1.For the purpose of this Regulation, the following definitions set...2.For the purpose of this Regulation, the following definitions shall...CHAPTER ACriteria CHAPTER BRisk analysis 1.Structure of the risk analysis 2.Release assessment (external challenge) 2.1.The release assessment shall consist of assessing the likelihood that...2.2.Special eradication schemes, surveillance and other epidemiological investigations (especially surveillance...3.Exposure assessment CHAPTER CDefinition of categories I.COUNTRY OR REGION WITH A NEGLIGIBLE BSE RISK II.COUNTRY OR REGION WITH A CONTROLLED BSE RISK III.COUNTRY OR REGION WITH UNDETERMINED BSE RISK CHAPTER DMinimal surveillance requirements 1.Surveillance types 2.Surveillance strategy 2.1.The surveillance strategy shall be designed to ensure that samples...2.2.In order to implement the surveillance strategy for BSE, a...3.Points values and point targets 4.Specific targeting 5.BSE surveillance model 6.Maintenance surveillance CHAPTER AI.MONITORING IN BOVINE ANIMALS 1.General 2.Monitoring in animals slaughtered for human consumption 2.1.All bovine animals over 24 months of age: 2.2.All bovine animals over 30 months of age: 2.3.. . . . . . . . . ....3.Monitoring in animals not slaughtered for human consumption 3.1.All bovine animals over 24 months of age which have...3.2.Member States may decide to derogate from the provisions of...4.Monitoring in animals purchased for destruction pursuant to Regulation (EC)...5.Monitoring in other animals 6.Measures following testing 6.1.Where an animal slaughtered for human consumption has been selected...6.2.Member States may derogate from the provisions of point 6.1...6.3.All parts of the body of an animal tested for...6.4.All parts of the body of an animal found positive...6.5.Where an animal slaughtered for human consumption is found positive...6.6.Member States may derogate from the provisions of point 6.5...7.Revision of the annual monitoring programmes concerning BSE (BSE monitoring...7.1.Member States’ applications 7.2.Epidemiological criteria II.MONITORING IN OVINE AND CAPRINE ANIMALS 1.General 2.Monitoring in ovine and caprine animals slaughtered for human consumption...(a)Member States in which the population of ewes and ewe...(b)Member States in which the population of goats which have...(c)Where a Member State experiences difficulty in collecting sufficient numbers...3.Monitoring in ovine and caprine animals not slaughtered for human...4.Sampling rules applicable to the animals referred to in points...5.Monitoring in infected flocks 6.Monitoring in other animals 7.Measures following testing of ovine and caprine animals 7.1.Where an ovine or caprine animal slaughtered for human consumption...7.2.Member States may derogate from point 7.1. where a system...7.3.All parts of the body of a tested animal, including...7.4.Except for the material to be retained in conjunction with...8.Genotyping 8.1.The prion protein genotype for the codons 136, 154 and...8.2.In addition to the animals genotyped in accordance with point...III.MONITORING IN OTHER ANIMAL SPECIES CHAPTER B REPORTING AND RECORDING REQUIREMENTS I.REQUIREMENTS ON MEMBER STATES A.Information to be presented by Member States in their annual...1.The number of suspected cases placed under official movement restrictions...2.The number of suspected cases subject to laboratory examination in...3.The number of flocks where suspected cases in ovine and...4.The number of bovine animals tested within each subpopulation referred...5.The number of ovine and caprine animals and flocks tested...6.The geographical distribution, including the country of origin if not...7.In animals other than bovine, ovine and caprine, the number...8.The genotype, and where possible the breed, of each ovine...B.Reporting periods II.INFORMATION TO BE PRESENTED BY THE COMMISSION IN ITS SUMMARY...III.RECORDS 1.The competent authority shall keep, for seven years, records of:...2.The investigating laboratory shall keep, for seven years, all records...CHAPTER IExtensions of the prohibition provided for in Article 7(1) CHAPTER IIDerogations from the prohibitions provided for in Article 7(1) and...CHAPTER IIIGeneral conditions for the application of certain derogations provided for...SECTION ATransport of feed materials and compound feed intended to be...1.The following products intended to be used for feeding non-ruminant...2.By way of derogation from