[F1CHAPTER 1 U.K. General provisions]

[F2Section 2 U.K. Granting, suspension, revocation of authorisations for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure

Article 253b U.K.

1. Applications for authorisation of the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure shall be made using the model application form set out in Annex 67 or the corresponding electronic format.

2. Where the authorising customs authority establishes that the application does not contain all the particulars required, it shall, within 30 calendar days of receipt of the application, ask the applicant to supply the relevant information, stating the grounds for its request.

3. The application shall not be accepted if:

(a) it does not comply with paragraph 1;

(b) it has not been submitted to the competent customs authorities;

(c) the applicant has been convicted of a serious criminal offence linked to the economic activity of the applicant;

(d) the applicant is subject to bankruptcy proceedings at the time of the submission of the application.

4. Before granting an authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure the customs authorities shall audit the applicant's records, unless the results of a previous audit can be used.

Article 253c U.K.

1. Authorisation for the simplified declaration procedure shall be granted provided that the conditions and criteria laid down in Article 14h, with the exception of paragraph 1(c), in points (d), (e) and (g) of Article 14i and in Article 14j are fulfilled.

Authorisation for the local clearance procedure shall be granted provided that the conditions and criteria laid down in Article 14h, with the exception of paragraph 1(c), in Article 14i and in Article 14j are fulfilled.

For the granting of the authorisations referred to in the first and second subparagraphs, the customs authorities shall apply Article 14a(2) and use the authorisation form set out in Annex 67.

2. Where the applicant holds an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1), the conditions and criteria referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article are deemed to be fulfilled.

Article 253d U.K.

1. An authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure shall be suspended by the authorising customs authority where:

(a) non-compliance with the conditions and criteria referred to in Article 253c(1) has been detected;

(b) the customs authorities have sufficient reason to believe that an act, which gives rise to criminal court proceedings and is linked to an infringement of the customs rules, has been perpetrated by the holder of the authorisation or another person referred to in points (a), (b) or (d) of Article 14h(1).

However, in the case referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph of this Article, the authorising customs authority may decide not to suspend an authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure if it considers an infringement to be of negligible importance in relation to the number or size of the customs related operations and not to create doubts concerning the good faith of the holder of the authorisation.

Before taking a decision, the authorising customs authority shall communicate its findings to the holder of the authorisation. The holder of the authorisation shall be entitled to regularise the situation and/or express his point of view within 30 calendar days starting from the date of communication.

2. If the holder of the authorisation does not regularise the situation referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 within the period of 30 calendar days the authorising customs authority shall notify the holder of the authorisation that the authorisation for the simplified declaration or local clearance procedure is suspended for a period of 30 calendar days to enable the holder of the authorisation to take the required measures to regularise the situation.

3. In the cases referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, the authorising customs authority shall suspend the authorisation until the end of the court proceedings. It shall notify the holder of the authorisation to that effect.

4. Where the holder of the authorisation has been unable to regularise the situation within 30 calendar days but can provide evidence that the conditions can be met if the suspension period is extended, the authorising customs authority shall suspend the authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure for a further 30 calendar days.

5. The suspension of an authorisation shall not affect any customs procedure that has already begun before the date of suspension but has not yet been completed.

Article 253e U.K.

1. When the holder of the authorisation has, to the satisfaction of the authorising customs authority, taken the necessary measures to comply with the conditions and criteria that have to be met in the authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure, the authorising customs authority shall withdraw the suspension and inform the holder of the authorisation. The suspension may be withdrawn before the expiry of the time limit laid down in Article 253d(2) or (4).

2. If the holder of the authorisation fails to take the necessary measures within the suspension period provided for in Article 253d(2) or (4), Article 253g shall apply.

Article 253f U.K.

1. Where a holder of an authorisation is temporarily unable to meet any of the conditions and criteria laid down for an authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure, he may request a suspension of the authorisation. In such cases, the holder of an authorisation shall notify the authorising customs authority, specifying the date when he will be able to meet the conditions and criteria again. He shall also notify the authorising customs authority of any planned measures and their timescale.

2. If the holder of the authorisation fails to regularise the situation within the period set out in his notification, the authorising customs authority may grant a reasonable extension, provided that the holder of the authorisation has acted in good faith.

Article 253g U.K.

Without prejudice to Article 9 of the Code and Article 4 of this Regulation, an authorisation for the simplified declaration or local clearance procedure shall be revoked by the authorising customs authority in the following cases:


where the holder of the authorisation fails to regularise the situation referred to in Articles 253d(2) and 253f(1);


where serious or repeated infringements related to the customs rules have been committed by the holder of the authorisation or other persons referred to in points (a), (b) or (d) of Article 14h(1) and there is no further right of appeal;


upon request of the holder of the authorisation.

However, in the case referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph, the authorising customs authority may decide not to revoke the authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure if it considers the infringements to be of negligible importance in relation to the number or size of the customs related operations and not to create doubts concerning the good faith of the holder of the authorisation.]