Article 5U.K.Classification

[F11. The BSE status of Member States or third countries or regions thereof (hereinafter referred to as countries or regions ) shall be determined by classification into one of the following three categories:

  • negligible BSE risk as defined in Annex II,

  • controlled BSE risk as defined in Annex II,

  • undetermined BSE risk as defined in Annex II.

The BSE status of countries or regions may be determined only on the basis of the criteria set out in Annex II, Chapter A. These criteria shall include the outcome of a risk analysis on the basis of all the potential factors for the appearance of bovine spongiform encephalopathy as defined in Annex II, Chapter B, and their development over time, as well as comprehensive active and passive surveillance measures taking into account the risk category of the country or region.

Member States, and third countries wishing to be retained on the list of third countries approved for the export to the Community of the live animals or of the products covered by this Regulation, shall submit to the Commission an application for their BSE status to be determined, accompanied by the relevant information on the criteria set out in Annex II, Chapter A, and on the potential risk factors specified in Annex II, Chapter B, and their development over time.]

2.A decision on each application, placing the Member State or third country or region of the Member State or third country which submitted the application in one of the categories defined in Annex II, Chapter C, shall be adopted, taking account of the criteria and potential risk factors set out in paragraph 1, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(2).

This decision shall be taken within six months of the submission of the application and of the relevant information referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1. If the Commission finds that the supporting evidence does not include the information laid down in Annex II, Chapters A and B, it shall ask for additional information to be provided within a period to be specified. The final decision shall then be taken within six months of the submission of all information.

After the International Office of Epizootic Diseases (OIE) has established a procedure for the classification of countries by category and if it has placed the applicant country in one of those categories, a re-assessment of the Community categorisation of the country concerned in accordance with the first subparagraph of this paragraph may be decided, if appropriate, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(2).

3.If the Commission finds that the information submitted by a Member State or a third country pursuant to Annex II, Chapters A and B, is insufficient or unclear, it may, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(2), determine the BSE status of the Member State or third country concerned on the basis of a full risk analysis.

Such a risk analysis must include a conclusive statistical survey of the epidemiological situation regarding TSEs in the applicant Member State or third country, on the basis of the use, in a screening procedure, of rapid tests. The Commission shall take into account the classification criteria used by the OIE.

[F2The rapid tests shall be approved for that purpose in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 24(3) and entered on a list set out in Annex X, Chapter C, point 4.]

Such screening procedure may also be used by Member States or third countries which wish to have the classification they carried out on that basis approved by the Commission — in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 24(2).

The cost of such screening procedure shall be borne by the Member State or third country concerned.

[F14. Member States and third countries which have not submitted an application in accordance with the third subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall, with respect to the dispatch from their territory of live animals and products of animal origin, comply with the import requirements applicable to countries with an undetermined BSE risk, until they have submitted such an application and a final decision has been taken on their BSE status.]

5.Member States shall notify the Commission as soon as possible of any epidemiological evidence or other information which might lead to a change in BSE status, in particular the results of the monitoring programmes provided for in Article 6.

6.The retention of a third country on one of the lists provided for by Community rules for the purpose of being allowed to export to the Community live animals and products of animal origin for which this Regulation provides specific rules shall be decided upon under the procedure laid down in Article 24(2) and shall be made conditional — in the light of the information available or where a TSE is presumed to be present — on the information provided for in paragraph 1 being supplied. In the event of refusal to supply the said information within three months of the date of the Commission's request, the provisions of paragraph 4 of this Article shall apply until this information has been submitted and evaluated in accordance with paragraphs 2 or 3.

The eligibility of third countries to export to the Community live animals, or products of animal origin for which this Regulation provides specific rules, under conditions based on their category as established by the Commission, shall be conditional upon their undertaking to notify the latter in writing as soon as possible of any epidemiological or other evidence which might lead to a change in BSE status.

7.A decision may be taken, under the procedure laid down in Article 24(2), to change the BSE classification of a Member State or third country, or of one of its regions, in accordance with the results of the checks provided for in Article 21.

8.The decisions referred to in paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 shall be based on a risk assessment, taking into consideration the recommended criteria set out in Annex II, Chapters A and B.