F1CHAPTER 2Preferential origin
Procedures and methods of administrative cooperation applicable until the application of the registered exporter system
Sub-section 3 Procedures at release for free circulation in the European Union
Article 97p
When originating products are placed under the control of a customs office of a single Member State, it shall be possible to replace the original proof of origin by one or more certificates of origin Form A for the purpose of sending all or some of these products elsewhere within the European Union or, where applicable, to Norway, Switzerland or Turkey.
Replacement certificates of origin Form A shall be issued by the customs office under whose control the products are placed. The replacement certificate shall be made out on the basis of a written request by the re-exporter.
The top right-hand box of the replacement certificate shall indicate the name of the intermediary country where it is issued. Box 4 shall contain the words ‘ Replacement certificate ’ or ‘ Certificat de remplacement ’ , as well as the date of issue of the original certificate of origin and its serial number. The name of the re-exporter shall be given in box 1. The name of the final consignee may be given in box 2. All particulars of the re-exported products appearing on the original certificate shall be transferred to boxes 3 to 9 and references to the re-exporter’s invoice shall be given in box 10.
The customs authorities which issued the replacement certificate shall endorse box 11. The responsibility of the authorities shall be confined to the issue of the replacement certificate. The particulars in box 12 concerning the country of origin and the country of destination shall be taken from the original certificate. This box shall be signed by the re-exporter. A re-exporter who signs this box in good faith shall not be responsible for the accuracy of the particulars entered on the original certificate.
The customs office which is requested to perform the operation referred to in paragraph 1 shall note on the original certificate the weights, numbers and nature of the products forwarded and indicate thereon the serial numbers of the corresponding replacement certificate or certificates. It shall keep the original certificate for at least three years. A photocopy of the original certificate may be annexed to the replacement certificate.
In the case of products which benefit from the tariff preferences under a derogation granted in accordance with Article 89, the procedure laid down in this Article shall apply only when such products are intended for the European Union. Where the product concerned has acquired originating status through regional cumulation, a replacement certificate may only be made out for sending products to Norway, Switzerland or Turkey where these countries apply the same regional cumulation rules as the European Union.