Article 868
Member States need not enter in the accounts amounts of duty of less than ECU 10.
There shall be no post-clearance recovery of import duties or export duties where the amount per recovery action is less than ECU 10.
Article 869
The customs authorities shall themselves decide not to enter uncollected duties in the accounts:
- (a)
in cases in which preferential tariff treatment has been applied in the context of a tariff quota, a tariff ceiling or other arrangements when entitlement to this treatment had been ended at the time of acceptance of the customs declaration without that fact having been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities before the release for free circulation of the goods in question or, where such fact is not published, having been made known in an appropriate manner in the Member State concerned, the person liable for payment for his part having acted in good faith and complied with all the provisions laid down by the legislation in force as regards the customs declaration;
- (b)
in cases in which they consider that the conditions laid down in Article 220 (2) (b) of the Code are fulfilled, provided that the amount not collected from the operator concerned in respect of one or more import or export operations but in consequence of a single error is less than ECU 2 000;
- (c)
in cases in which the Member State to which the said authorities are subject has been so authorized in accordance with Article 875.
Article 870
Each Member State shall send the Commission a list of the cases in which the provisions of Article 869 (a), (b) or (c) have been applied, giving a short summary of each case.
The list referred to in paragraph 1 shall be forwarded during the first and third quarters of each year for all cases where it was decided not to enter the uncollected duties in the accounts during the preceding half-year.
The Commission shall circulate the lists to all other Member States.
The lists shall be examined periodically by the Committee.
Article 871
In cases other than those referred to in Article 869, where the customs authorities either consider that the conditions laid down in Article 220 (2) (b) of the Code are fulfilled or are in doubt as to the precise scope of the criteria of that provision with regard to a particular case, those authorities shall submit the case to the Commission, so that a decision may be taken in accordance with the procedure laid down in Articles 872 to 876. The case submitted to the Commission shall contain all the information required for a full examination.
As soon as it receives the case the Commission shall inform the Member State concerned accordingly.
Should it be found that the information supplied by the Member State is not sufficient to enable a decision to be taken on the case concerned in full knowledge of the facts, the Commission may request that additional information be supplied.
Article 872
Within 15 days of receipt of the case referred to in the first paragraph of Article 871, the Commission shall forward a copy thereof to the Member States.
Consideration of the case in question shall be included as soon as possible on the agenda of a meeting of the Committee provided for in Article 247 of the Code.
Article 873
After consulting a group of experts composed of representatives of all Member States, meeting within the framework of the Committee to consider the case in question, the Commission shall decide whether the circumstances under consideration are or are not such that the duties in question need not be entered in the accounts.
Such decision must be taken within six months of the date on which the case referred to in the first paragraph of Article 871 is received by the Commission. Where the Commission has found it necessary to request additional information from the Member State in order that it may take a decision, the six months shall be extended by a period equivalent to that between the date the Commission sent the request for additional information and the date it received that information.
Article 874
The Member State concerned shall be notified of the decision referred to in Article 873 as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days of the expiry of the period specified in that Article.
A copy of the decision shall be sent to the other Member States.
Article 875
Where it is established by the decision referred to in Article 873 that the circumstances under consideration are such that the duties in question need not be entered in the accounts, the Commission may, under conditions which it shall determine, authorize one or more Member States to refrain from post-clearance entry in the account in cases involving comparable issues of fact and of law.
In such a case, the decision referred to in Article 873 shall also be notified to each Member State so authorized.
Article 876
If the Commission fails to take a decision within the period referred to in Article 873 or fails to notify a decision to the Member State concerned within the period referred to in Article 874, the customs authorities of that Member State shall not enter the duties in question in the accounts.