F1ANNEX XILists of third countries from which Member States may authorise imports of animal by-products not intended for human consumption


PART VII(A)List of third countries from which Member States may authorise imports of animal by-products for the manufacture of processed petfood (health certificate Chapter 3(B) and 8(A))

A.Animal by-products from bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine animals, including farmed and wild animals

  • third countries or parts of third countries listed in part 1 of Annex II to Decision 79/542/EEC, from which imports of that category of fresh meat of the respective species is authorised and the following countries for the by-products specified:

    • animal by-products from Bulgaria (BG), Latvia (LV), Romania (RO), [(Slovenia (SI)], concerning material from pigs;

    • southern American and southern African countries or parts thereof where matured and boned meat of the corresponding species is authorised, concerning matured and boned meat (including diaphragm) and/or matured trimmed offal of bovine, caprine, ovine animals and game (wild or farmed).