
Nomenclature of countries laid down by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1106/2012 of 27 November 2012 implementing Regulation (EC) No 471/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics relating to external trade with non-member countries, as regards the update of the nomenclature of countries and territories ( OJ L 328, 28.11.2012, p. 7 ).]

CN code Description Representative price (EUR/100 kg) Security under Article 3 (EUR/100 kg) Origin a
0207 12 90 Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus , not cut in pieces, presented as 65 % chickens, frozen 136,2 0 AR
0207 14 10 Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus , boneless cuts, frozen 252,3 14 AR
216,5 25 BR
245,1 17 TH
1602 32 11 Preparations of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus , uncooked 264,9 7 BR


CN codeTrigger price ECU/100 kg
0105 11 118 588,0
0105 11 198 588,0
0105 11 918 588,0
0105 11 998 588,0



3 242,3
0105 19 9014 525,0



0105 99 10115,1
0105 99 20185,9
0105 99 30147,8
0105 99 50133,3
[F20207 11 10]142,3
[F20207 11 30]100,2
[F20207 11 90]128,5
[F20207 24 10]170,0
[F20207 24 90]250,0
[F20207 32 11]158,8
[F20207 32 15]185,1
[F20207 32 19]173,5
[F20207 32 51]207,1
[F20207 32 59]257,3
[F20207 32 90]173,2
[F20207 12 10]98,8
[F20207 12 90]131,2
[F20207 25 10]177,7
[F20207 25 90]179,8
[F20207 33 11]170,1
[F20207 33 19]167,9
[F20207 33 51]200,0
[F20207 33 59]248,2
[F20207 33 90]204,5
[F20207 13 10]339,8
[F20207 13 20]100,0
[F20207 13 30]180,0
[F20207 13 50]227,1
[F20207 13 60]158,1
[F20207 13 70]310,7
[F20207 13 99]100,0
[F20207 26 10]339,0
[F20207 26 20]342,3
[F20207 26 50]279,9
[F20207 26 60]142,9
[F20207 26 70]177,8
[F20207 26 80]200,0
[F20207 26 99]216,7
[F20207 35 11]435,3
[F20207 35 15]423,2
[F20207 35 23]133,3
[F20207 35 31]100,0
[F20207 35 41]78,3
[F20207 35 51]463,4
[F20207 35 53]331,9
[F20207 35 61]309,7
[F20207 35 63]164,2
[F20207 14 10]333,5
[F20207 14 20]251,1
[F20207 14 30]97,5
[F20207 14 40]80,0
[F20207 14 50]235,7
[F20207 14 60]158,9
[F20207 14 70]316,6
[F20207 14 99]143,4
[F20207 27 10]329,9
[F20207 27 20]337,8
[F20207 27 40]80,8
[F20207 27 50]280,0
[F20207 27 60]111,1
[F20207 27 70]172,7
[F20207 27 80]233,3
[F20207 27 99]131,3
[F20207 36 11]465,3
[F20207 36 15]354,5
[F20207 36 21]100,0
[F20207 36 23]133,3
[F20207 36 31]107,8
[F20207 36 41]81,1
[F20207 36 51]432,4
[F20207 36 53]308,3
[F20207 36 61]309,7
[F20207 36 63]166,0
[F20207 36 71]234,5
[F20207 36 79]500,0
[F20207 36 90]163,2
0209 00 90135,8



0407 00 11935,9
0407 00 19743,6
0407 00 3052,7
0408 11 80343,3
0408 19 8169,6
0408 19 89111,9
0408 91 80271,4
0408 99 8059,7
[F23502 11 90]521,5
[F23502 19 90]51,7