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Article 912a U.K.

1. For purposes of this part:

(a) competent authorities means: the customs authorities or any other Member State authority responsible for applying this part;

(b) office means: the customs office or body responsible at local level for applying this part;

(c) T5 control copy means: a T5 original and copy made out on forms corresponding to the specimen in Annex 63 accompanied where appropriate by either one or more original and copy forms T5 bis corresponding to the specimen in Annex 64 or one or more original and copy loading list T5 corresponding to the specimen in Annex 65. The forms shall be printed and completed in accordance with the explanatory note in Annex 66 and, where appropriate, any additional instructions laid down in other Community rules.

2. Where application of Community rules concerning goods imported into, exported from, or moving within the customs territory of the Community is subject to proof of compliance with [X1the conditions provided for or prescribed by that measure] for the use and/or destination of the goods, such proof shall be furnished by production of a T5 control copy, completed and used in accordance with the provisions of this part.

3. All goods entered on a given T5 control copy shall be loaded on a single means of transport within the meaning of the second subparagraph of [F2Article 349(1)] , intended for a single consignee and the same use and/or destination.

The competent authorities may allow the form corresponding to the specimen in Annex 65 to be replaced by T5 loading lists made out by an integrated electronic or automatic data-processing system or by descriptive lists drawn up for the purposes of carrying out dispatch/export formalities which include all the particulars provided for in the Annex 65 specimen form, provided such lists are designed and completed in such a way that they can be used without difficulty by the authorities in question and offer all the safeguards considered appropriate by those authorities.

4. In addition to obligations imposed under specific rules, any person who signs a T5 control copy shall be required to put the goods described in that document to the declared use and/or dispatch the goods to the declared destination.

That person shall be liable in the event of the misuse by any person of any T5 control copy which the former has drawn up.

5. By way of derogation from paragraph 2 and unless otherwise provided in the Community rules requiring a control on the use and/or destination of the goods, each Member State shall have the right to require that the proof of goods having been assigned to the use and/or destination provided for or prescribed shall be furnished in accordance with a national procedure, provided that the goods do not leave its territory before they have been assigned to that use and/or destination.

Article 912b U.K.

1. A T5 control copy shall be made out in one original and at least one copy. Each of their forms must bear the original signature of the person concerned and include all the particulars regarding the description of goods and any additional information required by the provisions relating to the Community rules imposing the control.

2. Where the Community rules imposing the control provide for the lodging of a guarantee, it shall be lodged:

In that case, one of the following phrases shall be entered in box 106 of the T5 form:

3. Where the Community rules imposing the control specify a time limit for assigning the goods to a particular use and/or destination, the statement Time limit of … days for completion in box 104 of the T5 form shall be completed.

4. Where the goods are moving under a customs procedure, the T5 control copy shall be issued by the customs office where the goods are dispatched.

The document for the produce shall bear a reference to the T5 control copy issued. Similarly, box 109 of the T5 form issued shall contain a reference to the document used for the procedure.

5. Where the goods are not placed under a customs procedure, the T5 control copy shall be issued by the office where the goods are dispatched.

One of the following phrases shall be entered in box 109 of the T5 form:

6. The T5 control copy shall be endorsed by the office referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5. Such endorsement shall comprise the following, to appear in box A (office of departure) of those documents:

(a) in the case of the T5 form, the name and stamp of the office, the signature of the competent person, the date of authentication and a registration number which may be pre-printed;

(b) in the case of the T5 bis form or T5 loading list, the registration number appearing on the T5 form. That number shall be inserted either by means of a stamp incorporating the name of the office or by hand; in the latter case it shall be accompanied by the official stamp of the said office.

7. Unless otherwise provided in the Community rules requiring a control on the use and/or destination of the goods, [F2Article 357] shall apply mutatis mutandis . The office referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 shall verify the consignment and shall complete and endorse box D, Control by office of departure, on the front of the T5 form.

8. The office referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 shall keep a copy of each T5 control copy. The originals of these documents shall be returned to the person concerned as soon as all administrative formalities have been carried out, and boxes A (Office of departure), and B (Return to …) of the T5 form, duly completed.

[F29. Article 360 shall apply mutatis mutandis .]

Textual Amendments

Article 912c U.K.

1. The goods and the originals of the T5 control copies shall be presented at the office of destination.

Unless otherwise provided in the Community rules requiring a control on the use and/or destination of the goods, the office of destination may allow the goods to be delivered direct to the consignee on such conditions as it shall lay down to enable it to carry out its control on or after arrival of the goods.

Any person who presents a T5 control copy and the consignment to which it relates to the office of destination may, on request, obtain a receipt made out on a form corresponding to the specimen in Annex 47. The receipt may not replace the T5 control copy.

2. Where the Community rules require a control on the exit of goods from the customs territory of the Community:

3. The office of destination shall carry out controls on the use and/or destination [X1provided for or prescribed.] It shall register the particulars of the T5 control copy by keeping a copy of the said document where appropriate, and the result of the controls which have been carried out.

4. The office of destination shall return the original of the T5 control copy to the address shown in box B ( Return to … ) of the T5 form once all the required formalities have been completed and annotations made.

Article 912d U.K.

1. Where the issue of the T5 control copy calls for a guarantee under Article 912b(2), the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply:

2. Where quantities of goods have not been assigned to the prescribed use and/or destination, by the expiry of a specified time limit under Article 912b(3) where applicable, the competent authorities shall take the necessary steps to enable the office referred to in Article 912b(2) to recover, where applicable from the guarantee lodged, the proportion corresponding to those quantities.

