not continue an approach below MDA/MDH unless at least one of the following visual references for the intended runway is distinctly visible and identifiable to the pilot:


Elements of the approach light system;


The threshold;


The threshold markings;


The threshold lights;


The threshold identification lights;


The visual glide slope indicator;


The touchdown zone or touchdown zone markings;


The touchdown zone lights;


Runway edge lights; or


Other visual references accepted by the Authority.


Required RVR. The lowest minima to be used by an operator for non-precision approaches are:

Table 4a
RVR for non-precision approach — full facilities
Non-precision approach minima Full facilities ( Notes (1), (5), (6) and (7) )
MDH RVR/Aeroplane Category
250-299 ft 800 m 800 m 800 m 1 200 m
300-449 ft 900 m 1 000 m 1 000 m 1 400 m
450-649 ft 1 000 m 1 200 m 1 200 m 1 600 m
650 ft and above 1 200 m 1 400 m 1 400 m 1 800 m
Table 4b
RVR for non-precision approach — intermediate facilities
Non-precision approach minima Intermediate facilities ( Notes (2), (5), (6) and (7) )
MDH RVR/Aeroplane Category
250-299 ft 1 000 m 1 100 m 1 200 m 1 400 m
300-449 ft 1 200 m 1 300 m 1 400 m 1 600 m
450-649 ft 1 400 m 1 500 m 1 600 m 1 800 m
650 ft and above 1 500 m 1 500 m 1 800 m 2 000 m
Table 4c
RVR for non-precision approach — basic facilities
Non-precision approach minima Basic facilities ( Notes (3), (5), (6) and (7) )
MDH RVR/Aeroplane Category
250-299 ft 1 200 m 1 300 m 1 400 m 1 600 m
300-449 ft 1 300 m 1 400 m 1 600 m 1 800 m
450-649 ft 1 500 m 1 500 m 1 800 m 2 000 m
650 ft and above 1 500 m 1 500 m 2 000 m 2 000 m
Table 4d
RVR for non-precision approach — Nil approach light facilities
Non-precision approach minima Nil approach light facilities ( Notes (4), (5), (6) and (7) )
MDH RVR/Aeroplane Category
250-299 ft 1 500 m 1 500 m 1 600 m 1 800 m
300-449 ft 1 500 m 1 500 m 1 800 m 2 000 m
450-649 ft 1 500 m 1 500 m 2 000 m 2 000 m
650 ft and above 1 500 m 1 500 m 2 000 m 2 000 m

Note 1: Full facilities comprise runway markings, 720 m or more of HI/MI approach lights, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights. Lights must be on.

Note 2: Intermediate facilities comprise runway markings, 420-719 m of HI/MI approach lights, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights. Lights must be on.

Note 3: Basic facilities comprise runway markings, <420 m of HI/MI approach lights, any length of LI approach lights, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights. Lights must be on.

Note 4: Nil approach light facilities comprise runway markings, runway edge lights, threshold lights, runway end lights or no lights at all.

Note 5: The tables are only applicable to conventional approaches with a nominal descent slope of not greater than 4°. Greater descent slopes will usually require that visual glide slope guidance (e.g. PAPI) is also visible at the Minimum Descent Height.

Note 6: The above figures are either reported RVR or meteorological visibility converted to RVR as in subparagraph (h) below.

Note 7: The MDH mentioned in Table 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d refers to the initial calculation of MDH. When selecting the associated RVR, there is no need to take account of a rounding up to the nearest ten feet, which may be done for operational purposes, e.g. conversion to MDA.


Night operations. For night operations at least runway edge, threshold and runway end lights must be on.


Precision approach — Category I operations


General. A Category I operation is a precision instrument approach and landing using ILS, MLS or PAR with a decision height not lower than 200 ft and with a runway visual range not less than 550 m.


