Council Regulation (EEC) No 95/93

of 18 January 1993

on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 84 (2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission1,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament2,

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee3,

Whereas there is a growing imbalance between the expansion of the air transport system in Europe and the availability of adequate airport infrastructure to meet that demand; whereas there is, as a result, an increasing number of congested airports in the Community;

Whereas the allocation of slots at congested airports should be based on neutral, transparent and non-discriminatory rules;

Whereas the requirement of neutrality is best guaranteed when the decision to coordinate an airport is taken by the Member State responsible for that airport on the basis of objective criteria;

Whereas under certain conditions, in order to facilitate operations, it is desirable that a Member State should be able to designate an airport as coordinated provided that principles of transparency, neutrality and non-discrimination are met;

Whereas the Member State responsible for the coordinated airport should ensure the appointment of a coordinator whose neutrality should be unquestioned;

Whereas transparency of information is an essential element for ensuring an objective procedure for slot allocation;

Whereas the principles governing the existing system of slot allocation could be the basis of this Regulation provided that this system evolves in harmony with the evolution of new transport developments in the Community;

Whereas it is Community policy to facilitate competition and to encourage entrance into the market, as provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 of 23 July 1992 on access for Community air carriers to intra-Community air routes4, and whereas these objectives require strong support for carriers who intend to start operations on intra-Community routes;

Whereas the existing system makes provision for grandfather rights;

Whereas there should also be provisions to allow new entrants into the Community market;

Whereas it is necessary to make special provisions, under limited circumstances, for the maintenance of adequate domestic air services to regions of the Member State concerned;

Whereas it is also necessary to avoid situations where, owing to a lack of available slots, the benefits of liberalization are unevenly spread and competition is distorted;

Whereas it is desirable to make the best use of the existing slots in order to meet the objectives set out above;

Whereas it is desirable that third countries offer Community carriers equivalent treatment;

Whereas the application of the provisions of this Regulation shall be without prejudice to the competition rules on the Treaty, in particular Articles 85 and 86;

Whereas arrangements for greater cooperation over the use of Gibraltar airport were agreed in London on 2 December 1987 by the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom in a joint declaration by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the two countries, and such arrangements have yet to come into operation;

Whereas this Regulation should be reviewed after a fixed period of operation to assess its functioning,