ANNEX IVCollection of samples in the context of assistance between control bodies


Samples shall be taken by pouring the product in question into at least five clean containers each having a nominal capacity of not less than 75 cl. In the case of products as referred to in the first indent of paragraph 1, sampling may also take the form of removing at least five containers having a nominal capacity of not less than 75 cl from the lot to be examined.

Where samples of wine distillate are to be analysed by nuclear magnetic resonance of deuterium, the samples shall be placed in containers having a nominal capacity of 25 cl, or even 5 cl where they are to be sent from one official laboratory to another.

The samples shall be taken, closed where appropriate, and sealed in the presence of a representative of the establishment where the sample is taken or of a representative of the carrier if the sample is taken during transport. If no representative is present, the report referred to in paragraph 4 shall mention this fact.

Each sample shall be fitted with an inert and non-reusable closure.