CHAPTER B U.K. Risk analysis

1. Structure of the risk analysis U.K.

The risk analyses shall comprise a release assessment and an exposure assessment.

2. Release assessment (external challenge) U.K.

2.1. The release assessment shall consist of assessing the likelihood that the BSE agent has either been introduced into the country or region via commodities potentially contaminated with a BSE agent, or is already present in the country or region. U.K.

The following risk factors shall be taken into account:


the presence or absence of the BSE agent in the country or region and, if the agent is present, its prevalence based on the outcome of surveillance activities;


the production of meat-and-bone meal or greaves from the BSE indigenous ruminant population;


imported meat-and-bone meal or greaves;


imported bovine and ovine and caprine animals;


imported animal feed and feed ingredients;


imported products of ruminant origin for human consumption, which may have contained tissues listed in point 1 of Annex V and may have been fed to bovine animals;


imported products of ruminant origin for in vivo use in bovine animals.