F1CHAPTER 1General provisions
F2Section 1General
Article 253
The procedure for incomplete declarations shall allow the customs authorities to accept, in a duly justified case, a declaration which does not contain all the particulars required, or which is not accompanied by all documents necessary for the customs procedure in question.
The simplified declaration procedure shall enable goods to be entered for the customs procedure in question on presentation of a simplified declaration with subsequent presentation of a supplementary declaration which may be of a general, periodic or X1recapitulative nature, as appropriate.
The local clearance procedure shall enable the entry of goods for the customs procedure in question to be carried out at the premises of the person concerned or at other places designated or approved by the customs authorities.
Any person may apply for an authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure, to be granted to himself for his own use or for use as a representative, provided satisfactory records and procedures are in place allowing the authorising customs authority to identify the persons represented and to perform appropriate customs controls.
Such application may also concern an integrated authorisation without prejudice to Article 64 of the Code.
The use of the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure is conditional on the provision of a guarantee for import duties and other charges.
The holder of the authorisation shall comply with the conditions and criteria laid down in this Chapter and the obligations resulting from the authorisation, without prejudice to the obligations of the declarant, and the rules governing the incurrence of a customs debt.
The holder of the authorisation shall inform the authorising customs authority of all factors arising after the authorisation is granted which may influence its continuation or content.
A reassessment of an authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure shall be carried out by the authorising customs authority in the following cases:
major changes to the relevant Community legislation;
reasonable indication that the relevant conditions are no longer met by the authorisation holder.
In the case of an authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure issued to an applicant established for less than three years, close monitoring shall take place during the first year after issue.
F1Article 253a
Where a simplified procedure is applied using data-processing systems to produce customs declarations or using a data-processing technique, the provisions referred to in Articles 199 (2) and (3), 222, 223 and 224 shall apply mutatis mutandis .
F2The use of the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure shall be conditional on the lodging of electronic customs declarations and notifications.
F3However, in cases where the customs authorities’ or the economic operators’ computerised systems are not in place for the lodgement or receipt of simplified customs declarations or local clearance notifications using a data-processing technique, the customs authorities may accept other forms of declarations and notifications as prescribed by them, provided effective risk analysis is carried out.
F2Section 2Granting, suspension, revocation of authorisations for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure
Article 253b
Applications for authorisation of the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure shall be made using the model application form set out in Annex 67 or the corresponding electronic format.
Where the authorising customs authority establishes that the application does not contain all the particulars required, it shall, within 30 calendar days of receipt of the application, ask the applicant to supply the relevant information, stating the grounds for its request.
The application shall not be accepted if:
it does not comply with paragraph 1;
it has not been submitted to the competent customs authorities;
the applicant has been convicted of a serious criminal offence linked to the economic activity of the applicant;
the applicant is subject to bankruptcy proceedings at the time of the submission of the application.
Before granting an authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure the customs authorities shall audit the applicant's records, unless the results of a previous audit can be used.
Article 253c
Authorisation for the simplified declaration procedure shall be granted provided that the conditions and criteria laid down in Article 14h, with the exception of paragraph 1(c), in points (d), (e) and (g) of Article 14i and in Article 14j are fulfilled.
Authorisation for the local clearance procedure shall be granted provided that the conditions and criteria laid down in Article 14h, with the exception of paragraph 1(c), in Article 14i and in Article 14j are fulfilled.
For the granting of the authorisations referred to in the first and second subparagraphs, the customs authorities shall apply Article 14a(2) and use the authorisation form set out in Annex 67.
Where the applicant holds an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1), the conditions and criteria referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article are deemed to be fulfilled.
Article 253d
An authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure shall be suspended by the authorising customs authority where:
non-compliance with the conditions and criteria referred to in Article 253c(1) has been detected;
the customs authorities have sufficient reason to believe that an act, which gives rise to criminal court proceedings and is linked to an infringement of the customs rules, has been perpetrated by the holder of the authorisation or another person referred to in points (a), (b) or (d) of Article 14h(1).
However, in the case referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph of this Article, the authorising customs authority may decide not to suspend an authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure if it considers an infringement to be of negligible importance in relation to the number or size of the customs related operations and not to create doubts concerning the good faith of the holder of the authorisation.
Before taking a decision, the authorising customs authority shall communicate its findings to the holder of the authorisation. The holder of the authorisation shall be entitled to regularise the situation and/or express his point of view within 30 calendar days starting from the date of communication.
