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ANNEX IU.K.List of active substances which are not included as active substance in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC


[F3List of authorisations referred to in Article 2(3) and 2(4)]


This active substance is allowed to remain on the market for the uses mentioned pending the finalisation of the procedures under the fourth stage of the programme of work as initiated by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1112/2002.]

Column A Column B Column C
Active substance Member State Use
2-aminobutane United Kingdom Stored seed potato
Ireland Stored seed potato
1,3 -dichloropropene (cis) The Netherlands Flower bulbs, strawberries, vegetables, tree nursery crops, perennials and replanting of orchards
[F44-CPA (4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid) Greece Grape (seedless)
Spain Tomato, aubergine
France Tomato, aubergine]
Acifluorfen Italy Soybean
Azaconazole Belgium Sweet pepper, tomato, wound treatment on trees
The Netherlands Tomato
United Kingdom Ornamentals
Benfuresate Spain Cotton
Bromacil France Lavender, lavandin
Bromopropylate Belgium Bean
Italy Pome fruit, vine
Spain Lemon, tomato, pome fruit, vine
Calcium hydroxide (aka slake lime a ) The Netherlands Fruit
Cartap Italy Pome fruit, stone fruit, tomato, aubergine, pepper, melon, marrow, ornamentals
Chinomethionate Greece Melon, water melon
Spain Cucurbitaceae
Chlorfenvinfos Denmark Cabbage
Germany Small radish, radish, carrot, onion, celery, cabbage, cucumber, oil seed rape
Ireland Carrot, parsnip, cabbage, swede
France Mushroom, asparagus, cress, radish, spinach, corn salad, gherkin, courgette, onion, shallot, carrot, celeriac, leek, celery, parsley, garlic, cabbage, turnip
The Netherlands Cabbage, onion, carrot, Brassica vegetables, swede, turnip, radish, black radish, leek, celeriac
Sweden Head cabbage and swedes
Portugal Brassica
Spain Brassica
Cyanazine United Kingdom Pea, bean, Brassica , narcissi, oilseed rape, Allium , forestry
Sweden Oilseed rape and pickling cucumber
Ireland Onion
Dalapon Italy Rice
Ethion France Carrot, parsley, celery, celeriac, garlic, shallot, onion, leek, cabbage
Dikegulac Germany Ornamentals (under glass)
Dimefuron Germany Oil seed rape
Dinobuton Spain Pome fruit
Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC) Portugal Potato
Fenpropathrin United Kingdom Soft fruit (blackcurrant)
[ F5 ]
Flumethralin Portugal Tobacco
Spain Tobacco
Fomesafen United Kingdom Pea, bean, lupin
France Soybean, bean
Italy Soybean, bean, pea
Furalaxyl Ireland Ornamentals
Furathiocarb Belgium Leek
Haloxyfop Denmark Seed grass fields of red fescue, seed beds of ornamentals
Heptenophos Ireland Ornamentals, cucumber, tomato, lettuce
Italy Cabbage, french bean, lettuce
Hexazinone Austria Conifer
France Conifer, lavender, lavandin, clary sage, liquorice, lucerne, sugar cane
Ireland Conifer
Spain Conifer, lucerne
Imazapyr Ireland Forestry
Portugal Non-crop land
Iminoctadine Greece Tomatoes under plastic
Mepronil Austria Lettuce
[F6Metobromuron Belgium Lambs lettuce, bean, potato
Spain Potato
France Artichoke, lambs lettuce
Germany Lambs lettuce, bean, tobacco]
Metoxuron Belgium Carrot, potato
France Carrot
Ireland Carrot
Luxemburg Carrot, potato
The Netherlands Carrot, potato, iris, gladiolus
United Kingdom Carrot, parsnip
Naptalam Spain Melon, water melon
France Melon
Omethoate Austria Ornamentals
Orbencarb Austria Lupin
Oxadixyl Belgium Pea — seed treatment
Oxycarboxin United Kingdom Ornamentals
Austria Ornamentals
Greece Ornamentals, flowers
Spain Ornamentals
Ireland Turf grass
Pebulate Greece Tobacco
Pentanochlor United Kingdom Umbellifers, herbs, ornamentals
Prometryn United Kingdom Umbellifers, Allium , herbs
[F7Bulgaria Sunflower, cotton and Umbelliferae
Spain Carrots, celery, cotton, chickpeas, peas, lentils
Greece Cotton
Ireland Carrots, parsley, celery, parsnips
Portugal Potatoes, carrots, parsley, leek, peas
France Celery, celeriac, lentils, leek
Pyridafenthion Spain Vine, meadow, lemon
Resmethrin United Kingdom Mushroom
Rock powder a Austria Forestry
Sethoxydim Austria Strawberry
Belgium Leek, beans, cabbage
Italy Vegetables
Silver nitrate The Netherlands Cucumber and gherkin grown for seed
Sodium monochloracetate United Kingdom Brassica , Allium , soft fruit, hop
Ireland Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale
Sodium silver thiosulphate Denmark Cut flowers, pot plants
Sulfotep Germany Ornamentals and vegetables in greenhouses
Tar acids a Ireland Disinfectant use
United Kingdom Disinfectant use
Temephos Spain Rice
Terbacil Spain Mentha
France Arnica, ribbed melilot, balm, peppermint, oregano, wild pansy, rosemary, winter savory, sage, thyme
Greece Aromatic plants
United Kingdom Aromatic and pharmaceutical plants
Terbufos Greece Sugar beet
[F7Bulgaria Limited to professional users with appropriate protective equipment. Soil treatment of potatoes, tobacco, cotton and beet
Terbutryn United Kingdom Pea, bean, lupin
Spain Citrus
Ireland Peas, beans
Tetradifon Spain Citrus, Cucurbitaceae , tomato, grapes
Ireland tomato, cucumber, ornamentals nursery stock
Triazophos Ireland Carrot
Triforine Austria Bean, cucumber, ornamentals growing, rose
Denmark Apple, pear, blackcurrant, redcurrant, gooseberry
Vamidothion Belgium Apple, arboriculture
Spain Pome fruit
Italy Pome fruit
Portugal Apple, pear
[F8Azaconazole Poland tomato, wound treatment of trees
Bensultap Hungary Potato, sugar beet, cereals, strawberry, poppy, bean, berries
[F7Bulgaria Sunflower, beet, potatoes and alfalfa]
Poland Potatoes
Bromopropylate Cyprus Citrus
Chlorfenvinphos Poland Mushroom
Cyanazine Latvia oil seed rape
Czech Republic Vining peas
Estonia oil seed rape
Lithuania oilseed rape
Cycloate Poland Red beet, spinach
Dichlorprop Hungary Cereals, grasses
[ F5 ]
Furathiocarb Czech Republic Seed treatment of bean, purple clover, Dutch clover, flax, poppy, cucumber, lucerne, Brassica vegetables
Hexazinone Hungary Forestry
Czech Republic Forestry
Slovakia Forestry
Imazapyr Estonia non-crop land

