Article 4


For each product and for the periods set out in F2Part A of the Annex, the Commission shall fix, each working day and for each origin, a standard import value equal to the weighted average of the representative prices referred to in Article 2, less a standard amount of ECU 5/100 kg and the ad valorem customs duties.

F1This standard amount is expressed without taking account of the correction factor of 1,207509 which was applied to the agricultural conversion rate until 31 January 1995


Where a standard value is established for the products and for the periods of application given in F2Part A of the Annex,in accordance with this Regulation, the unit value within the meaning of Articles 173 to 176 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 shall not apply. It shall be replaced by the standard import value referred to in paragraph 1.


Where no standard import value is in force for a product for a given origin, the average of standard import values in force for that product shall apply.


During the periods of application set out in Part A of the Annex, the standard import values shall remain applicable until they are changed. They shall cease to apply, however, where no average representative price has been communicated to the Commission for seven consecutive market days.

Where, pursuant to the first subparagraph, no standard import value applies to a given product, the standard import value applicable to that product shall be equal to the last average standard import value.


Notwithstanding paragraph 1, with effect from the first day of the periods of application set out in Part A of the Annex, where it has not been possible to calculate a standard import value, the standard import value applicable to a product shall be equal to the last unit value applicable to that product within the meaning of Articles 173 to 176 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.


The representative prices in ecus shall be converted using the representative market rate calculated for the day in question.


The standard import values expressed in ecus shall be published by the Commission in the Official Journal of the European Communities.