If the holder of the authorisation does not regularise the situation referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 within the period of 30 calendar days the authorising customs authority shall notify the holder of the authorisation that the authorisation for the simplified declaration or local clearance procedure is suspended for a period of 30 calendar days to enable the holder of the authorisation to take the required measures to regularise the situation.
In the cases referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, the authorising customs authority shall suspend the authorisation until the end of the court proceedings. It shall notify the holder of the authorisation to that effect.
Where the holder of the authorisation has been unable to regularise the situation within 30 calendar days but can provide evidence that the conditions can be met if the suspension period is extended, the authorising customs authority shall suspend the authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure for a further 30 calendar days.
The suspension of an authorisation shall not affect any customs procedure that has already begun before the date of suspension but has not yet been completed.
Article 253e
When the holder of the authorisation has, to the satisfaction of the authorising customs authority, taken the necessary measures to comply with the conditions and criteria that have to be met in the authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure, the authorising customs authority shall withdraw the suspension and inform the holder of the authorisation. The suspension may be withdrawn before the expiry of the time limit laid down in Article 253d(2) or (4).
If the holder of the authorisation fails to take the necessary measures within the suspension period provided for in Article 253d(2) or (4), Article 253g shall apply.
Article 253f
Where a holder of an authorisation is temporarily unable to meet any of the conditions and criteria laid down for an authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure, he may request a suspension of the authorisation. In such cases, the holder of an authorisation shall notify the authorising customs authority, specifying the date when he will be able to meet the conditions and criteria again. He shall also notify the authorising customs authority of any planned measures and their timescale.
If the holder of the authorisation fails to regularise the situation within the period set out in his notification, the authorising customs authority may grant a reasonable extension, provided that the holder of the authorisation has acted in good faith.
Article 253g
Without prejudice to Article 9 of the Code and Article 4 of this Regulation, an authorisation for the simplified declaration or local clearance procedure shall be revoked by the authorising customs authority in the following cases:
- (a)
where the holder of the authorisation fails to regularise the situation referred to in Articles 253d(2) and 253f(1);
- (b)
where serious or repeated infringements related to the customs rules have been committed by the holder of the authorisation or other persons referred to in points (a), (b) or (d) of Article 14h(1) and there is no further right of appeal;
- (c)
upon request of the holder of the authorisation.
However, in the case referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph, the authorising customs authority may decide not to revoke the authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure if it considers the infringements to be of negligible importance in relation to the number or size of the customs related operations and not to create doubts concerning the good faith of the holder of the authorisation.
F2CHAPTER 1ASingle authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure
Section 1Application procedure
Article 253h
The application for a single authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure shall be submitted to one of the customs authorities referred to in Article 14d(1) and (2).
However, where the authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure is requested in the context of, or following, an application for a single authorisation for end-use or for a customs procedure with economic impact, Article 292(5) and (6) or Articles 500 and 501 shall apply.
If a part of the relevant records and documentation is kept in a Member State other than the Member State of application, the applicant shall duly complete boxes 5a, 5b and 7 of the application form of which the model is set out in Annex 67.
The applicant shall provide a readily accessible central point or nominate a contact person within the administration of the applicant in the Member State of application, in order to make available to the customs authorities all of the information necessary for proving compliance with the requirements for granting the single authorisation.
Applicants shall, to the extent possible, submit necessary data to the customs authorities by electronic means.
Until the introduction of an electronic data exchange system between the Member States involved, which is necessary for the purposes of the relevant customs procedure, the authorising customs authority may reject applications made under paragraph 1 if the single authorisation would create a disproportionate administrative charge.
Article 253i
Member States shall communicate to the Commission a list of customs authorities referred to in Article 253h(1), to which applications have to be made and any subsequent changes thereto. The Commission shall make such information available on the Internet. These authorities shall act as the authorising customs authorities of single authorisations for the simplified declaration and the local clearance procedure.
Member States shall nominate a central office responsible for the information exchange between Member States and between Member States and the Commission, and shall communicate that office to the Commission.
Section 2Issuing procedure
Article 253j
Where a single authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure is applied for, the authorising customs authority shall make available the following information to the other customs authorities concerned:
the application;
the draft authorisation;
all necessary information for granting the authorisation.
It shall be made available using the communication system referred to in Article 253m once this system is available.
The information referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 shall be made available by the authorising customs authority within the following time limits:
30 calendar days, if the applicant has been previously granted the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure or an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1);
90 calendar days in all other cases.
