Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002Show full title

Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 of 27 May 2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban, and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 467/2001 prohibiting the export of certain goods and services to Afghanistan, strengthening the flight ban and extending the freeze of funds and other financial resources in respect of the Taliban of Afghanistan

Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002

of 27 May 2002

imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban, and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 467/2001 prohibiting the export of certain goods and services to Afghanistan, strengthening the flight ban and extending the freeze of funds and other financial resources in respect of the Taliban of Afghanistan


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 60, 301 and 308 thereof,

Having regard to Common Position 2002/402/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Usama bin Laden, members of the Al-Qaida organisation and the Taliban and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with them and repealing Common Positions 96/746/CFSP, 1999/727/CFSP, 2001/154/CFSP and 2001/771/CFSP(1),

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(2),

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament(3),


(1) On 16 January 2002, the Security Council of the United Nations adopted Resolution 1390(2002) determining that the Taliban had failed to respond to its demands made in a number of previous resolutions and condemning the Taliban for allowing Afghanistan to be used as a base for terrorist training and activities and also condemning the Al-Qaida network and other associated terrorist groups for their terrorist acts and destruction of property.

(2) The Security Council decided, inter alia, that the flight ban and certain export restrictions imposed on Afghanistan further to its Resolutions 1267(1999) and 1333(2000) should be repealed and that the scope of the freezing of funds and the prohibition on funds being made available, which were imposed further to these Resolutions, should be adjusted. It also decided that a prohibition on providing the Taliban and the Al-Qaida organisation with certain services related to military activities should be applied. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Resolution 1390(2002), those measures will be reviewed by the Security Council 12 months after adoption of the resolution and at the end of this period the Security Council will either allow the measures to continue or decide to improve them.

(3) In this regard, the Security Council recalled the obligation to implement in full its Resolution 1373(2001) with regard to any member of the Taliban and the Al-Qaida organisation, but also with regard to those who are associated with them and have participated in the financing, planning, facilitation, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts.

(4) These measures fall under the scope of the Treaty and, therefore, notably with a view to avoiding distortion of competition, Community legislation is necessary to implement the relevant decisions of the Security Council as far as the territory of the Community is concerned. For the purpose of this Regulation, the territory of the Community is deemed to encompass the territories of the Member States to which the Treaty is applicable, under the conditions laid down in that Treaty.

(5) In order to create maximum legal certainty within the Community, the names and other relevant data with regard to natural or legal persons, groups or entities whose funds should be frozen further to a designation by the UN authorities, should be made publicly known and a procedure should be established within the Community to amend these lists.

(6) The competent authorities of the Member States should, where necessary, be empowered to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Regulation.

(7) UN Security Council Resolution 1267(1999) provides that the relevant UN Sanctions Committee may grant exemptions from the freezing of funds on grounds of humanitarian need. Therefore, provision needs to be made to render such exemptions applicable throughout the Community.

(8) For reasons of expediency, the Commission should be empowered to amend the Annexes to this Regulation on the basis of pertinent notification or information by the UN Security Council, the relevant UN Sanctions Committee and Member States, as appropriate.

(9) The Commission and Member States should inform each other of the measures taken under this Regulation and of other relevant information at their disposal in connection with this Regulation, and cooperate with the relevant UN Sanctions Committee, in particular by supplying it with information.

(10) Member States should lay down rules on sanctions applicable to infringements of the provisions of this Regulation and ensure that they are implemented. Those sanctions must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

(11) Taking into account that the freezing of funds is to be adjusted, it is necessary to ensure that sanctions for breaches of this Regulation can be imposed as of the date of entry into force of this Regulation.

(12) In view of the measures imposed under Resolution 1390(2002) it is necessary to adjust the measures imposed in the Community by repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 467/2001(4) and adopting a new Regulation,


Article 1U.K.