point 1, vehicles and containers...3.Bulk processed animal protein derived from non-ruminants and bulk compound...4.By way of derogation from point 3, vehicles and containers...SECTION BProduction of compound feed intended to be used for feeding...1.Compound feed intended to be used for feeding non-ruminant farmed...2.By way of derogation from point 1, the production of...3.By way of derogation from point 1, a specific authorisation...SECTION CImport of feed materials and compound feed intended to be...SECTION DUse and storage on farms of feed intended to be...1.The use and storage of the following feed shall be...2.By way of derogation from point 1, the competent authority...CHAPTER IVSpecific conditions for the application of derogations provided for in...SECTION ASpecific conditions applicable to the production and the use of...SECTION BSpecific conditions applicable to the use of dicalcium phosphate and...SECTION CSpecific conditions applicable to the production and use of blood...SECTION DSpecific conditions applicable to the production and use of processed...SECTION ESpecific conditions applicable to the production, placing on the market...CHAPTER VGeneral requirements SECTION AListing SECTION BTransport of feed materials and compound feed containing products derived...1.Bulk feed materials and bulk compound feed containing products derived...2.By way of derogation from point 1, vehicles and containers...SECTION CProduction of compound feed containing products derived from ruminants SECTION DUse and storage on farms of feed materials and compound...SECTION EExport of processed animal protein and products containing such protein...1.The export of processed animal protein derived from ruminants, and...2.The export of processed animal protein derived from non-ruminants, and...3.Written agreements concluded in accordance with point 2(b) above shall...4.Points 2 and 3 shall not apply to the export...SECTION FOfficial controls 1.Official controls carried out by the competent authority in order...2.The competent authority shall verify on a regular basis the...1.Definition of specified risk material 2.Derogation for Member States 3.Marking and disposal 4.Removal of specified risk material 4.1.Specified risk material shall be removed at: 4.2.By way of derogation from point 4.1, the use of...4.3.By way of derogation from point 4.1, Member States may...4.4.The rules on removal of specified risk material laid down...5.Measures concerning mechanically separated meat 6.Measures concerning laceration of tissues 7.Harvesting of tongues from bovine animals 8.Harvesting of bovine head meat 8.1.Head meat of bovine animals above 12 months of age...8.2.By way of derogation from the requirements of point 8.1,...8.3.If the harvesting is performed without removing the bovine head...9.Harvesting of bovine head meat in authorised cutting plants 10.Rules on trade and export 10.1.Member States may allow dispatch of heads or of un-split...10.2.By way of derogation from point 10.1, carcasses, half carcasses...10.3.Exports outside the Community of heads and of fresh meat...11.Controls 11.1.Member States shall carry out frequent official controls to verify...11.2.Member States shall in particular set up a system to...11.3.A control system shall be put in place for the...CHAPTER AMeasures following confirmation of the presence of a TSE 1.The inquiry referred to in Article 13(1)(b) must identify: 2.The measures laid down in Article 13(1)(c) shall comprise at...3.Following the application on a holding of the measures referred...4.Following the application on a holding of the measures set...5.Following the application of the derogation provided for in point...6.Member States applying the measures set out in point 2.3(b)(iii)...CHAPTER BMinimum requirements for a breeding programme for resistance to TSEs...PART 1General requirements 1.The breeding programme shall concentrate on flocks of high genetic...2.A database shall be established containing at least the following...3.A system of uniform certification shall be established in which...4.A system for the identification of animals and samples, the...5.Genotyping of blood or other tissues collected for the purposes...6.The competent authority of the Member State may assist breed...7.Breeding programmes shall be drawn up for each breed, taking...PART 2Specific rules for participating flocks 1.The breeding programme shall be aimed at