Where the authorising customs authority is unable to meet those time limits, it may extend them by 30 calendar days. In such cases, the authorising customs authority shall, before the expiry of those time limits, inform the applicant of the reasons for the extension.
The time limit shall run from the date on which the authorising customs authority receives all the necessary information referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1. The authorising customs authority shall inform the applicant that the application has been accepted and the date from which the time limit will run.
Until 31 December 2009 , the maximum periods of 30 or 90 calendar days provided for in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall be replaced by 90 or 210 calendar days.
Article 253k
The authorising customs authority of the Member State where the application has been made and the customs authorities of the other Member States involved in the single authorisation applied for shall cooperate in the setting up of the operational and reporting requirements, including a control plan for the supervision of the customs procedure operated under the single authorisation. However, the data to be exchanged for the purposes of the customs procedure(s) between the customs authorities concerned shall not exceed that laid down in Annex 30A.
The customs authorities of the other Member States concerned by the single authorisation applied for shall notify the authorising customs authority of any objections within 30 calendar days of the date on which the draft authorisation was received. If additional time is needed for this notification, the authorising customs authority shall be informed as soon as possible and in any event within this time limit. This additional time limit may be extended by no more than 30 calendar days. Where an extension is agreed, the authorising customs authority shall communicate the extension of the time limit to the applicant.
Where objections are notified and no agreement between the customs authorities is reached within that period, the application shall be rejected to the extent to which objections were raised.
If the customs authority consulted fails to respond within the time limit(s) laid down in the first subparagraph, the authorising customs authority may assume that no objections exist with regard to issuing such authorisation, while the responsibility remains with the customs authority consulted.
Before the partial or complete rejection of an application, the authorising customs authority shall communicate the reasons on which they intend to base their decision to the applicant, who shall be given the opportunity to express his point of view within 30 calendar days from the date on which the communication was made.
Article 253l
Where a single authorisation is applied for by an applicant who holds an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1), the authorisation shall be granted when the necessary exchange of information has been arranged between:
the applicant and the authorising customs authority;
the authorising authority and the other customs authorities concerned by the single authorisation applied for.
In cases where the applicant does not hold an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1), the authorisation shall be granted where the authorising customs authority is satisfied that the applicant will be able to meet the conditions and criteria for the authorisation laid down or referred to in Articles 253, 253a and 253c, and when the necessary exchange of information referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph has been arranged.
The authorising customs authority shall, after receiving consent or no reasoned objections from the other customs authorities concerned, issue the authorisation in accordance with the authorisation form laid down in Annex 67, within 30 calendar days following the expiry of the periods laid down in Article 253k(2) or (3).
The authorising customs authority shall make the authorisation available to the customs authorities in the participating Member States, using the information and communication system referred to in Article 253m once it is available.
Single authorisations for the simplified declaration and the local clearance procedure shall be recognised in all Member States detailed in box 10 or box 11, or in both of them, of the authorisation as applicable.
Section 3Information exchange
Article 253m
An electronic information and communication system, defined by the Commission and the customs authorities in agreement with each other, shall be used, once it is available, for the information and communication process between the customs authorities and to inform the Commission and economic operators. The information provided to economic operators shall be limited to the non-confidential data defined in Title II, point 16, of the Explanatory Notes to the application form for simplified procedures set out in Annex 67.
The Commission and the customs authorities shall, using the system referred to in paragraph 1, exchange, store, and have access to the following information:
the data of the applications;
the information required for the issuing process;
the single authorisations issued for the procedures referred to in Article 1(13) and (14) and, where applicable, their amendment, suspension and revocation;
the results of a reassessment in accordance with Article 253(8).
The Commission and the Member States may disclose to the public, via the Internet, the list of single authorisations, as well as the non-confidential data defined in Title II, point 16, of the Explanatory Notes to the application form for simplified procedures set out in Annex 67 with prior agreement of the authorisation holder. The list shall be updated.
CHAPTER 2Declarations for release for free circulation
Section 1Incomplete declarations
F4Article 254
If the declarant so requests, the customs authorities may accept declarations for release for free circulation which do not contain all the particulars set out in Annex 37.
However, those declarations shall contain at least the particulars for an incomplete declaration set out in Annex 30A.
Article 255
Declarations for release for free circulation which the customs authorities may accept at the declarant's request without their being accompanied by certain of the necessary supporting documents shall be accompanied at least by those documents which must be produced before the goods declared can be released for free circulation.
