CHAPTER 3 U.K. Inward processing

Section 3 U.K. Provisions concerning the operation of arrangements

Article 542 U.K.

1. The authorisation shall specify the period for discharge. Where the circumstances so warrant, this period may be extended even when that originally set has expired.

2. Where the period for discharge expires on a specific date for all the goods placed under the arrangements in a given period, the authorisation may provide that the period for discharge shall be automatically extended for all goods still under the arrangements on this date. However, the customs authorities may require that such goods be assigned a new permitted customs-approved treatment or use within the period which they shall set.

3. Irrespective of whether or not aggregation is used or paragraph 2 is applied, the period for discharge for the following compensating products or goods in the unaltered state shall not exceed:

(a) four months in the case of milk and milk products referred to in Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999;

(b) two months in the case of slaughter without fattening of animals referred to in Chapter 1 of the CN;

(c) three months in the case of fattening (including slaughter where relevant) of animals which fall under CN codes 0104 and 0105 ;

(d) six months in the case of fattening (including slaughter where relevant) of other animals referred to in Chapter 1 of the CN;

(e) six months in the case of processing of meat;

(f) six months in the case of processing of other agricultural products of a kind eligible for advance payment of export refunds referred to in Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 565/80, and processed into products or goods referred to in Article 2(b) or (c) of the same Regulation.

Where successive processing operations are carried out or where exceptional circumstances so warrant, the periods may be extended on request, the total period not exceeding twelve months.]