For the purpose of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:


‘funds’ means financial assets and economic benefits of every kind, including but not limited to cash, cheques, claims on money, drafts, money orders and other payment instruments; deposits with financial institutions or other entities, balances on accounts, debts and debt obligations; publicly and privately traded securities and debt instruments, including stocks and shares, certificates presenting securities, bonds, notes, warrants, debentures, derivatives contracts; interest, dividends or other income on or value accruing from or generated by assets; credit, right of set-off, guarantees, performance bonds or other financial commitments; letters of credit, bills of lading, bills of sale; documents evidencing an interest in funds or financial resources, and any other instrument of export-financing;


‘economic resources’ means assets of every kind, whether tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, which are not funds but can be used to obtain funds, goods or services;


‘freezing of funds’ means preventing any move, transfer, alteration, use of or dealing with funds in any way that would result in any change in their volume, amount, location, ownership, possession, character, destination or other change that would enable the use of the funds, including portfolio management;


‘freezing of economic resources’ means preventing their use to obtain funds, goods or services in any way, including, but not limited to, by selling, hiring or mortgaging them.

Article 2U.K.

1.All funds and economic resources belonging to, or owned or held by, a natural or legal person, group or entity designated by the Sanctions Committee and listed in Annex I shall be frozen.

2.No funds shall be made available, directly or indirectly, to, or for the benefit of, a natural or legal person, group or entity designated by the Sanctions Committee and listed in Annex I.

3.No economic resources shall be made available, directly or indirectly, to, or for the benefit of, a natural or legal person, group or entity designated by the Sanctions Committee and listed in Annex I, so as to enable that person, group or entity to obtain funds, goods or services.

[F1Article 2a U.K.

1. Article 2 shall not apply to funds or economic resources where:

(a) any of the competent authorities of the Member States, as listed in Annex II, has determined, upon a request made by an interested natural or legal person, that these funds or economic resources are:


necessary to cover basic expenses, including payments for foodstuffs, rent or mortgage, medicines and medical treatment, taxes, insurance premiums, and public utility charges;


intended exclusively for payment of reasonable professional fees and reimbursement of incurred expenses associated with the provision of legal services;


intended exclusively for payment of fees or service charges for the routine holding or maintenance of frozen funds or frozen economic resources; or


necessary for extraordinary expenses; and

(b) such determination has been notified to the Sanctions Committee; and


in the case of a determination under point (a)(i), (ii) or (iii), the Sanctions Committee has not objected to the determination within 48 hours of notification; or


in the case of a determination under point (a)(iv), the Sanctions Committee has approved the determination.

2. Any person wishing to benefit from the provisions referred to in paragraph 1 shall address its request to the relevant competent authority of the Member State as listed in Annex II.

The competent authority listed in Annex II shall promptly notify both the person that made the request, and any other person, body or entity known to be directly concerned, in writing, whether the request has been granted.

The competent authority shall also inform other Member States whether the request for such an exception has been granted.

3. Funds released and transferred within the Community in order to meet expenses or recognised by virtue of this Article shall not be subject to further restrictive measures pursuant to Article 2.

4. Article 2(2) shall not apply to the addition to frozen accounts of:

(a) interest or other earnings due on those accounts; or

(b) payments due under contracts, agreements or obligations that arose prior to the date on which those accounts became subject to the provisions of UN Security Council resolutions implemented successively through Regulation (EC) No 337/2000 (5) , Regulation (EC) No 467/2001 (6) or this Regulation.

In the same manner as the account to which they are added, such interest, other earnings and payments shall also be frozen.]

Article 3U.K.

Without prejudice to the powers of Member States in the exercise of their public authority, it shall be prohibited to grant, sell, supply or transfer, directly or indirectly, technical advice, assistance or training related to military activities, including in particular training and assistance related to the manufacture, maintenance and use of arms and related materiel of all types, to any natural or legal person, group or entity designated by the Sanctions Committee and listed in Annex I.

Article 4U.K.

1.The participation, knowingly and intentionally, in activities, the object or effect of which is, directly or indirectly, to circumvent Article 2 or to promote the transactions referred to in Article 3, shall be prohibited.

2.Any information that the provisions of this Regulation are being, or have been, circumvented shall be notified to the competent authorities of the Member States and, directly or through these competent authorities, to the Commission.

Article 5U.K.

1.Without prejudice to the applicable rules concerning reporting, confidentiality and professional secrecy and to the provisions of Article 284 of the Treaty, natural and legal persons, entities and bodies shall:

(a)provide immediately any information which would facilitate compliance with this Regulation, such as accounts and amounts frozen in accordance with Article 2, to the competent authorities of the Member States listed in Annex II where they are resident or located, and, directly or through these competent authorities, to the Commission.

In particular, available information in respect of funds, financial assets or economic resources owned or controlled by persons designated by the Sanctions Committee and listed in Annex 1 during the period of six months before the entry into force of this Regulation shall be provided;

(b)cooperate with the competent authorities listed in Annex II in any verification of this information.