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, a declaration not accompanied by one or more of the documents required before the goods can be released for free circulation may be accepted once it is established to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that:
the document concerned exists and is valid;
it could not be annexed to the declaration for reasons beyond the declarant's control;
any delay in accepting the declaration would prevent the release of the goods for free circulation or make them liable to a higher rate of duty.
Data relating to missing documents shall in all cases be indicated in the declaration.
Article 256
The period allowed by the customs authorities to the declarant for the communication of particulars or production of documents missing at the time when the declaration was accepted may not exceed one month from the date of such acceptance.
F5In the case of a document required for the application of a reduced or zero rate of import duty, where the customs authorities have good reason to believe that the goods covered by the incomplete declaration may qualify for such reduced or zero rate of duty, a period longer than that provided for in the first subparagraph may, at the declarant's request, be granted for the production of the document, if justified in the circumstances. That period may not exceed four months from the date of acceptance of the declaration. It cannot be extended.
Where the missing particulars to be communicated or documents to be supplied concern customs value, the customs authorities may, where this proves absolutely necessary, set a longer time limit or extend the period previously set. The total period allowed shall take account of the prescribed periods in force.
Where a reduced or zero rate of import duty is applicable to goods released for free circulation within tariff quotas or, provided that the levying of normal import duties is not re-introduced, within tariff ceilings or other preferential tariff measures, the benefit of the tariff quota or preferential tariff measure shall only be granted after presentation to the customs authorities of the document on which the granting of the reduced or zero rate is conditional. The document must in any case be presented:
before the tariff quota has been exhausted, or
in other cases, before the date on which a Community measure re-introduces the levying of normal import duties.
Subject to paragraphs 1 and 2, the document on whose presentation the granting of the reduced or zero rate of import duty is conditional may be produced after the expiry date of the period for which the reduced or zero rate was set, provided the declaration in respect of the goods in question was accepted before that date.
Article 257
The customs authorities' acceptance of an incomplete declaration shall not prevent or delay the release of the goods thus declared, unless other grounds exist for so doing. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 248, release shall take place in accordance with the conditions laid down in paragraphs 2 to 5 below.
Where the late production of particulars or of a supporting document missing at the time when a declaration is accepted cannot affect the amount of duties to which the goods covered by the said declaration are liable, the customs authorities shall immediately enter in the accounts the sum payable, calculated in the usual manner.
Where, pursuant to Article 254, a declaration contains a provisional indication of value, the customs authorities shall:
enter immediately in the accounts the amount of duties determined on the basis of this indication,
require, if necessary, the lodging of a security adequate to cover the difference between that amount and the amount to which the goods may ultimately be liable.
Where, in circumstances other than those referred to in paragraph 3, the late production of particulars or of a supporting document missing at the time when a declaration is accepted may affect the amount of duties to which the goods covered by the said declaration are liable:
if late production of any missing particulars or document may lead to the application of duty at a reduced rate, the customs authorities shall:
immediately enter in the accounts the import duties payable at the reduced rate,
require the lodging of a security covering the difference between that sum and the sum which would be payable were the import duties on the goods in question calculated at the normal rate;
if the late production of any missing particulars or document may lead to admission of the goods with total relief from duties, the customs authorities shall require the lodging of a security covering the amount which would be payable were the duties charged at the normal rate.
Without prejudice to any subsequent changes which may arise, particularly as a result of the final determination of the customs value, the declarant shall have the option, instead of lodging a security, of requesting the immediate entry in the accounts:
where the second indent of paragraph 3 or the second indent of paragraph 4 (a) applies, of the amount of duties to which the goods may ultimately be liable, or
where paragraph 4 (b) applies, of the amount of duties calculated at the normal rate.
Article 258
If, at the expiry of the period referred to in Article 256, the declarant has not supplied the details necessary for the final determination of the customs value of the goods, or has failed to provide the missing particulars or documents, the customs authorities shall immediately enter in the accounts as duties to which the goods in question are subject the amount of the security provided in accordance with the provisions of the second indent of Article 257 (3), the second indent of Article 257 (4) (a) or Article 257 (4) (b).
Article 259
An incomplete declaration accepted under the conditions set out in Articles 254 to 257 may be either completed by the declarant or, by agreement with the customs authorities, replaced by another declaration which complies with the conditions laid down in Article 62 of the Code.
In both cases, the operative date for the fixing of any duties and the application of other provisions governing the release of goods for free circulation shall be the date of acceptance of the incomplete declaration.
Section 2Simplified declaration procedure
Article 260
F7An applicant shall, upon written request containing all the necessary information, be authorized in accordance with the conditions and in the manner laid down in Articles 261 and 262, to make the declaration for release for free circulation in a simplified form when goods are presented to customs.