non-crop land

forestry production for treatment of sites prior to re-stocking

Lithuania non-crop land
Poland non-crop land
Slovakia non-crop land
Iminoctadine Poland Tree nurseries
Naptalam Slovakia Cucumber
Poland Cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini
Czech Republic Cucumber
Hungary Cucumber
Oxine-copper Hungary Cereals (seed dressing)
Oxycarboxin Cyprus Ornamentals, flowers and turf grass, beans
Prometryne Hungary Sunflower, potato, carrot, lentil, herbs, sunflower
Bulgaria Sunflower, cotton and Umbelliferae]
Slovakia Buckwheat, strawberry, dill, lentil
Latvia carrots, celery, parsley, leek, garlic, onion, caraway
Cyprus Carrots, celery, peas, onions, garlic, parsley, coriander, leek, lentils and umbellifer herbs
Estonia peas, beans, carrots, celery, parsley, caraway, leek, onion, garlic
Poland Carrot, parsley, parsnip, celeriac, dill, leek, garlic, onion, pea, broad bean, lentils, coriander, caraway, common madder, peppermint and other herbaceous plants, gladiolus, tulip, rosa
Lithuania Peas, beans, vetch, caraway, lupine, carrots
Terbacil Poland Peppermint
[F6Terbufos France Bananas
Bulgaria Limited to professional users with appropriate protective equipment. Soil treatment of potatoes, tobacco, cotton and beet]
Greece Sugar beet
Hungary Maize, sugar beet, cereals, sunflower, soybean]
Terbutryn Slovakia horse bean, green pea
Thiocyclam Cyprus Potatoes, beans, celery, cucumbers, melons, watermelons, pumpkins, ornamentals
Triforine Czech Republic Chives (seed production) and chrysanthemum]
[F9Chlormephos France Maize, sweet corn
Hexachlorophene Cyprus Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelons, melons, ornamentals]

Textual Amendments