However, at the request of the person concerned, those authorities may decide to collect, where applicable from the guarantee, an amount obtained by taking the proportion of the guarantee corresponding to the amount of goods not assigned to the specified use and/or destination by the end of the prescribed time limit, and multiplying that by the quotient obtained from dividing the number of days over the time limit required for those quantities to be assigned their use and/or destination by the length, in days, of the timelimit.

This paragraph shall not apply where the person concerned can show that the goods in question have been lost through force majeure .

3. If, within six months either of the date on which the T5 control copy was issued or of expiry of the time limit entered in box 104 of the T5 form under Time limit of …, days for completion , as the case may be, that copy, duly endorsed by the office of destination, has not been received by the return office specified in box B of the document, the competent authorities shall take the necessary steps to require the office referred to in Article 912b(2) to recover the guarantee provided for in that Article.

This paragraph shall not apply where the delay in returning the T5 control copy was not attributable to the person concerned.

4. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply unless otherwise provided in the Community rules requiring a control on the use and/or destination of the goods and, in any event, without prejudice to the provisions concerning the customs debt.

Article 912e U.K.

1. Unless otherwise provided in the Community rules requiring a control on the use and/or destination of the goods, the T5 control copy and the consignment which it accompanies may be divided before completion of the procedure for which the form was issued. Consignments resulting from such division may themselves be further divided.

2. The office at which the division takes place shall issue, in accordance with Article 912b, an extract of the T5 control copy for each part of the divided consignment.

Each extract shall contain, inter alia , the additional information shown in boxes 100, 104, 105, 106 and 107 of the initial T5 control copy, and shall state the net mass and net quantity of the goods to which that extract applies. One of the following phrases shall be entered in box 106 of the T5 form used for each extract:

Box B Return to … of the T5 form shall contain the information shown in the corresponding box of the initial T5 form.

One of the following phrases shall be entered in box J Controls on the use and/or destination of the initial T5 form:

The initial T5 control copy shall be returned without delay to the address shown in box B Return to … of the T5 form, accompanied by copies of the extracts issued.

The office where the division takes place shall keep a copy of the initial T5 control copy and extracts. The originals of the extract T5 control copies shall accompany each part of the divided consignment to the corresponding offices of destination where the provisions referred to in Article 912c shall be applied.

3. In the case of further division pursuant to paragraph 1, paragraph 2 shall be applied mutatis mutandis .

Textual Amendments

Article 912f U.K.

1. The T5 control copy may be issued retrospectively on condition that:

Where the T5 control copy is issued retrospectively, the T5 form shall contain in red one of the following phrases:

and the person concerned shall enter on it the identity of the means of transport by which the goods were dispatched, the date of departure and, if appropriate, the date on which the goods were produced at the office of destination.

2. Duplicates of T5 control copies and extract T5 control copies may be issued by the issuing office at the request of the person concerned in the event of the loss of the originals. The duplicate shall bear the stamp of the office and the signature of the competent official and in red block letters, one of the following words:

3. T5 control copies issued retrospectively and duplicates may be annotated by the office of destination only where that office establishes that the goods covered by the document in question have been assigned to the use and/or destination provided for or prescribed by the Community rules.

Textual Amendments

Article 912g U.K.

1. The competent authorities of each Member State may, within the scope of their competence, authorise any person who fulfils the conditions laid down in paragraph 4 and who intends to consign goods in respect of which a T5 control copy must be made out (hereinafter referred as the authorised consignor not to present at the office of departure either the goods concerned or the T5 control copy covering them.

2. With regard to the T5 control copy used by authorised consignors, the competent authorities may:

(a) prescribe the use of forms bearing a distinctive mark as a means of identifying the authorised consignors;

(b) stipulate that box A of the form, Office of departure :

(c) authorise the authorised consignor not to sign forms stamped with the special approved stamp referred to in Annex 62 which are made out by an integrated electronic or automatic data-processing system. In this event, the space reserved for the signature of the declarant in box 110 of the forms shall contain one of the following phrases:

3. The authorised consignor shall complete the T5 control copy, entering the required particulars, including:

That copy, duly completed and, where appropriate, signed by the approved consignor, shall be deemed to have been issued by the office indicated by the stamp referred to in paragraph 2(b).

After dispatch of the goods, the authorised consignor shall without delay send the office of departure a copy of the T5 control copy, together with any document on the basis of which the T5 control copy was drawn up.

4. The authorisation referred to in paragraph 1 shall be granted only to persons who frequently consign goods, whose records enable the competent authorities to check on their operations and who have not committed serious or repeated offences against the legislation in force.

The authorisation shall specify in particular:

5. The authorised consignor shall take all necessary measures to ensure the safekeeping of the special stamp or of the forms bearing the imprint of the stamp of the office of departure or the imprint of the special stamp.

The authorised consignor shall bear all the consequences, in particular the financial consequences, of any errors, omissions or other faults in the T5 control copies which he draws up or in the performance of the procedures incumbent on him under the authorisation provided for in paragraph 1.

In the event of the misuse by any person of T5 control copy forms stamped in advance with the stamp of the office of departure or with the special stamp, the authorised consignor shall be liable, without prejudice to any criminal proceedings, for the payment of duties and other charges which have not been paid and for the repayment of any financial benefits which have been wrongly obtained following such misuse, unless he can satisfy the competent authorities by whom he was authorised that he took all the measures required to ensure the safekeeping of the special stamp or of the forms bearing the imprint of the stamp of the office of departure or the imprint of the special stamp.]

Textual Amendments