Decision Height. An operator must ensure that the decision height to be used for a Category I precision approach is not lower than:


The minimum decision height specified in the Aeroplane Flight Manual (AFM) if stated;


The minimum height to which the precision approach aid can be used without the required visual reference;


The OCH/OCL for the category of aeroplane; or


200 ft.


Visual Reference. A pilot may not continue an approach below the Category I decision height, determined in accordance with subparagraph (c)(2) above, unless at least one of the following visual references for the intended runway is distinctly visible and identifiable to the pilot:


Elements of the approach light system;


The threshold;


The threshold markings;


The threshold lights;


The threshold identification lights;


The visual glide slope indicator;


The touchdown zone or touchdown zone markings;


The touchdown zone lights; or


Runway edge lights.


Required RVR. The lowest minima to be used by an operator for Category I operations are:

Table 5
RVR for Cat I approach vs facilities and DH

Note 1: Full facilities comprise runway markings, 720 m or more of HI/MI approach lights, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights. Lights must be on.

Note 2: Intermediate facilities comprise runway markings, 420-719 m of HI/MI approach lights, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights. Lights must be on.

Note 3: Basic facilities comprise runway markings, <420 m of HI/MI approach lights, any length of LI approach lights, runway edge lights, threshold lights and runway end lights. Lights must be on.

Note 4: Nil approach light facilities comprise runway markings, runway edge lights, threshold lights, runway end lights or no lights at all.

Note 5: The above figures are either the reported RVR or meteorological visibility converted to RVR in accordance with paragraph (h).

Note 6: The Table is applicable to conventional approaches with a glide slope angle up to and including 4° (degree).

Note 7: The DH mentioned in the Table 5 refers to the initial calculation of DH. When selecting the associated RVR, there is no need to take account of a rounding up to the nearest ten feet, which may be done for operational purposes, (e.g. conversion to DA).

Category I minima
Decision height ( Note 7 ) Facilities/RVR ( Note 5 )
Full ( Notes 1 and 6 ) Interm ( Notes 2 and 6 ) Basic ( Notes 3 and 6 ) Nil ( Notes 4 and 6 )
200 ft 550 m 700 m 800 m 1 000 m
201-250 ft 600 m 700 m 800 m 1 000 m
251-300 ft 650 m 800 m 900 m 1 200 m
301 ft and above 800 m 900 m 1 000 m 1 200 m

Single pilot operations. For single pilot operations, an operator must calculate the minimum RVR for all approaches in accordance with OPS 1.430 and this Appendix. An RVR of less than 800 m is not permitted except when using a suitable autopilot coupled to an ILS or MLS, in which case normal minima apply. The Decision Height applied must not be less than 1,25 x the minimum use height for the autopilot.


Night operations. For night operations at least runway edge, threshold and runway end lights must be on.


Precision approach — Category II operations


General. A Category II operation is a precision instrument approach and landing using ILS or MLS with:


A decision height below 200 ft but not lower than 100 ft; and


A runway visual range of not less than 300 m.


Decision Height. An operator must ensure that the decision height for a Category II operation is not lower than:


The minimum decision height specified in the AFM, if stated;


The minimum height to which the precision approach aid can be used without the required visual reference;


The OCH/OCL for the category of aeroplane;


The decision height to which the flight crew is authorised to operate; or


100 ft.


Visual reference. A pilot may not continue an approach below the Category II decision height determined in accordance with subparagraph (d)(2) above unless visual reference containing a segment of at least 3 consecutive lights being the centre line of the approach lights, or touchdown zone lights, or runway centre line lights, or runway edge lights, or a combination of these is attained and can be maintained. This visual reference must include a lateral element of the ground pattern, i.e. an approach lighting crossbar or the landing threshold or a barette of the touchdown zone lighting.


Required RVR. The lowest minima to be used by an operator for Category II operations are:

Table 6
RVR for Cat II approach vs DH

Note 1: The reference to auto-coupled to below DH in this table means continued use of the automatic flight control system down to a height which is not greater than 80 % of the applicable DH. Thus airworthiness requirements may, through minimum engagement height for the automatic flight control system, affect the DH to be applied.

