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Subject to the total maximum per transferor, the maximum annual payments may be increased up to twofold taking account of the economic structure of holdings in territories and the objective of speeding up the adjustment of the agricultural structures.


This amount may be reduced to take account of the particular geographical situation or economic structure of holdings in certain territories and in order to avoid overcompensation and in accordance with the second indent of Article 15(1).


This amount may be increased in exceptional cases taking account of specific requirements of certain breeds, which should be justified in the rural developments plans.]

Article Subject Euro
8(2) Setting-up aid 25 000
12(1) Early retirement 15 000 a per transferor and year
150 000 total amount per transferor
3 500 per worker and year
35 000 total amount per worker
15(3) Minimum compensatory allowance 25 b per hectare of areas used for agriculture
Maximum average compensatory 200 per hectare of areas used for agriculture
Maximum average compensatory allowance 250 per hectare of areas used for agriculture
16 Maximum payment Initial maximum payment 200 per hectare
Initial maximum payment 500 per hectare
21c Maximum payment 10 000 per holding
21d Farm advisory services 1 500 per advisory service
24(2) Annual crops 600 per hectare
Specialised perennial crops 900 per hectare
Other lands uses 450 per hectare
Local breeds in danger being lost to farming 200 c per livestock unit
Animal welfare 500 per livestock unit
24c Maximum payment 3 000 per holding
31(4) Maximum annual premium to cover loss of income from afforestation

für Landwirte for farmers of associations thereofoder deren Vereinigungen

725 per hectare

for any other private-law person

185 per hectare
32(2) Minimum payment 40 per hectare
Maximum payment 120 per hectare


Table of amounts for the specific measures for the new Member States


In the case of Poland the maximum eligible amount shall not exceed EUR  1 250 .]

Article Subject EUR
Article 33b Semi-subsistence farms 1 000 a per farm/per year
Article 33d Producer groups 100 000 For the first year
100 000 For the second year
80 000 For the third year
60 000 For the fourth year
50 000 For the fifth year