increasing the frequency...2.The minimum requirements for participating flocks shall be the following:...3.Member States may decide to grant derogations from the requirements...4.Member States shall inform the Commission of derogations granted under...PART 3The framework for the recognition of the TSE-resistant status of...1.The framework shall recognise the TSE-resistant status of flocks of...2.Regular random sampling of sheep from TSE-resistant flocks shall be...PART 4Reports to be provided to the Commission by the Member...CHAPTER A Conditions for intra-Community trade in live animals, semen and embryos I.CONDITIONS WHICH APPLY TO OVINE.AND CAPRINE.ANIMALS AND SEMEN AND EMBRYOS...II.CONDITIONS WICH APPLY TO BOVINE ANIMALS CHAPTER BConditions relating to progeny of TSE suspect or confirmed animals...CHAPTER C Conditions for intra-Community trade in certain products of animal origin SECTION A Products SECTION B Requirements CHAPTER DConditions applicable to exports CHAPTER ACHAPTER B Imports of bovine animals SECTION A Imports from a country or a region with a negligible BSE risk SECTION B Imports from a country or a region with a controlled BSE risk SECTION C Imports from a country or a region with undetermined BSE risk CHAPTER C Imports of products of animal origin from bovine, ovine or caprine animals SECTION A Products SECTION B Imports from a country or a region with a negligible BSE risk SECTION C Imports from a country or a region with a controlled BSE risk 1.Imports of products of bovine, ovine and caprine animal origin...2.By way of derogation from point 1(d) carcasses, half carcasses...3.When removal of the vertebral column is not required, carcasses...4.The number of bovine carcasses or wholesale cuts of carcasses,...5.In the case of intestines originally sourced from a country...SECTION D Imports from a country or a region with an undetermined BSE risk 1.Imports of products of bovine, ovine and caprine animal origin...2.By way of derogation from point 1(c), carcasses, half carcasses...3.When removal of the vertebral column is not required, carcasses...4.Specific information on the number of bovine carcasses or wholesale...5.In the case of intestines originally sourced from a country...CHAPTER D Imports of animal by-products and processed products derived therefrom from bovine, ovine and caprine animal origin SECTION A Animal by-products SECTION B Health certificate requirements CHAPTER E Imports of ovine and caprine animals CHAPTER F Imports of products of animal origin from farmed and wild cervid animals 1.When fresh meat, minced meat, meat preparations and meat products...2.When fresh meat, minced meat, meat preparations and meat products...CHAPTER GCHAPTER H Import of ovine and caprine semen and embryos CHAPTER ANational reference laboratories1.The designated national reference laboratory is to: 2.However, by way of derogation from point 1, Member States...3.The national reference laboratories are: CHAPTER BCommunity reference laboratory1.The Community reference laboratory for TSEs is: 2.The functions and duties of the Community reference laboratory are:...CHAPTER C Sampling and laboratory testing 1.Sampling 2.Laboratories 3.Methods and protocols 3.1.Laboratory testing for the presence of BSE in bovine animals...(a)Suspect cases (b)BSE monitoring 3.2.Laboratory testing for the presence of TSE in ovine and...(a)Suspect cases (b)TSE monitoring (c)Further examination of positive TSE cases (d)Laboratories approved for performing further examination by molecular typing methods...3.3.Laboratory testing for the presence of TSEs in species other...4.Rapid tests 5.Alternative tests A.Concerning specified risk material, mechanically recovered meat and slaughtering techniques...1.. . . . . . . . . ....2.. . . . . . . . . ....3.. . . . . . . . . ....4.. . . . . . . . . ....5.. . . . . . . . . ....6.. . . . . . . . . ....7.. . . . . . . . . ....8.. . . . . . . . . ....9.. . . . . . . . . ....10.. . . . . . . . . ....11.. . . . . . . . . ....12.. . . . . . . . . ....13.. . . . . . . . . ....14.. . . . . . . . . ....15.. . . . . . . . . ....B.Concerning statistical surveys 1.. . . . . . . . . ....2.. . . . . . . . . ....C.Concerning prohibitions on animal feeding D.Concerning placing on the market and export 1.. . . . . . . . . ....2.. . . . . . . . . ....3.. . . . . . . . . ....4.. . . . . . . . . ....4.. . . . . . . . . ....5.. . . . . . . . . ....

Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council

of 22 May 2001

laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 152(4)(b) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission1,

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee2,

Having consulted the Committee of the Regions,

Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty3,



Several distinct transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) have for a number of years been recognised as occurring separately in humans and animals. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was first recognised in bovine animals in 1986 and in the following years was recognised as occurring in other species of animal. A new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) was described in 1996. Evidence continues to grow of the similarity between the BSE agent and that of the new variant of Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease.


Since 1990 the Community has adopted a series of measures to protect human and animal health from the risk of BSE. Those measures have been based on the safeguard provisions of Directives on animal-health measures. It is appropriate, in view of the magnitude of the risk posed to human and animal health by certain TSEs, to adopt specific rules for their prevention, control and eradication.


This Regulation directly concerns public health and is relevant to the functioning of the internal market. It covers products which are included in Annex I to the Treaty as well as products which are not. Consequently, it is appropriate to choose Article 152(4)(b) of the Treaty as the legal basis.


The Commission has obtained scientific opinions, in particular from the Scientific Steering Committee and the Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health, on several aspects of TSEs. Those opinions include advice on measures to reduce the potential risk for humans and animals resulting from exposure to infected animal products.


These rules should apply to the production and placing on the market of live animals and products of animal origin. However, it is not necessary for them to apply to cosmetic or medicinal products, medical devices or their starting materials or intermediate products, for which other specific rules, in particular on the non-use of specified risk material, apply. Nor should they apply to products of animal origin which do not pose a risk to animal or human health since they are intended for purposes other than the production of food, feed or fertiliser. It is appropriate to ensure that products of animal origin excluded from the scope of this Regulation are kept separate from those covered by it unless they meet at least the same health standards as the latter.


Provision should be made for safeguard measures to be taken by the Commission in cases where a risk from a TSE has not been adequately addressed by the competent authority of a Member State or third country.


A procedure should be established for the determination of the epidemiological status of a Member State, a third country and of one of their regions, hereinafter referred to as ‘countries or regions’ with respect to BSE, on the basis of the incident propagation and human exposure risk, using information available. Member States and third countries which choose not to apply for their status to be determined should be classified in a category by the Commission on the basis of all the information available to it.


Member States should institute education programmes for those involved in the prevention and control of TSEs, as well as for veterinarians, farmers and workers involved in the transportation, marketing and slaughter of farm animals.


The feeding to non-ruminants of certain processed animal proteins originating from non-ruminants should be allowed taking into account the prohibition on intra-species recycling as laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 October 2002 laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption4 and the control aspects in particular linked to the differentiation of processed animal proteins specific to certain species as laid down in the Communication on the TSE Road map adopted by the Commission on 15 July 2005.


Member States should carry out an annual programme for monitoring BSE and scrapie and should inform the Commission and the other Member States of the results and of the emergence of any other TSE.


Certain ruminant tissues should be designated as specified risk material on the basis of the pathogenesis of TSEs and the epidemiological status of the country or region of origin or residence of the animal concerned. The specified risk material should be removed and disposed of in a manner which avoids any risk to human or animal health. In particular, it should not be placed on the market to be used in the production of food, feed or fertiliser. However, provision should be made for an equivalent level of health protection by means of a screening test for TSEs carried out on individual animals as soon as it has been fully validated. Slaughter techniques presenting a risk of causing brain material to contaminate other tissues should not be permitted in countries or regions other than those presenting the lowest risk of BSE.


Measures should be taken to prevent the transmission of TSEs to humans or animals by prohibiting the feeding of certain categories of animal protein to certain categories of animal, and by prohibiting the use of certain ruminant materials in food. Those prohibitions should be proportionate to the risks involved.