Such simplified declaration shall contain at least the particulars for a simplified import declaration set out in Annex 30A.
Where circumstances permit, the customs authorities may allow the request for release for free circulation referred to in the second indent of paragraph 2 to be replaced by a general request in respect of release operations to take place over a given period. A reference to the authorization granted in response to such general request shall be entered on the commercial or administrative document presented pursuant to paragraph 1.
The simplified declaration shall be accompanied by all documents the production of which may be required to secure the release of the goods for free circulation. Article 255 (2) shall apply.
This Article shall be without prejudice to Article 278.
F7Article 261
Authorisation to use the simplified declaration procedure shall be granted to the applicant if the conditions and criteria referred to in Articles 253, 253a, 253b and 253c are fulfilled.
Where the applicant holds an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1), the authorising customs authority shall grant the authorisation when the necessary exchange of information has been arranged between the applicant and the authorising customs authority. All the conditions and criteria referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be met.
Article 262
The authorisation referred to in Article 260 shall contain the following particulars:
the customs office(s) competent to accept simplified declarations;
the goods to which it applies; and
a reference to the guarantee to be provided by the person concerned to cover any customs debt which may arise.
It shall also specify the form and content of the supplementary declarations, and shall set the time-limits within which they must be lodged with the customs authority designated for this purpose.
The customs authorities may waive the presentation of the supplementary declaration where the simplified declaration concerns goods the value of which is below the statistical threshold laid down by the Community provisions in force and the simplified declaration already contains all the information needed for release for free circulation.
Section 3Local clearance procedure
Article 263
Authorization to use the local clearance procedure shall be granted in accordance with the conditions and in the manner laid down in Articles 264 to 266 to any person wishing to have goods released for free circulation at his premises or at the other places referred to in Article 253 and who submits to the customs authorities a written request to this end containing all the particulars necessary for the grant of the authorization:
in respect of goods subject either to the Community or common transit procedure and for which the person referred to above is authorized to use the simplified procedures to be carried out at the office of destination in accordance with F9Articles 406, 407 and 408,
in respect of goods previously placed under a customs procedure with economic impact, without prejudice to Article 278,
in respect of goods which, after having been presented to customs pursuant to Article 40 of the Code, are consigned to those premises or places in accordance with a transit procedure other than that referred to in the first indent,
in respect of goods which are brought into the customs territory of the Community with an exemption from the requirement that they be presented to customs, pursuant to Article 41 (b) of the Code.
F7Article 264
Authorisation to use the local clearance procedure shall be granted to the applicant if the conditions and criteria referred to in Articles 253, 253a, 253b and 253c are fulfilled.
Where the applicant holds an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1), the authorising customs authority shall grant the authorisation when the necessary exchange of information has been arranged between the applicant and the authorising customs authority. All the conditions and criteria referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be met.
F10Article 265
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Article 266
To enable the customs authorities to satisfy themselves as to the proper conduct of operations, the holder of the authorization referred to in Article 263 shall:
in the cases referred to in the first and third indents of Article 263:
- (i)
where the goods are released for free circulation upon their arrival at the place designated for that purpose:
duly notify the customs authorities of such arrival in the form and the manner specified by them, for the purpose of obtaining release of the goods, and
enter the goods in his records;
- (ii)
where release for free circulation is preceded by temporary storage of the goods within the meaning of Article 50 of the Code at the same place, before expiry of the time-limit set under Article 49 of the Code:
duly notify the customs authorities, in the form and the manner specified by them, of his desire to have the goods released for free circulation, for the purpose of obtaining release of the goods, and
enter the goods in his records;
in the cases referred to in the second indent of Article 263:
duly notify the customs authorities, in the form and the manner specified by them, of his desire to have the goods released for free circulation, for the purpose of obtaining release of the goods, and
enter the goods in his records.
The notification referred to in the first indent shall not be required where the goods to be released for free circulation have already been placed under the customs warehousing procedure in a type D warehouse;
in the cases referred to in the fourth indent of Article 263, upon arrival of the goods at the place designated for that purpose:
enter the goods in his records;
make available to the customs authorities, from the time of the entry in the records referred to in points (a), (b) and (c), all documents, the production of which is required for the application of the provisions governing release for free circulation.
