Article 20


The French authorities shall submit programmes to the Commission for the control of organisms harmful to plants or plant products. The programmes shall specify in particular the objectives to be achieved, the measures to be carried out, their duration and their cost. The programmes submitted pursuant to this Article shall not concern protective measures for bananas.


The Community shall contribute to the financing of such programmes on the basis of a technical analysis of the regional situation.


The financial participation of the Community and the amount of the aid shall be decided in accordance with the procedure laid down Article 23(2). The measures eligible for Community financing shall be defined in accordance with the same procedure.


Such participation may cover up to 60 % of the eligible expenditure. Payment shall be made on the basis of documentation supplied by the French authorities. If necessary, investigations may be organised by the Commission and conducted on its behalf by experts as referred to in Article 21 of Directive 2000/29/EC19.