In its resolution of 28 October 20045, the European Parliament expressed concerns about feeding animal proteins to ruminants as they do not form part of the natural nutrition of adult cattle. In the wake of the BSE crisis and the foot-and-mouth disease crisis it has increasingly become accepted that the best way to ensure human and animal health is to keep and nourish animals in a way that respects the particularities of each species. Pursuant to the precautionary principle and in keeping with the natural diet and living conditions of ruminants, it is therefore necessary to maintain the prohibition on the feeding of animal proteins to ruminants in forms not normally constituting part of their natural diet.


Mechanically separated meat is obtained by removing meat from bones in such a way that the muscle fibre structure is destroyed or modified. It can contain parts of the bones and the periosteum (bone skin). Thus, mechanically separated meat is not comparable with regular meat. Consequently its use for human consumption should be reviewed.


The suspected presence of any TSE in any animal should be notified to the competent authority, which should immediately take all appropriate measures, including placing the suspect animal under movement restrictions while awaiting the results of the investigation or having it slaughtered under official supervision. If the competent authority cannot exclude the possibility of a TSE, it should have the appropriate investigations carried out and should keep the carcasse under official supervision until a diagnosis has been made.


In the event of official confirmation of the presence of a TSE, the competent authority should take all the necessary measures, including having the carcasse destroyed, carrying out an investigation in order to identify all animals at risk and placing movement restrictions on the animals and the products of animal origin identified as such. Owners should be compensated, as soon as possible, for the loss of animals and products of animal origin destroyed pursuant to this Regulation.


Member States should draw up contingency plans for the national measures to be implemented in the event of an outbreak of BSE. Those plans should be approved by the Commission. Provision should be made for extending this provision to TSEs other than BSE.


Provisions should be laid down covering the placing on the market of certain live animals and products of animal origin. Existing Community rules on the identification and registration of bovine animals provide for a system enabling the animals to be traced back to the dam and herd of origin in accordance with international standards. Equivalent guarantees should be provided for bovine animals imported from third countries. The animals and products of animal origin covered by Community rules, moving in intra-Community trade or imported from third countries, should be accompanied by the certificates required by the said rules, supplemented as appropriate in accordance with this Regulation.


The placing on the market of certain products of animal origin derived from bovine animals in high risk regions should be prohibited. However, that prohibition should not apply to certain products of animal origin produced under controlled conditions from animals which can be demonstrated not to pose a high risk of infection with a TSE.


It is necessary, in order to ensure that the rules concerning the prevention, control and eradication of TSEs are observed, for samples to be taken for laboratory testing on the basis of an established protocol which would give a full epidemiological picture of the situation as regards TSE. In order to guarantee uniform testing procedures and results, national and Community Reference Laboratories and reliable scientific methods, including rapid tests specifically for TSEs, should be established. Rapid tests should be used as far as possible.


Community inspections should be carried out in the Member States in order to ensure uniform implementation of the requirements concerning the prevention, control and eradication of TSEs and provision should also be made for the implementation of audit procedures. In order to ensure that guarantees equivalent to those applied by the Community are provided by third countries upon import into the Community of live animals and products of animal origin, Community on-the-spot inspections and audits should be carried out in order to verify that the import conditions are met by exporting third countries.


Trade measures for TSEs should be based on international standards, guidelines or recommendations, where they exist. However, scientifically justified measures resulting in a higher level of health protection may be adopted if measures based on the relevant international standards, guidelines or recommendations would not achieve the appropriate level of health protection.


This Regulation should be re-examined as new scientific information becomes available.


The necessary transitional measures in particular for regulating the use of specified risk material should be provided for in the framework of this Regulation.


The measures necessary for the implementation of this Regulation should be adopted in accordance with Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedure for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission6.


In order to implement this Regulation, procedures should be laid down establishing close and effective cooperation between the Commission and the Member States within the Standing Veterinary Committee, the Standing Committee on Feedingstuffs, and the Standing Committee on Foodstuffs.


Given that the provisions for the implementation of this Regulation are general measures within the meaning of Article 2 of Decision 1999/468/EC, they should be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure laid down in Article 5 of that Decision,