On condition that checks on the proper conduct of operations are not thereby affected, the customs authorities may:
permit the notification referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 to be effected as soon as the arrival of the goods becomes imminent;
in certain special circumstances, where the nature of the goods in question and the rapid turnover so warrant, exempt the holder of the authorization from the requirement to notify the competent customs office of each arrival of goods, provided that he supplies the said office with all the information it considers necessary to enable it to exercise its right to examine the goods should the need arise.
In this case, entry of the goods in the records of the person concerned shall be equivalent to release.
The entry in the records referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 may be replaced by any other formality offering similar guarantees requested by the customs authorities. This entry shall indicate the date on which it is made and contain at least the particulars for a declaration under the local clearance procedure set out in Annex 30A.
Article 267
The authorization referred to in Article 263 shall lay down the specific rules for the operation of the procedure and in particular shall stipulate:
the goods to which it applies,
the form of the obligations referred to in Article 266 and the reference to the guarantee to be provided by the person concerned,
the time of release of the goods,
the time limit within which the supplementary declaration must be lodged with the competent customs office designated for that purpose,
the conditions under which goods are to be covered by general, periodic or recapitulative declarations, as appropriate.
CHAPTER 3Declarations for a customs procedure with economic impact
Section 1Entry for a customs procedure with economic impact
Subsection 1Entry for the customs warehousing procedure
A.Incomplete declarations
Article 268
If the declarant so requests the customs office of entry may accept declarations for the customs warehousing procedure which do not contain all the particulars set out in Annex 37.
However, those declarations shall contain at least the particulars for an incomplete declaration set out in Annex 30A.
Articles 255, 256 and 259 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
This Article shall not apply to declarations for the procedure for the Community agricultural products referred to in F12Article 524.
B.Simplified declaration procedure
Article 269
Authorisation to use the simplified declaration procedure shall be granted to the applicant if the conditions and criteria referred to in Articles 253, 253a, 253b, 253c and 270 are fulfilled.
Where this procedure is applied in a type D warehouse the simplified declaration shall also include the nature of the goods concerned, in sufficient detail to permit their immediate and unambiguous classification, and their customs value.
The procedure referred to in paragraph 1 shall not apply to Type F warehouses nor to the entry for the procedure of the Community agricultural products referred to in F12Article 524 in any type of warehouse.
The procedure referred to in the second indent of paragraph 1 shall apply to Type B warehouses except that it shall not be possible to use a commercial document. Where the administrative document does not contain all the particulars shown in Annex 37, Title I(B), these should be supplied on the accompanying application.
Article 270
The application referred to in Article 269 (1) shall be made in writing and contain all the particulars necessary for the grant of the authorization.
Where circumstances permit, the application referred to in Article 269 (1) may be replaced by a general request in respect of operations to take place over a given period.
In this case the application shall be made under the conditions laid down in F12Articles 497, 498 and 499 and shall be submitted with the application to operate the customs warehouse or as a modification to the initial authorization, to the customs authority which issued the authorization for the procedure.
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Where the applicant holds an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1), the authorising customs authority shall grant the authorisation when the necessary exchange of information has been arranged between the applicant and the authorising customs authority. All conditions and criteria referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be met.
F4Article 271
The authorisation referred to in Article 269(1) shall lay down the specific rules for the operation of the procedure, including the customs office(s) of entry for the procedure.
It shall not be necessary to provide a supplementary declaration.
C.Local clearance procedure
Article 272
Authorisation to use the local clearance procedure shall be granted to the applicant if the conditions and criteria referred to in paragraph 2 and Articles 253, 253a, 253b, 253c and 274 are fulfilled.
The local clearance procedure shall not apply to type B and F warehouses nor to the entry of the Community agricultural products referred to in F12Article 524 for the procedure in any type of warehouse.
Article 270 shall apply mutatis mutandis .
Article 273
In order to allow the customs authorities to ensure the proper conduct of operations, the holder of by the authorization shall, upon arrival of the goods at the place designated for that purpose:
duly notify such arrival to the supervising office in the form and manner specified by it;
to make entries in the stock records;
keep at the disposal of the supervising office all documents concerning the entry of the goods for the procedure.
The entry in the stock records referred to in (b) shall contain at least some of the particulars used to identify the goods commercially, including their quantity.
Article 266 (2) shall apply.
Article 274
The authorization referred to in Article 272 (1) shall lay down the specific rules for the operation of the procedure and shall specify in particular:
the goods to which it applies,
the form of the obligations referred to in Article 273,
the time of release of the goods.
A supplementary declaration need not be required.
