F1CHAPTER 1ASingle authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure
Section 1Application procedure
Article 253h
The application for a single authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure shall be submitted to one of the customs authorities referred to in Article 14d(1) and (2).
However, where the authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure is requested in the context of, or following, an application for a single authorisation for end-use or for a customs procedure with economic impact, Article 292(5) and (6) or Articles 500 and 501 shall apply.
If a part of the relevant records and documentation is kept in a Member State other than the Member State of application, the applicant shall duly complete boxes 5a, 5b and 7 of the application form of which the model is set out in Annex 67.
The applicant shall provide a readily accessible central point or nominate a contact person within the administration of the applicant in the Member State of application, in order to make available to the customs authorities all of the information necessary for proving compliance with the requirements for granting the single authorisation.
Applicants shall, to the extent possible, submit necessary data to the customs authorities by electronic means.
Until the introduction of an electronic data exchange system between the Member States involved, which is necessary for the purposes of the relevant customs procedure, the authorising customs authority may reject applications made under paragraph 1 if the single authorisation would create a disproportionate administrative charge.
Article 253i
Member States shall communicate to the Commission a list of customs authorities referred to in Article 253h(1), to which applications have to be made and any subsequent changes thereto. The Commission shall make such information available on the Internet. These authorities shall act as the authorising customs authorities of single authorisations for the simplified declaration and the local clearance procedure.
Member States shall nominate a central office responsible for the information exchange between Member States and between Member States and the Commission, and shall communicate that office to the Commission.
Section 2Issuing procedure
Article 253j
Where a single authorisation for the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure is applied for, the authorising customs authority shall make available the following information to the other customs authorities concerned:
the application;
the draft authorisation;
all necessary information for granting the authorisation.
It shall be made available using the communication system referred to in Article 253m once this system is available.
The information referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 shall be made available by the authorising customs authority within the following time limits:
30 calendar days, if the applicant has been previously granted the simplified declaration or the local clearance procedure or an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1);
90 calendar days in all other cases.
Where the authorising customs authority is unable to meet those time limits, it may extend them by 30 calendar days. In such cases, the authorising customs authority shall, before the expiry of those time limits, inform the applicant of the reasons for the extension.
The time limit shall run from the date on which the authorising customs authority receives all the necessary information referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1. The authorising customs authority shall inform the applicant that the application has been accepted and the date from which the time limit will run.
Until 31 December 2009 , the maximum periods of 30 or 90 calendar days provided for in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall be replaced by 90 or 210 calendar days.
Article 253k
The authorising customs authority of the Member State where the application has been made and the customs authorities of the other Member States involved in the single authorisation applied for shall cooperate in the setting up of the operational and reporting requirements, including a control plan for the supervision of the customs procedure operated under the single authorisation. However, the data to be exchanged for the purposes of the customs procedure(s) between the customs authorities concerned shall not exceed that laid down in Annex 30A.
The customs authorities of the other Member States concerned by the single authorisation applied for shall notify the authorising customs authority of any objections within 30 calendar days of the date on which the draft authorisation was received. If additional time is needed for this notification, the authorising customs authority shall be informed as soon as possible and in any event within this time limit. This additional time limit may be extended by no more than 30 calendar days. Where an extension is agreed, the authorising customs authority shall communicate the extension of the time limit to the applicant.
Where objections are notified and no agreement between the customs authorities is reached within that period, the application shall be rejected to the extent to which objections were raised.
If the customs authority consulted fails to respond within the time limit(s) laid down in the first subparagraph, the authorising customs authority may assume that no objections exist with regard to issuing such authorisation, while the responsibility remains with the customs authority consulted.
Before the partial or complete rejection of an application, the authorising customs authority shall communicate the reasons on which they intend to base their decision to the applicant, who shall be given the opportunity to express his point of view within 30 calendar days from the date on which the communication was made.
Article 253l
Where a single authorisation is applied for by an applicant who holds an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1), the authorisation shall be granted when the necessary exchange of information has been arranged between:
the applicant and the authorising customs authority;
the authorising authority and the other customs authorities concerned by the single authorisation applied for.
In cases where the applicant does not hold an AEO certificate referred to in point (a) or (c) of Article 14a(1), the authorisation shall be granted where the authorising customs authority is satisfied that the applicant will be able to meet the conditions and criteria for the authorisation laid down or referred to in Articles 253, 253a and 253c, and when the necessary exchange of information referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph has been arranged.
The authorising customs authority shall, after receiving consent or no reasoned objections from the other customs authorities concerned, issue the authorisation in accordance with the authorisation form laid down in Annex 67, within 30 calendar days following the expiry of the periods laid down in Article 253k(2) or (3).
The authorising customs authority shall make the authorisation available to the customs authorities in the participating Member States, using the information and communication system referred to in Article 253m once it is available.
Single authorisations for the simplified declaration and the local clearance procedure shall be recognised in all Member States detailed in box 10 or box 11, or in both of them, of the authorisation as applicable.
Section 3Information exchange
Article 253m
An electronic information and communication system, defined by the Commission and the customs authorities in agreement with each other, shall be used, once it is available, for the information and communication process between the customs authorities and to inform the Commission and economic operators. The information provided to economic operators shall be limited to the non-confidential data defined in Title II, point 16, of the Explanatory Notes to the application form for simplified procedures set out in Annex 67.
The Commission and the customs authorities shall, using the system referred to in paragraph 1, exchange, store, and have access to the following information:
the data of the applications;
the information required for the issuing process;
the single authorisations issued for the procedures referred to in Article 1(13) and (14) and, where applicable, their amendment, suspension and revocation;
the results of a reassessment in accordance with Article 253(8).
The Commission and the Member States may disclose to the public, via the Internet, the list of single authorisations, as well as the non-confidential data defined in Title II, point 16, of the Explanatory Notes to the application form for simplified procedures set out in Annex 67 with prior agreement of the authorisation holder. The list shall be updated.