Article 3U.K.Definitions

For the purposes of this Regulation the following definitions shall apply:


‘boarding’: the boarding of a fishing vessel within an organisation's area of competence by one or more authorised inspectors in order to make an inspection;


‘transhipment’: unloading of any quantity of highly migratory fish and/or products from such fish from on board a fishing vessel to another vessel either at sea or in port, without the products having been recorded by a port State as landed;


‘landing’: unloading of any quantity of highly migratory fish and/or products from such fish from on board a fishing vessel to port or to land;


‘infringement’: any presumed act committed or omitted by a fishing vessel that is recorded in an inspection report and gives serious reason for suspecting a breach of the provisions of this Regulation or any other Regulation transposing a recommendation adopted by a regional organisation for one of the zones indicated in Article 2;


‘vessel of a non-Contracting Party’: vessel observed and identified as engaged in fishing activities in one of the zones specified in Article 2 that is flying the flag of a country that is not a Contracting Party to the relevant regional organisation;


[F2 fattening : raising of individuals in cages to increase their weight or fat content with a view to marketing;


caging : placing of wild individuals of any size in closed structures (cages) for fattening;


fattening farm : enterprise which raises wild individuals in cages for fattening;


transport vessel : vessel receiving wild individuals and transporting them live to fattening farms.]