Subsection 2Entry for the inward processing, processing under customs control or temporary importation procedures
A.Incomplete declarations
Article 275
If the declarant so requests the customs office of entry may accept declarations for placing goods under a customs procedure with economic impact other than outward processing or customs warehousing which do not contain all the particulars set out in Annex 37 or which are not accompanied by certain documents referred to in Article 220.
However, those declarations shall contain at least the particulars for an incomplete declaration set out in Annex 30A.
Articles 255, 256 and 259 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
In cases of entry for the inward processing procedure, drawback system, Articles 257 and 258 shall also apply mutatis mutandis.
B.Simplified declaration and local clearance procedures
Article 276
The provisions of Articles 260 to 267 and of Article 270 shall apply mutatis mutandis to goods declared for the customs procedures with economic impact covered by this subsection.
Subsection 3Goods declared for the outward processing procedure
Article 277
The provisions of Articles 279 to 289 applying to goods declared for export shall apply mutatis mutandis to goods declared for export under the outward processing procedure.
F15Subsection 4Common provisions
Article 277a
Where two or more authorisations concerning customs procedures with economic impact are granted to the same person, and one procedure is discharged by the entry for another procedure using the local clearance procedure, a supplementary declaration need not be required.
Section 2Discharge of a customs procedure with economic impact
Article 278
In cases of discharge of a customs procedure with economic impact other than the outward processing and customs warehousing procedures, the simplified procedures for release for free circulation, export and re-exportation may be applied. In the case of re-exportation, the provisions of Articles 279 to 289 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
The simplified procedures referred to in Articles 254 to 267 may be applied to release of goods for free circulation under the outward processing procedure.
In cases of discharge of the customs warehousing procedure, the simplified procedures for release for free circulation, export or re-export may be applied.
for goods entered for the procedure in a type F warehouse no simplified procedure may be authorized;
for goods entered for the procedure in a type B warehouse only incomplete declarations and the simplified declaration procedure shall apply;
issue of an authorization for a type D warehouse shall entail the automatic application of the local clearance procedure for release for free circulation.
However, in cases where the person concerned wishes to benefit from application of items of charge which cannot be checked without a physical examination of the goods, this procedure may not be applied. In this case, other procedures involving presentation of the goods to customs may be used;
no simplified procedure shall apply for Community agricultural goods referred to in Article 524 entered for the customs warehousing procedure.
CHAPTER 4Export declarations
F8Article 279
The export formalities provided for in Articles 786 to 796e may be simplified in accordance with this Chapter.
Section 1Incomplete declarations
F4Article 280
If the declarant so requests, the customs office of export may accept export declarations which do not contain all the particulars set out in Annex 37.
However, those declarations shall contain at least the particulars for an incomplete declaration set out in Annex 30A.
Where the goods are liable for export duties or subject to any other measures provided for under the common agricultural policy, the export declarations shall contain all the information required for the application of such duties or measures.
Articles 255 to 259 shall apply mutatis mutandis to export declarations.
Article 281
Where Article 789 applies, the supplementary declaration may be lodged at the customs office responsible for the place where the exporter is established.
Where the subcontractor is established in a Member State other than that where the exporter is established, paragraph 1 shall only apply where the required data is exchanged electronically in accordance with Article 4d.
The incomplete export declaration shall specify the customs office where the supplementary declaration shall be lodged. The customs office which receives the incomplete export declaration shall communicate the particulars of the incomplete export declaration to the customs office where the supplementary declaration is to be lodged as provided for in paragraph 1.
In the cases referred to in paragraph 2, the customs office which has received the supplementary declaration shall immediately communicate the particulars of the supplementary declaration to the customs office where the incomplete export declaration has been lodged.
Section 2Simplified declaration procedure
Article 282
Authorisation to use the simplified declaration procedure shall be granted according to the conditions and in the manner laid down in Articles 253, 253a, 253b, 253c, 261(2) and, mutatis mutandis , Article 262.
The simplified declaration shall contain at least the particulars for a simplified declaration set out in Annex 30A.
Articles 255 to 259 shall apply mutatis mutandis .
Section 3Local clearance procedure
F8Article 283
Authorisation to use the local clearance procedure shall be granted according to the conditions and in the manner laid down in Articles 253, 253a, 253b and 253c to any person, hereinafter referred to as an ‘ approved exporter ’ , wishing to carry out export procedures at his premises or at the other places designated or approved by the customs authorities.
F16Article 284
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F4Article 285
The approved exporter shall, before removal of the goods from the places referred to in Article 283, fulfil the following obligations:
duly inform the customs office of export of such removal by lodging a simplified export declaration, as referred to in Article 282;
make available to the customs authorities any documents required for the export of the goods.
The approved exporter may lodge a complete export declaration in place of the simplified export declaration. In this case, the requirement for a supplementary declaration, laid down in Article 76(2) of the Code, shall be waived.
F17Article 285a
The customs authorities may exempt the approved exporter from the requirement to lodge a simplified export declaration at the customs office of export for each removal of goods. This exemption shall be granted only if the approved exporter fulfils the following conditions:
the approved exporter informs the customs office of export of each removal, in the manner and form specified by that office;
the approved exporter supplies, or makes available, to the customs authorities all information they consider necessary for effective risk analysis before the removal of the goods from the places referred to in Article 283;
the approved exporter enters the goods in his records.
The entry referred to in point (c) of the first subparagraph may be replaced by any other formality, required by the customs authorities, which offers similar guarantees. This entry shall indicate the date on which it is made and the particulars necessary for the identification of the goods.
In cases where Article 592a or 592d applies, the customs authorities may authorise an economic operator to enter in his records immediately each export operation and to report all of them to the authorising customs office in a supplementary declaration on a periodic basis of up to one month after the goods have left the customs territory of the Community. Such authorisation may be granted under the following conditions:
the economic operator uses the authorisation only for goods which are not subject to prohibitions and restrictions;
the economic operator provides all the information to the customs office of export which this office considers necessary to enable it perform controls on the goods;
in cases where the customs office of export is different from the customs office of exit, the customs authorities shall have agreed to the use of such an arrangement and the information referred to under point (b) is also available to the customs office of exit.
Where the arrangement referred to in the first subparagraph is used, entry of the goods in the records shall be deemed to be release for export and exit.
In certain particular circumstances justified by the nature of the goods in question and the rapid turnover of export operations, the customs authorities may, until 30 June 2009 , exempt the approved exporter from the requirements set out in points (a) and (b) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, provided that he supplies the customs office of export with all the information it considers necessary to enable it to exercise its right to examine the goods, should the need arise, before the exit of the goods.
In this case, entry of the goods in the records of the approved exporter shall be equivalent to release.
F17Article 285b
The information referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 285a(1) shall be given to the customs office of export by the deadlines provided for in Articles 592b and 592c.
The entry in the records referred to in point (c) of the first subparagraph of Article 285a(1) shall include the particulars for the local clearance procedure set out in Annex 30A.
The customs authorities shall ensure that the requirements of Articles 796a to 796e are met.
Article 286
To check that the goods have actually left the customs territory of the Community, Copy No 3 of the Single Administrative Document shall be used as evidence of exit.
The authorization shall stipulate that Copy No 3 of the Single Administrative Document be authenticated in advance.
Prior authentication may be effected in one of the following ways:
box A may be stamped in advance with the stamp of the competent customs office, and signed by an official from that office;
the approved exporter may stamp the declaration using a special stamp conforming to the model shown in Annex 62.
The imprint of this stamp may be preprinted on the forms where the printing is entrusted to a printer approved for that purpose.
Before the departure of the goods the approved exporter shall fulfil the following requirements:
carry out the procedures referred to in Article 285 or 285a;
indicate on any accompanying document or any other medium replacing it the following particulars:
- (i)
the reference to the entry in his records;
- (ii)
the date on which the entry referred to in point (i) was made;
- (iii)
the number of the authorisation;
- (iv)
the name of the issuing customs office.
Article 287
The authorisation referred to in Article 283 shall specify detailed rules for the operation of the procedure and in particular the following:
the goods to which it applies;
the way the conditions laid down in Article 285a(1) are to be fulfilled;
the way and the moment the goods are released;
the content of any accompanying document or medium replacing it and the means by which it is to be validated;
the procedure for presenting the supplementary declaration and the time limit within which it must be lodged.
Where Articles 796a to 796e apply, the release referred to in point (c) of the first subparagraph shall be granted in accordance with Article 796b.
The authorization shall include an undertaking by the approved exporter to take all necessary measures to ensure the safekeeping of the special stamp or of the forms bearing the imprint of the stamp of the customs office of export or the imprint of the special stamp.
Section 4Provisions common to Sections 2 and 3
F10Article 288
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Article 289
Where the whole of an export operation takes place on the territory of a single Member State, that Member State may, in addition to the procedures referred to in Sections 2 and 3 and while ensuring compliance with Community policies, provide for other simplifications.
F17However, the declarant shall make available to the customs authorities the necessary information for effective risk analysis and the examination of the goods before the exit of these goods.