2.Any information provided or received in accordance with this Article shall be used only for the purposes for which it was provided or received.

3.Any additional information directly received by the Commission shall be made available to the competent authorities of the Member States concerned.

Article 6U.K.

The freezing of funds, other financial assets and economic resources, in good faith that such action is in accordance with this Regulation, shall not involve the natural or legal person, group or entity implementing it, or its directors or employees, in liability of any kind unless it is proved that the freezing was due to negligence.

Article 7U.K.

1.The Commission shall be empowered to:

  • amend or supplement Annex I on the basis of determinations made by either the United Nations Security Council or the Sanctions Committee, and

  • amend Annex II on the basis of information supplied by Member States.

2.Without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the Member States under the Charter of the United Nations, the Commission shall maintain all necessary contacts with the Sanctions Committee for the purpose of the effective implementation of this Regulation.

Article 8U.K.

The Commission and the Member States shall immediately inform each other of the measures taken under this Regulation and shall supply each other with relevant information at their disposal in connection with this Regulation, in particular information received in accordance with Article 5 and in respect of violation and enforcement problems and judgements handed down by national courts.

Article 9U.K.

This Regulation shall apply notwithstanding any rights conferred or obligations imposed by any international agreement signed or any contract entered into or any licence or permit granted before the entry into force of this Regulation.

Article 10U.K.

1.Each Member State shall determine the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed. Such sanctions shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

2.Pending the adoption, where necessary, of any legislation to this end, the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed, shall be those determined by the Member States in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 467/2001.

3.Each Member State shall be responsible for bringing proceedings against any natural or legal person, group or entity under its jurisdiction, in cases of violation of any of the prohibitions laid down in this Regulation by any such person, group or entity.

Article 11U.K.

This Regulation shall apply

  • within the territory of the Community, including its airspace,

  • on board any aircraft or any vessel under the jurisdiction of a Member State,

  • to any person elsewhere who is a national of a Member State,

  • to any legal person, group or entity which is incorporated or constituted under the law of a Member State,

  • to any legal person, group or entity doing business within the Community.

Article 12U.K.

Regulation (EC) No 467/2001 is hereby repealed.

Article 13U.K.

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

ANNEX IU.K.List of persons, groups and entities referred to in Article 2

Legal persons, groups and entitiesU.K.

  • [F2. . . . .]

  • Abu Sayyaf Group (aka Al Harakat Al Islamiyya)

  • Afghan Support Committee (ASC), aka Lajnat Ul Masa Eidatul Afghania, Jamiat Ayat-Ur-Rhas Al Islamia, Jamiat Ihya Ul Turath Al Islamia, and Ahya Ul Turas; office locations: Headquarters — G. T. Road (probably Grand Trunk Road), near Pushtoon Garhi Pabbi, Peshawar, Pakistan; Cheprahar Hadda, Mia Omar Sabaqah School, Jalabad, Afghanistan

  • [F3AKIDA BANK PRIVATE LIMITED (f.k.a. AKIDA ISLAMIC BANK INTERNATIONAL LIMITED); (f.k.a. IKSIR INTERNATIONAL BANK LIMITED); c/o Arthur D. Hanna & Company; 10 Deveaux Street, Nassau, Bahamas; P.O. Box N-4877, Nassau, Bahamas

  • AKIDA INVESTMENT CO. LTD., (a.k.a. AKIDA INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED);(f.k.a. AKIDA BANK PRIVATE LIMITED); c/o Arthur D. Hanna & Company; 10 Deveaux Street, Nassau, Bahamas; P.O. Box N-4877, Nassau, Bahamas]

  • Al Baraka Exchange L.L.C., PO Box 3313, Deira, Dubai, UAE; PO Box 20066, Dubai, UAE

  • Al Qaida/Islamic Army (aka ‘The Base’, Al Qaeda, Islamic Salvation Foundation, The Group for the Preservation of the Holy Sites, The Islamic Army for the Liberation of Holy Places, The World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, Usama Bin Laden Network, Usama Bin Laden Organisation)

  • [F4Al Rashid Trust (a.k.a. Al Rasheed Trust, Al-Rasheed Trust, Al-Rashid Trust, The Aid Organisation of The Ulema):

