III. General implementing conditions U.K.


This Annex shall apply without prejudice to the provisions in Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002.


Member States shall keep up-to-date lists of:


slaughterhouses approved for the collection of blood in accordance with point D(a) of Part II;


approved processing plants producing dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate, blood products or blood meal, and


establishments, with the exception of home compounders, authorised for manufacturing feedingstuffs containing fishmeal and the proteins referred to in point (b) which operate in accordance with the conditions laid down in points B(c), C(a) and D(c) of Part II.


Bulk processed animal protein, with the exception of fishmeal, and bulk products, including feedingstuffs, organic fertilisers and soil improvers, containing such proteins, shall be stored and transported in dedicated facilities. The store or vehicle may only be used for other purposes, following cleaning, and after having been inspected by the competent authority.


Bulk fishmeal referred to in point A(b)(i) of Part II, bulk dicalcium phosphate and bulk tricalcium phosphate referred to in point A(b)(ii) of Part II, blood products referred to in point A(b)(iii) of Part II and blood meal referred to in point A(c) of Part II shall be stored and transported in stores and vehicles dedicated to that purpose.


By way of derogation from point (b):


stores or vehicles may be used for the storage and transport of feedingstuffs containing the same protein;


stores or vehicles, following cleaning, may be used for other purposes after having been inspected by the competent authority; and


stores and vehicles transporting fishmeal may be used for other purposes if the company has a control system in place, recognised by the competent authority, to prevent cross-contamination. The control system shall at least include:

  • records on material transported and cleaning of the vehicle, and

  • regular sampling and analysis of feedingstuffs transported to detect the presence of fishmeal.

The competent authority shall carry out frequent on-the-spot checks to verify the correct application of the above control system.


Feedingstuffs, including petfood, which contain blood products of ruminant origin or processed animal proteins, other than fishmeal, shall not be manufactured in establishments which produce feedingstuffs for farmed animals, with the exception of feedingstuffs for carnivorous fur producing animals.

Bulk feedingstuffs, including petfood, which contain blood products of ruminant origin or processed animal proteins, other than fishmeal, shall during storage, transport and packaging be kept in facilities physically separate from facilities for bulk feedingstuffs for farmed animals, with the exception of feedingstuffs for carnivorous fur producing animals.

Petfood and feedingstuffs intended for carnivorous fur producing animals containing dicalcium phosphate or tricalcium phosphate referred to in point A(b)(ii) of Part II, and blood products referred to in point A(b)(iii) of Part II shall be manufactured and transported in accordance with points C(a) and (c) and points D(c) and (e), respectively of Part II.


The export to third countries of processed animal proteins derived from ruminants, and of products containing such processed animal proteins, shall be prohibited.


The export of processed animal proteins derived from non-ruminants and of products containing such proteins shall only be permitted by the competent authority subject to the following conditions:

  • they are destined for uses not prohibited by Article 7,

  • a written agreement with the third country is made prior to exportation, which includes an undertaking from the third country to respect the final use and not to re-export the processed animal protein or products containing such proteins for uses prohibited by Article 7.


Member States which permit exports in accordance with point 2 shall for the effective implementation of this Regulation inform the Commission and the other Member States of all terms and conditions as agreed with the third country concerned, in the context of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health.

Points 2 and 3 shall not apply to:

  • exports of fishmeal, provided it fulfils the conditions set out in point B of Part II,

  • products containing fishmeal,

  • petfood.


The competent authority shall carry out documentary and physical checks, including tests on feedingstuffs, throughout the production and distribution chain in accordance with Directive 95/53/EC to control compliance with its provisions and with the provisions of this Regulation. Where any presence of prohibited animal protein is detected, Directive 95/53/EC shall apply. The competent authority shall verify on a regular basis the competence of laboratories carrying out analyses for such official controls, in particular by evaluating the results of ring trials. If the competence is considered unsatisfactory, a re-training of the laboratory staff shall be undertaken as the minimal corrective measure.]