Note 2: 300 m may be used for a Category D aeroplane conducting an auto land.

Category II minima
Auto-coupled to below DH ( see Note 1 )
Decision height RVR/Aeroplane Category A, B & C RVR/Aeroplane Category D
100 ft-120 ft 300 m 300 m ( Note 2 )/350 m
121 ft-140 ft 400 m 400 m
141 ft and above 450 m 450 m

Precision approach — Category III operations


General. Category III operations are subdivided as follows:


Category III A operations. A precision instrument approach and landing using ILS or MLS with:


A decision height lower than 100 ft; and


A runway visual range not less than 200 m.


Category III B operations. A precision instrument approach and landing using ILS or MLS with:


A decision height lower than 50 ft, or no decision height; and


A runway visual range lower than 200 m but not less than 75 m.

Note: Where the decision height (DH) and runway visual range (RVR) do not fall within the same category, the RVR will determine in which category the operation is to be considered. U.K.


Decision Height. For operations in which a decision height is used, an operator must ensure that the decision height is not lower than:


The minimum decision height specified in the AFM, if stated;


The minimum height to which the precision approach aid can be used without the required visual reference; or


The decision height to which the flight crew is authorised to operate.


No Decision Height Operations. Operations with no decision height may only be conducted if:


The operation with no decision height is authorised in the AFM;


The approach aid and the aerodrome facilities can support operations with no decision height; and


The operator has an approval for CAT III operations with no decision height.

Note: In the case of a CAT III runway it may be assumed that operations with no decision height can be supported unless specifically restricted as published in the AIP or NOTAM. U.K.


Visual reference


For Category IIIA operations, and for category IIIB operations with fail-passive flight control systems, a pilot may not continue an approach below the decision height determined in accordance with subparagraph (e)(2) above unless a visual reference containing a segment of at least 3 consecutive lights being the centreline of the approach lights, or touchdown zone lights, or runway centre line lights, or runway edge lights, or a combination of these is attained and can be maintained.


For Category IIIB operations with fail-operational flight control systems using a decision height, a pilot may not continue an approach below the Decision Height, determined in accordance with subparagraph (e)(2) above, unless a visual reference containing at least one centreline light is attained and can be maintained.


For Category III operations with no decision height there is no requirement for visual contact with the runway prior to touchdown.


Required RVR. The lowest minima to be used by an operator for Category III operations are:

Table 7
RVR for Cat III approach vs DH and roll-out control/guidance system

Note 1: Crew actions in case of autopilot failure at or below decision height in fail-passive Category III operations

Note 2: For aeroplanes certificated in accordance with CS-AWO on all weather operations 321(b)(3).

Note 3: Flight control system redundancy is determined under CS-AWO on all weather operations by the minimum certificated decision height.

Category III minima
Approach Category Decision Height (ft) ( Note 3 ) Roll-out Control/Guidance System RVR (m)
III A Less than 100 ft Not required 200 m ( Note 1 )
III B Less than 100 ft Fail-passive 150 m ( Notes 1 and 2 )
III B Less than 50 ft Fail-passive 125 m
III B Less than 50 ft or no Decision Height Fail-operational 75 m



The lowest minima to be used by an operator for circling are:

Table 8
Visibility and MDH for circling vs aeroplane category
Aeroplane Category
MDH 400 ft 500 ft 600 ft 700 ft
Minimum meteorological visibility 1 500 m 1 600 m 2 400 m 3 600 m

Circling with prescribed tracks is an accepted procedure within the meaning of this paragraph


Visual Approach. An operator shall not use an RVR of less than 800 m for a visual approach.


Conversion of Reported Meteorological Visibility to RVR


An operator must ensure that a meteorological visibility to RVR conversion is not used for calculating take-off minima, Category II or III minima or when a reported RVR is available.