    • Kitas Ghar, Nazimabad 4, Dahgel-Iftah, Karachi, Pakistan ,

    • Jamia Maajid, Sulalman Park, Melgium Pura, Lahore, Pakistan,

    • Kitab Ghar, Darul Ifta Wal Irshad, Nazimabad No 4, Karachi, Pakistan, tel. 668 33 01; tel. 0300-820 91 99; Fax 662 38 14 ,

    • Jamia Masjid, Sulaiman Park, Begum Pura, Lahore, Pakistan; tel. 042-681 20 81,

    • 302b-40, Good Earth Court, Opposite Pia Planitarium, Block 13a, Gulshan -I Iqbal, Karachi; tel. 497 92 63 ,

    • 617 Clifton Center, Block 5, 6th Floor, Clifton, Karachi; tel. 587-25 45 ,

    • 605 Landmark Plaza, 11 Chundrigar Road, Opposite Jang Building, Karachi, Pakistan; tel. 262 38 18-19 ,

    • Office Dha'rbi M'unin, Opposite Khyber Bank, Abbottabad Road, Mansehra, Pakistan ,

    • Office Dhar'bi M'unin ZR Brothers, Katcherry Road, Chowk Yadgaar, Peshawar, Pakistan ,

    • Office Dha'rbi-M'unin, Rm No 3 Moti Plaza, Near Liaquat Bagh, Muree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan ,

    • Office Dha'rbi-M'unin, Top floor, Dr Dawa Khan Dental Clinic Surgeon, Main Baxae, Mingora, Swat, Pakistan ,

    • Operations in Afghanistan: Herat, Jalalabad, Kabul, Kandahar, Mazar Sherif,

    • Also operations in Kosovo, Chechnya]

  • [F5WALDENBERG AG (alias: (a) Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry; (b) Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry Company Limited; (c) Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry Establishment; (d) Himmat Establishment). Address: (a) Asat Trust Reg., Altenbach 8, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein; (b) Via Posero, 2, 22060 Campione d'Italia, Italy]

  • Al-Barakaat Bank, Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Al-Barakaat Wiring Service, 2940, Pillsbury Avenue, Suite 4, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408, USA

  • Al-Barakaat, Mogadishu, Somalia; Dubai, UAE

  • Al-Barakat Bank of Somalia (BSS) (aka Barakat Bank of Somalia), Mogadishu, Somalia; Bossasso, Somalia

  • Al-Barakat Finance Group, Dubai, UAE; Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Al-Barakat Financial Holding Co., Dubai, UAE; Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Al-Barakat Global Telecommunications (aka Barakaat Globetelcompany), PO Box 3313, Dubai, UAE; Mogadishu, Somalia; Hargeysa, Somalia

  • Al-Barakat Group of Companies Somalia Limited (aka Al-Barakat Financial Company), PO Box 3313, Dubai, UAE; Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Al-Barakat International (aka Baraco Co.), PO Box 2923, Dubai, UAE

  • Al-Barakat Investments, PO Box 3313, Deira, Dubai, UAE

  • Al-Hamati Sweets Bakeries, Al-Mukallah, Hadhramawt Governorate, Yemen

  • [F6 [F7Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation ( alias (a) Vazir, (b) Vezir), 64 Poturmahala, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina]

  • AL-HARAMAIN Islamic Foundation, Somalia.]

  • Al-Itihaad Al-Islamiya (AIAI)

  • Al-Jihad/Egyptian Islamic Jihad (aka Egyptian Al-Jihad, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Jihad Group, New Jihad)

  • Al-Nur Honey Press Shops (aka Al-Nur Honey Center), Sanaa, Yemen

  • Al-Shifa Honey Press For Industry And Commerce, PO Box 8089, Al-Hasabah, Sanaa, Yemen; By the Shrine Next to the Gas Station, Jamal Street, Taiz, Yemen; Al-Arudh Square, Khur Maksar, Aden, Yemen; Al-Nasr Street, Doha, Qatar

  • [F8Ansar al-Islam (alias (a) Devotees of Islam, (b) Jund al-Islam, (c) Soldiers of Islam, (d) Kurdistan Supporters of Islam, (e) Supporters of Islam in Kurdistan, (f) Followers of Islam in Kurdistan, (g) Kurdish Taliban, (h) Soldiers of God, (i) Ansar al-Sunna Army (j) Jaish Ansar al-Sunna, (k) Ansar al-Sunna); location: north-eastern Iraq.]

  • Armed Islamic Group (GIA) (aka Al Jamm'ah Al Islamiah Al-Musallah, GIA, Groupement Islamique Armé)

  • Asat Trust Reg., Altenbach 8, FL-9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein

  • Asbat al-Ansar

  • [F3 [F7BA Taqwa for Commerce and Real Estate Company Limited ( alias Hochburg AG), Vaduz, Liechtenstein (formerly c/o Astat Trust reg.)] ]

  • Bank Al Taqwa Limited (aka Al Taqwa Bank) (aka Bank Al Taqwa), PO Box N-4877, Nassau, Bahamas; c/o Arthur D. Hanna & Company, 10, Deveaux Street, Nassau, Bahamas

  • Baraka Trading Company, PO Box 3313, Dubai, UAE

  • Barakaat Boston, 266, Neponset Avenue, Apt. 43, Dorchester, Massachussets 02122-3224, USA

  • Barakaat Construction Company, PO Box 3313, Dubai, UAE

  • Barakaat Group of Companies, PO Box 3313, Dubai, UAE; Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Barakaat International Foundation, Box 4036, Spanga, Stockholm, Sweden; Rinkebytorget 1, 04, Spanga, Sweden

  • Barakaat International, Hallbybacken 15, 70 Spanga, Sweden

  • Barakaat International, Inc., 1929, South 5th Street, Suite 205, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

  • Barakaat North America, Inc., 925, Washington Street, Dorchester, Massachussets, USA; 2019, Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

  • Barakaat Red Sea Telecommunications, Bossaso, Somalia; Nakhiil, Somalia; Huruuse, Somalia; Raxmo, Somalia; Ticis, Somalia; Kowthar, Somalia; Noobir, Somalia; Bubaarag, Somalia; Gufure, Somalia; Xuuxuule, Somalia; Ala Aamin, Somalia; Guureeye, Somalia; Najax, Somalia; Carafaat, Somalia

  • Barakaat Telecommunications Co. Somalia, Ltd, PO Box 3313, Dubai, UAE

  • Barakaat Wire Transfer Company, 4419, South Brandon Street, Seattle, Washington, USA

  • Barakat Banks and Remittances, Mogadishu, Somalia; Dubai, UAE

  • Barakat Computer Consulting (BCC), Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Barakat Consulting Group (BCG), Mogadishu, Somalia

  • [F2. . . . .]

  • Barakat Global Telephone Company, Mogadishu, Somalia; Dubai, UAE

  • Barakat International Companies (BICO), Mogadishu, Somalia; Dubai, UAE

  • Barakat Post Express (BPE), Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Barakat Refreshment Company, Mogadishu, Somalia; Dubai, UAE

  • Barakat Telecommunications Company Limited (aka BTELCO), Bakara Market, Dar Salaam Buildings, Mogadishu, Somalia; Kievitlaan 16, 't Veld, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

  • Barako Trading Company, L.L.C., PO Box 3313, Dubai, UAE

  • [F9Benevolence International Foundation (aka BIF, BIF-USA, Al-Bir Al-Dawalia, and Mezhdunarodnyj Blagotvoritel'nyj Fond); US Federal Employer Identification Number 36-3823186; addresses and offices in so far as known:

    • 8820, Mobile Avenue, 1A, Oak Lawn, Illinois, 60453, USA ,

    • PO box 548, Worth, Illinois, 60482, USA ,

    • (former location) 9838, S. Roberts Road, Suite 1W, Palos Hills, Illinois, 60465, USA ,

    • (former location) 20-24, Branford Place, Suite 705, Newark, New Jersey, 07102, USA ,

    • Bashir Safar Ugli 69, Baku, Azerbaijan ,

    • 69, Boshir Safaroglu Street, Baku, Azerbaijan ,

    • 3, King Street South, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 3Z6 Canada ,

    • PO box 1508, Station B, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Y 4G2 Canada ,

    • 2465, Cawthra Road, No. 203, Mississauga, Ontario, L5A 3P2 Canada ,

    • 91, Paihonggou, Lanzhou, Gansu, China 730 000 ,

    • Hrvatov 30, 41000 Zagreb, Croatia ,

    • Burgemeester Kessensingel 40, Maastricht, Netherlands ,

    • House 111, First Floor, Street 64, F-10/3, Islamabad, Pakistan ,

    • PO box 1055, Peshawar, Pakistan ,

    • Azovskaya 6, km. 3, off. 401, Moscow, Russia 113149 ,

    • Ulitsa Oktyabr'skaya, dom. 89, Moscow, Russia 127521 ,

    • PO box 1937, Khartoum, Sudan ,

    • PO box 7600, Jeddah 21472, Saudi Arabia ,

    • PO box 10845, Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia

  • Benevolence International Fund (aka Benevolent International Fund and BIF-Canada); last known addresses:

    • 2465, Cawthra Road, Unit 203, Mississauga, Ontario, L5A 3P2 Canada ,

    • PO box 1508, Station B, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Y 4G2 Canada ,

    • PO box 40015, 75, King Street South, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 4V1 Canada ,

    • 92, King Street, 201, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 1P5 Canada

  • Bosanska Idealna Futura (aka Bosnian Ideal Future, BIF-Bosnia, BECF Charitable Educational Center, Benevolence Educational Center); addresses and offices in so far as known:

    • Salke Lagumdzije 12, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina ,

    • Hadzije Mazica Put 16F, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina ,

    • Sehidska Street, Breza, Bosnia-Herzegovina ,

    • Kanal 1, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina ,

    • Hamze Celenke 35, Ilidza, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina]

  • De Afghanistan Momtaz Bank

  • [F10Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement or East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) (aka Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party or Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party of Allah)]

  • [F11Global Relief Foundation, Inc., Fondation Secours Mondial, Secours Mondial de France (SEMONDE), Fondation Secours Mondial — Belgique a.s.b.l., Fondation Secours Mondial v.z.w., Stichting Wereldhulp — België v.z.w., Fondation Secours Mondial — Kosova, Fondation Secours Mondial World Relief , (aka GRF or FSM); United States Federal Employer Identification Number 36-3804626; VAT Number: BE 454 419 759; addresses and offices in so far as known:

    • 9935, South 76th Avenue, Unit 1, Bridgeview, Illinois 60455, USA

    • PO Box 1406, Bridgeview, Illinois 60455, USA

    • 49, rue du Lazaret, F-67100 Strasbourg, France

    • Vaatjesstraat 29, B-2580 Putte, Belgium

    • Rue des Bataves 69, B-1040 Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium

    • PO Box 6, B-1040 Etterbeek 2, Brussels, Belgium

    • Mula Mustafe Besekije Street 72, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

    • Put Mladih Muslimana Street 30/A, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

    • Rr. Skenderbeu 76, Lagjja Sefa, Gjakova, Kosovo, FR Yugoslavia

    • Ylli Morina Road, Djakovica, Kosovo, FR Yugoslavia

    • Rruga e Kavajes, Building No. 3, Apartment No. 61, PO Box 2892, Tirana, Albania

    • House 267, Street No. 54, Sector F — 11/4, Islamabad, Pakistan

    • Saray Cad. No. 37 B Blok, Yesilyurt Apt. 2/4, Sirinevler, Turkey]

  • [F2. . . . .]

  • [F3GULF CENTER S.R.L., Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy; Fiscal Code: 07341170152; V.A.T. Number: IT 07341170152]

  • Harakat Ul-Mujahidin/HUM (aka Al-Faran, Al-Hadid, Al-Hadith, Harakat Ul-Ansar, HUA, Harakat Ul-Mujahideen)

  • Heyatul Ulya, Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Islamic Army of Aden

  • [F12Islamic International Brigade (alias the Islamic Peacekeeping Brigade, the Islamic Peacekeeping Army, the International Brigade, Islamic Peacekeeping Battalion, International Battalion, Islamic Peacekeeping International Brigade)]

  • Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) (aka IMU)

  • Jaish-I-Momhammed (aka Army of Mohammed), Pakistan

  • Jamyah Taawun Al-Islamia (aka Society of Islamic Cooperation; aka Jamiyat Al Taawun Al Islamiyya; aka JIT), Qandahar City, Afghanistan

  • [F13Jemaah Islamiya (aka Jema'ah Islamiyah, Jemaah Islamiyah, Jemaah Islamiah, Jamaah Islamiyah, Jama'ah Islamiyah)]

  • [F14Lajnat Al Daawa Al Islamiya]

  • [F15Lashkar i Jhangvi]

  • Libyan Islamic Fighting Group

  • Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export Company (aka Darkazanli Company, Darkazanli Export-Import Sonderposten), Uhlenhorsterweg 34 11, Hamburg, Germany


  • [F16Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (aka GICM or Groupe Islamique Combattant Marocain)]

  • NADA INTERNATIONAL ANSTALT, Vaduz, Liechtenstein; (formerly c/o Asat Trust reg.)]

  • Nada Management Organisation S.A. (fka Al Taqwa Management Organisation S.A.), Viale Stefano Franscini 22, CH-6900 Lugano (TI), Switzerland

  • [F3NASCO BUSINESS RESIDENCE CENTER SAS DI NASREDDIN AHMED IDRIS EC, Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy; Fiscal Code: 01406430155; V.A.T. Number: IT 01406430155

  • NASCO NASREDDIN HOLDING A.S., Zemin Kat, 219 Demirhane Caddesi, Zeytinburnu, Istanbul, Turkey

  • NASCOSERVICE S.R.L., Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy; Fiscal Code: 08557650150; V.A.T. Number: IT 08557650150

  • NASCOTEX S.A., (a.k.a. INDUSTRIE GENERALE DE FILATURE ET TISSAGE); (a.k.a. INDUSTRIE GENERALE DE TEXTILE); KM 7 Route de Rabat, BP 285, Tangiers, Morocco; KM 7 Route de Rabat, Tangiers, Morocco

  • NASREDDIN COMPANY NASCO SAS DI AHMED IDRIS NASREDDIN EC, Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy; Fiscal Code: 03464040157; V.A.T. Number: IT 03464040157

  • NASREDDIN FOUNDATION, (a.k.a. NASREDDIN STIFTUNG); c/o Rechta Treuhand-Anstalt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein

  • NASREDDIN GROUP INTERNATIONAL HOLDING LIMITED, (a.k.a. NASREDDIN GROUP INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED); c/o Arthur D. Hanna & Company; 10 Deveaux Street, Nassau, Bahamas; P.O. Box N-4877, Nassau, Bahamas

  • NASREDDIN INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED HOLDING, (a.k.a. NASREDDIN INTERNATIONAL GROUP LTD. HOLDING); c/o Rechta Treuhand-Anstalt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein; Corso Sempione 69, 20149, Milan, Italy]

  • Parka Trading Company, PO Box 3313, Deira, Dubai, UAE

  • RABITA TRUST, Room 9A, Second Floor, Wahdat Road, Education Town, Lahore, Pakistan; Wares Colony, Lahore, Pakistan

  • Red Sea Barakat Company Limited, Mogadishu, Somalia; Dubai, UAE

  • Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS), aka Jamiat Ihia Al-Turath Al-Islamiya, Revival of Islamic Society Heritage on the African Continent, Jamia Ihya Ul Turath; office locations: Pakistan and Afghanistan. NB: only the Pakistan and Afghanistan offices of this entity will be designated

  • [F12Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and Sabotage Battalion of Chechen Martyrs (alias Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and Sabotage Battalion, Riyadh-as-Saliheen, the Sabotage and Military Surveillance Group of the Riyadh al-Salihin Martyrs, Firqat al-Takhrib wa al-Istitla al-Askariyah li Shuhada Riyadh al-Salihin)]

  • Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC) (aka Le Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédiction et le Combat)

  • Somali International Relief Organization, 1806, Riverside Avenue, 2nd Floor, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

  • Somali Internet Company, Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Somali Network AB, Hallybybacken 15, 70 Spanga, Sweden

  • [F12Special Purpose Islamic Regiment (alias the Islamic Special Purpose Regiment, the al-Jihad-Fisi-Sabililah Special Islamic Regiment)]

  • [F17Stichting Benevolence International Nederland (alias Benevolence International Nederland, alias BIN) Raderborg 14B, 6228 CV Maastricht, Netherlands. Chamber of Commerce Registration: 14063277]

  • [F16Tunisian Combatant Group (aka GCT or Groupe Combattant Tunisien)]

  • [F3Ummah Tameer E-Nau (UTN), Street 13, Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul Afghanistan, Pakistan]

  • Wafa Humanitarian Organisation (aka Al Wafa, Al Wafa Organisation, Wafa Al-Igatha Al-Islamia) Jordan house No 125, Street 54, Phase II. Hayatabad, Peshawar, Pakistan; offices in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates

  • Youssef M. Nada & Co. Gesellschaft m.b.H., Kaertner Ring 2/2/5/22, A-1010 Vienna, Austria

  • Youssef M. Nada, Via Riasc 4, CH-6911 Campione d'Italia I, Switzerland

  • [F18DJAMAT HOUMAT DAAWA SALAFIA (alias (a) DHDS, (b) El-Ahouel)]

  • [F19 [F20Al-Haramain Foundation (Indonesia) (alias Yayasan Al-Manahil-Indonesia), Jalan Laut Sulawesi Block DII/4, Kavling Angkatan Laut Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur 13440, Indonesia. Other information: telephone 021-86611265 and 021-86611266; fax: 021-8620174]

  • Al-Haramain Foundation (Pakistan), House No 279, Nazimuddin Road, F-10/1, Islamabad, Pakistan

  • Al-Haramayn Foundation (Kenya), (a) Nairobi, Kenya, (b) Garissa, Kenya, (c) Dadaab, Kenya

  • Al-Haramayn Foundation (Tanzania), (a) PO box 3616, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, (b) Tanga, (c) Singida]

  • [F21Al Furqan ( alias (a) Dzemilijati Furkan, (b) Dzem’ijjetul Furqan, (c) Association for Citizens' Rights and Resistance to Lies, (d) Dzemijetul Furkan, (e) Association of Citizens for the Support of Truth and Suppression of Lies, (f) Sirat, (g) Association of Education, Culture and Building Society — Sirat, (h) Association for Education, Culture and Building Society — Sirat, (i) Association for Education, Cultural and to Create Society — Sirat, (j) Istikamet, (k) In Siratel). Addresses: (a) Put Mladih Muslimana 30a, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina; (b) ul. Strossmajerova 72, Zenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina; (c) Muhameda Hadzijahica 42, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

  • Taibah International — Bosnia Offices ( alias (a) Taibah International Aid Agency, (b) Taibah International Aid Association, (c) Al Taibah, Intl, (d) Taibah International Aide Association). Addresses: (a) Avde Smajlovic 6, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina; (b) 26, Tabhanska Street, Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina; (c) 3, Velika Cilna Ulica, Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina; (d) 26, Tahbanksa Ulica, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.]

  • [F22Al-Haramain & Al Masjed Al-Aqsa Charity Foundation (alias (a) Al Haramain Al Masjed Al Aqsa, (b) Al-Haramayn Al Masjid Al Aqsa, (c) Al-Haramayn and Al Masjid Al Aqsa Charitable Foundation). Branch address: Hasiba Brankovica 2A, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina .]

  • [F23Al-Haramain (Afghanistan branch). Address: Afghanistan.

  • Al-Haramain (Albanian branch). Address: Irfan Tomini Street 58, Tirana, Albania .

  • Al-Haramain (Bangladesh branch). Address: House 1, Road 1, S-6, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh .

  • Al-Haramain (Ethiopia branch). Address: Woreda District 24 Kebele Section 13, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia .

  • Al-Haramain (Netherlands branch) (alias Stichting Al Haramain Humanitarian Aid). Address: Jan Hanzenstraat 114, 1053 SV Amsterdam, Netherlands .]

  • [F24Al-Haramain Foundation (Union of the Comoros). Address: B/P: 1652 Moroni, Union of the Comoros.

  • Al-Haramain Foundation (United States of America). Address: (a) 1257 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520, USA , (b) 3800 Highway 99 S, Ashland, OR 97520, USA , (c) 2151 E Division St, Springfield, MO 65803, USA .]

  • [F25Jama’at al-Tawhid Wa'al-Jihad ( alias : (a) JTJ; (b) al-Zarqawi network; (c) al-Tawhid; (d) the Monotheism and Jihad Group).]

Textual Amendments

Natural persons(functions in brackets are those under the former Taliban regime of Afghanistan)U.K.

  • Aazem, Abdul Haiy, Maulavi (First Secretary, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Quetta)

  • Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi (aka Abu Abdallah, Abdal Al-Hadi Al-Iraqi)

  • [F26Abdelghani MZOUDI (alias (a) Abdelghani MAZWATI, (b) Abdelghani MAZUTI). Place of birth: Marrakesh (Morocco). Date of birth: 6 December 1972 . Nationality: Moroccan. Passport No: (a) