Article 6U.K.Monitoring system

[F11. Each Member State shall carry out an annual monitoring programme for TSEs based on active and passive surveillance in accordance with Annex III. If available for the animal species, that programme shall include a screening procedure using rapid tests.

Rapid tests shall be approved for that purpose in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(3) and listed in Annex X.]

[F21a. The annual monitoring programme referred to in paragraph 1 shall cover as a minimum the following subpopulations:

(a) all bovine animals above 24 months of age sent for emergency slaughter or with observations at ante mortem inspections;

(b) all bovine animals above 30 months of age slaughtered normally for human consumption;

(c) all bovine animals above 24 months of age not slaughtered for human consumption, which have died or been killed on the farm, during transport or in an abattoir (fallen stock).

Member States may decide to derogate from the provision under point (c) in remote areas with a low animal density, where no collection of dead animals is organised. Member States making use of this possibility shall inform the Commission and submit a list of the areas concerned together with a justification for the derogation. The derogation shall not cover more than 10 % of the bovine population in a Member State.

1b. After consultation of the appropriate scientific committee, the age laid down in paragraph 1a(a) and (c) may be adapted according to scientific progress in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(3).

At the request of a Member State which can demonstrate the improvement of the epidemiological situation of the country, according to certain criteria to be laid down in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(3), the annual monitoring programmes for that particular Member State may be revised.

The Member State concerned shall provide proof of its capability to determine the effectiveness of the measures in place and ensure protection of human and animal health based on a comprehensive risk analysis. In particular, the Member State shall demonstrate:

(a) a clearly declining or consistently low BSE prevalence, based on up-to-date testing results;

(b) that it has implemented and enforced for at least six years a full BSE testing scheme (Community legislation on traceability and identification of live animals and BSE surveillance);

(c) that it has implemented and enforced for at least six years Community legislation on total feed ban for farmed animals.]

2.Each Member State shall inform the Commission and the other Member States, within the Standing Veterinary Committee, of the emergence of a TSE other than BSE.

3.All official investigations and laboratory examinations shall be recorded in accordance with Annex III, Chapter B.

4.Member States shall submit an annual report to the Commission covering at least the information referred to in Annex III, Chapter B, Part I. The report for each calendar year shall be submitted at the latest by 31 March of the following year. The Commission shall present a summary of the national reports covering at least the information referred to in Annex III, Chapter B, Part II, to the Standing Veterinary Committee within three months of the receipt of the said reports.

[F25. Rules for the implementation of this Article shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(2).]