Note: If the RVR is reported as being above the maximum value assessed by the aerodrome operator, e.g. RVR more than 1 500 metres, it is not considered to be a reported RVR in this context and the Conversion Table may be used. U.K.


When converting meteorological visibility to RVR in all other circumstances than those in subparagraph (h)(1) above, an operator must ensure that the following Table is used:

Table 9
Conversion of visibility to RVR
Lighting elements in operation RVR = Reported Met. Visibility x
Day Night
HI approach and runway lighting 1,5 2,0
Any type of lighting installation other than above 1,0 1,5
No lighting 1,0 Not applicable

Appendix 2 to OPS 1.430 (c) Aeroplane categories — All Weather Operations U.K.


Classification of aeroplanes

The criteria taken into consideration for the classification of aeroplanes by categories is the indicated airspeed at threshold (VAT) which is equal to the stalling speed (VSO) multiplied by 1,3 or VS1G multiplied by 1,23 in the landing configuration at the maximum certificated landing mass. If both VSO and VS1G are available, the higher resulting VAT shall be used. The aeroplane categories corresponding to VAT values are in the Table below:

Aeroplane Category VAT
A Less than 91 kt
B From 91 to 120 kt
C From 121 to 140 kt
D From 141 to 165 kt
E From 166 to 210 kt

The landing configuration which is to be taken into consideration shall be defined by the operator or by the aeroplane manufacturer.


Permanent change of category (maximum landing mass)


An operator may impose a permanent, lower, landing mass, and use this mass for determining the VAT if approved by the Authority.


The category defined for a given aeroplane shall be a permanent value and thus independent of the changing conditions of day-to-day operations.

Appendix 1 to OPS 1.440 Low Visibility Operations — General Operating Rules U.K.


General. The following procedures apply to the introduction and approval of low visibility operations.


Operational Demonstration. The purpose of the operational demonstration is to determine or validate the use and effectiveness of the applicable aircraft flight guidance systems, training, flight crew procedures, maintenance programme, and manuals applicable to the Category II/III programme being approved.


At least 30 approaches and landings must be accomplished in operations using the Category II/III systems installed in each aircraft type if the requested DH is 50 ft or higher. If the DH is less than 50 ft, at least 100 approaches and landings will need to be accomplished unless otherwise approved by the Authority.


If an operator has different variants of the same type of aircraft utilising the same basic flight control and display systems, or different basic flight control and display systems on the same type of aircraft, the operator must show that the various variants have satisfactory performance, but the operator need not conduct a full operational demonstration for each variant. The Authority may also accept a reduction of the number of approach and landings based on credit given for the experience gained by another operator with an AOC issued in accordance with OPS 1 using the same aeroplane type or variant and procedures.


If the number of unsuccessful approaches exceeds 5 % of the total (e.g. unsatisfactory landings, system disconnects) the evaluation programme must be extended in steps of at least 10 approaches and landings until the overall failure rate does not exceed 5 %.


Data Collection For Operational Demonstrations. Each applicant must develop a data collection method (e.g. a form to be used by the flight crew) to record approach and landing performance. The resulting data and a summary of the demonstration data shall be made available to the Authority for evaluation.


Data Analysis. Unsatisfactory approaches and/or automatic landings shall be documented and analysed.


Continuous Monitoring


After obtaining the initial authorisation, the operations must be continuously monitored by the operator to detect any undesirable trends before they become hazardous. Flight crew reports may be used to achieve this.


The following information must be retained for a period of 12 months:


The total number of approaches, by aeroplane type, where the airborne Category II or III equipment was utilised to make satisfactory, actual or practice, approaches to the applicable Category II or III minima; and


Reports of unsatisfactory approaches and/or automatic landings, by aerodrome and aeroplane registration, in the following categories:


Airborne equipment faults;


Ground facility difficulties;


Missed approaches because of ATC instructions; or


Other reasons.


An operator must establish a procedure to monitor the performance of the automatic landing system of each aeroplane.


Transitional periods


Operators with no previous Category II or III experience


An operator without previous Category II or III operational experience may be approved for Category II or IIIA operations, having gained a minimum experience of 6 months of Category I operations on the aeroplane type.


On completing 6 months of Category II or IIIA operations on the aeroplane type the operator may be approved for Category IIIB operations. When granting such an approval, the Authority may impose higher minima than the lowest applicable for an additional period. The increase in minima will normally only refer to RVR and/or a restriction against operations with no decision height and must be selected such that they will not require any change of the operational procedures.


Operators with previous Category II or III experience. An operator with previous Category II or III experience may obtain authorisation for a reduced transition period by application to the Authority.


Maintenance of Category II, Category III and LVTO equipment. Maintenance instructions for the on-board guidance systems must be established by the operator, in liaison with the manufacturer, and included in the operator's aeroplane maintenance programme prescribed in Part M, paragraph M.A.302 which must be approved by the Authority.


Eligible Aerodromes and Runways


Each aeroplane type/on-board equipment/runway combination must be verified by the successful completion of at least one approach and landing in Category II or better conditions, prior to commencing Category III operations.


For runways with irregular pre-threshold terrain or other foreseeable or known deficiencies, each aeroplane type/on-board equipment/runway combination must be verified by operations in Category I or better conditions, prior to commencing Category II or III operations.


If an operator has different variants of the same type of aircraft utilising the same basic flight control and display systems, or different basic flight control and display systems on the same type of aircraft, the operator must show that the various variants have satisfactory performance, but the operator need not conduct a full operational demonstration for each variant/runway combination.


Operators using the same aeroplane type/variant and on-board equipment combination and procedures may take credit from each others experience and records in complying with this paragraph.

Appendix 1 to OPS 1.450 Low Visibility Operations — Training & Qualifications U.K.


General: An operator must ensure that flight crew member training programmes for Low Visibility Operations include structured courses of ground, Flight Simulator and/or flight training. The operator may abbreviate the course content as prescribed by subparagraphs (2) and (3) below provided the content of the abbreviated course is acceptable to the authority.


Flight crew members with no Category II or Category III experience must complete the full training programme prescribed in subparagraphs (b), (c) and (d) below.


Flight crew members with Category II or Category III experience with another operator may undertake an abbreviated ground training course.


Flight crew members with Category II or Category III experience with the operator may undertake an abbreviated ground, Flight simulator and/or flight training course. The abbreviated course is to include at least the requirements of subparagraphs (d)(1), (d)(2)(i) or (d)(2)(ii) as appropriate and (d)(3)(i).


Ground Training. An operator must ensure that the initial ground training course for Low Visibility Operations covers at least:


The characteristics and limitations of the ILS and/or MLS;


The characteristics of the visual aids;


The characteristics of fog;


The operational capabilities and limitations of the particular airborne system;


The effects of precipitation, ice accretion, low level wind shear and turbulence;


The effect of specific aeroplane malfunctions;


The use and limitations of RVR assessment systems;


The principles of obstacle clearance requirements;


Recognition of and action to be taken in the event of failure of ground equipment;


The procedures and precautions to be followed with regard to surface movement during operations when the RVR is 400 m or less and any additional procedures required for take-off in conditions below 150 m (200 m for Category D aeroplanes);


The significance of decision heights based upon radio altimeters and the effect of terrain profile in the approach area on radio altimeter readings and on the automatic approach/landing systems;


The importance and significance of Alert Height if applicable and the action in the event of any failure above and below the Alert Height;


The qualification requirements for pilots to obtain and retain approval to conduct Low Visibility Take-offs and Category II or III operations; and


The importance of correct seating and eye position.


Flight Simulator training and/or flight training


An operator must ensure that Flight Simulator and/or flight training for Low Visibility Operations includes:


Checks of satisfactory functioning of equipment, both on the ground and in flight;


Effect on minima caused by changes in the status of ground installations;


Monitoring of automatic flight control systems and auto land status annunciators with emphasis on the action to be taken in the event of failures of such systems;


Actions to be taken in the event of failures such as engines, electrical systems, hydraulics or flight control systems;


The effect of known unserviceabilities and use of minimum equipment lists;


Operating limitations resulting from airworthiness certification;


Guidance on the visual cues required at decision height together with information on maximum deviation allowed from glide path or localiser; and


The importance and significance of Alert Height if applicable and the action in the event of any failure above and below the Alert Height.


An operator must ensure that each flight crew member is trained to carry out his/her duties and instructed on the coordination required with other crew members. Maximum use should be made of flight simulators.


Training must be divided into phases covering normal operation with no aeroplane or equipment failures but including all weather conditions which may be encountered and detailed scenarios of aeroplane and equipment failure which could affect Category II or III operations. If the aeroplane system involves the use of hybrid or other special systems (such as head up displays or enhanced vision equipment) then flight crew members must practise the use of these systems in normal and abnormal modes during the Flight Simulator phase of training.


Incapacitation procedures appropriate to Low Visibility Take-offs and Category II and III operations shall be practised.


For aeroplanes with no Flight Simulator operators must ensure that the flight training phase specific to the visual scenarios of Category II operations is conducted in a specifically approved Flight Simulator. Such training must include a minimum of 4 approaches. The training and procedures that are type specific shall be practised in the aeroplane.


Initial Category II and III training shall include at least the following exercises:


Approach using the appropriate flight guidance, autopilots and control systems installed in the aeroplane, to the appropriate decision height and to include transition to visual flight and landing;


Approach with all engines operating using the appropriate flight guidance systems, autopilots and control systems installed in the aeroplane down to the appropriate decision height followed by missed approach; all without external visual reference;


Where appropriate, approaches utilising automatic flight systems to provide automatic flare, landing and roll-out; and


Normal operation of the applicable system both with and without acquisition of visual cues at decision height.


Subsequent phases of training must include at least:


Approaches with engine failure at various stages on the approach;


Approaches with critical equipment failures (e.g. electrical systems, auto flight systems, ground and/or airborne ILS/MLS systems and status monitors);


Approaches where failures of auto flight equipment at low level require either;


Reversion to manual flight to control flare, landing and roll out or missed approach; or


Reversion to manual flight or a downgraded automatic mode to control missed approaches from, at or below decision height including those which may result in a touchdown on the runway;


Failures of the systems which will result in excessive localiser and/or glide slope deviation, both above and below decision height, in the minimum visual conditions authorised for the operation. In addition, a continuation to a manual landing must be practised if a head-up display forms a downgraded mode of the automatic system or the head-up display forms the only flare mode; and


Failures and procedures specific to aeroplane type or variant.


The training programme must provide practice in handling faults which require a reversion to higher minima.


The training programme must include the handling of the aeroplane when, during a fail passive Category III approach, the fault causes the autopilot to disconnect at or below decision height when the last reported RVR is 300 m or less.


Where take-offs are conducted in RVRs of 400 m and below, training must be established to cover systems failures and engine failure resulting in continued as well as rejected take-offs.


Conversion Training Requirements to conduct Low Visibility Take-off and Category II and III Operations. An operator shall ensure that each flight crew member completes the following Low Visibility Procedures training if converting to a new type or variant of aeroplane in which Low Visibility Take-off and Category II and III Operations will be conducted. The flight crew member experience requirements to undertake an abbreviated course are prescribed in subparagraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3), above:


Ground Training. The appropriate requirements prescribed in subparagraph (b) above, taking into account the flight crew member's Category II and Category III training and experience.


Flight Simulator Training and/or Flight training.


A minimum of 8 approaches and/or landings in a Flight Simulator.


Where no Flight simulator is available to represent that specific aeroplane, a minimum of 3 approaches including at least 1 go-around is required on the aeroplane.


Appropriate additional training if any special equipment is required such as head-up displays or enhanced vision equipment.


Flight Crew Qualification. The flight crew qualification requirements are specific to the operator and the type of aeroplane operated.


The operator must ensure that each flight crew member completes a check before conducting Category II or III operations.


The check prescribed in subparagraph (i) above may be replaced by successful completion of the simulator and/or flight training prescribed in subparagraph (d)(2) above.


Line Flying under Supervision. An operator must ensure that each flight crew member undergoes the following line flying under supervision:


For Category II when a manual landing is required, a minimum of 3 landings from autopilot disconnect;


For Category III, a minimum of 3 auto lands except that only 1 auto land is required when the training required in subparagraph (d)(2) above has been carried out in a Flight Simulator usable for zero flight time conversion.


Type and command experience. Before commencing Category II/III operations, the following additional requirements are applicable to commanders, or pilots to whom conduct of the flight has been delegated, who are new to the aeroplane type:


50 hours or 20 sectors on the type, including line flying under supervision; and


100 m must be added to the applicable Category II or Category III RVR minima unless previously qualified for Category II or III operations with a Community operator, until a total of 100 hours or 40 sectors, including line flying under supervision, has been achieved on the type.


The Authority may authorise a reduction in the above command experience requirements for flight crew members who have Category II or Category III command experience.


Low Visibility Take-Off with RVR less than 150/200 m


An operator must ensure that prior to authorisation to conduct take-offs in RVRs below 150 m (below 200 m for Category D aeroplanes) the following training is carried out:


Normal take-off in minimum authorised RVR conditions;


Take-off in minimum authorised RVR conditions with an engine failure between V1 and V2, or as soon as safety considerations permit; and


Take-off in minimum authorised RVR conditions with an engine failure before V1 resulting in a rejected take-off.


An operator must ensure that the training required by subparagraph (1) above is carried out in a Flight Simulator. This training must include the use of any special procedures and equipment. Where no Flight Simulator is available to represent that specific aeroplane, the Authority may approve such training in an aeroplane without the requirement for minimum RVR conditions (See Appendix 1 to OPS 1.965).


An operator must ensure that a flight crew member has completed a check before conducting low visibility take-offs in RVRs of less than 150 m (less than 200 m for Category D aeroplanes) if applicable. The check may only be replaced by successful completion of the simulator and/or flight training prescribed in subparagraph (f)(1) on conversion to an aeroplane type.


Recurrent Training and Checking — Low Visibility Operations


An operator must ensure that, in conjunction with the normal recurrent training and operator proficiency checks, a pilot's knowledge and ability to perform the tasks associated with the particular category of operation, for which he/she is authorised is checked. The required number of approaches within the validity period of the operators proficiency check(as described in OPS 1.965 (b)) is to be a minimum of three, one of which may be substituted by an approach and landing in the aeroplane using approved Category II and III procedures. One missed approach shall be flown during the conduct of the operators proficiency check. If the operator is authorised to conduct take-off with RVR less than 150/200 m at least one LVTO to the lowest applicable minima shall be flown during the conduct of the operators proficiency check.


For Category III operations an operator must use a Flight Simulator.


An operator must ensure that, for Category III operations on aeroplanes with a fail passive flight control system, a missed approach is completed at least once over the period of three consecutive operator proficiency checks as the result of an autopilot failure at or below decision height when the last reported RVR was 300 m or less.


The Authority may authorise recurrent training and checking for Category II and LVTO operations in an aeroplane type where no Flight Simulator to represent that specific aeroplane or an acceptable alternate is available.

Note: Recency for LTVO and Category II/III based upon automatic approaches and/or auto-lands is maintained by the recurrent training and checking as prescribed in this paragraph. U.K.

Appendix 1 to OPS 1.455 Low Visibility Operations — Operating procedures U.K.


General. Low Visibility Operations include:


Manual take-off (with or without electronic guidance systems);


Auto-coupled approach to below DH, with manual flare, landing and roll-out;


Auto-coupled approach followed by auto-flare, auto landing and manual roll-out; and


Auto-coupled approach followed by auto-flare, auto landing and auto-roll-out, when the applicable RVR is less than 400 m.

Note 1: A hybrid system may be used with any of these modes of operations. U.K.

Note 2: Other forms of guidance systems or displays may be certificated and approved. U.K.


Procedures and Operating Instructions


The precise nature and scope of procedures and instructions given depend upon the airborne equipment used and the flight deck procedures followed. An operator must clearly define flight crew member duties during take-off, approach, flare, roll-out and missed approach in the Operations Manual. Particular emphasis must be placed on flight crew responsibilities during transition from non-visual conditions to visual conditions, and on the procedures to be used in deteriorating visibility or when failures occur. Special attention must be paid to the distribution of flight deck duties so as to ensure that the workload of the pilot making the decision to land or execute a missed approach enables him/her to devote himself/herself to supervision and the decision making process.


An operator must specify the detailed operating procedures and instructions in the Operations Manual. The instructions must be compatible with the limitations and mandatory procedures contained in the Aeroplane Flight Manual and cover the following items in particular:


Checks for the satisfactory functioning of the aeroplane equipment, both before departure and in flight;


Effect on minima caused by changes in the status of the ground installations and airborne equipment;


Procedures for the take-off, approach, flare, landing, roll-out and missed approach;


Procedures to be followed in the event of failures, warnings and other non-normal situations;


The minimum visual reference required;


The importance of correct seating and eye position;


Action which may be necessary arising from a deterioration of the visual reference;


Allocation of crew duties in the carrying out of the procedures according to subparagraphs (i) to (iv) and (vi) above, to allow the Commander to devote himself/herself mainly to supervision and decision making;


The requirement for all height calls below 200 ft to be based on the radio altimeter and for one pilot to continue to monitor the aeroplane instruments until the landing is completed;


The requirement for the Localiser Sensitive Area to be protected;


The use of information relating to wind velocity, wind shear, turbulence, runway contamination and use of multiple RVR assessments;


Procedures to be used for practice approaches and landing on runways at which the full Category II or Category III aerodrome procedures are not in force;


Operating limitations resulting from airworthiness certification; and


Information on the maximum deviation allowed from the ILS glide path and/or localiser.

Appendix 1 to OPS 1.465 Minimum Visibilities for VFR Operations U.K.

Note 1: VMC Minima for Class A airspace are included for guidance but do not imply acceptance of VFR Flights in Class A airspace.

Note 2: When the height of the transition altitude is lower than 3 050 m ( 10 000 ft) AMSL, FL 100 should be used in lieu of 10 000 ft.

Note 3: Cat A and B aeroplanes may be operated in flight visibilities down to 3 000 m, provided the appropriate ATS authority permits use of a flight visibility less than 5 km, and the circumstances are such, that the probability of encounters with other traffic is low, and the IAS is 140 kt or less.]

Airspace class A B C D E [ Note 1 ] F G
Above 900 m ( 3 000 ft) AMSL or above 300 m ( 1 000 ft) above terrain, whichever is the higher At and below 900 m ( 3 000 ft) AMSL or 300 m ( 1 000 ft) above terrain, whichever is the higher
Distance from cloud

1 500 m horizontally

300 m ( 1 000 ft) vertically

Clear of cloud and in sight of the surface
Flight visibility 8 km at and above 3 050 m ( 10 000 ft) AMSL( Note 2 ) 5 km below 3 050 m ( 10 000 ft) AMSL 5 km ( Note 3 )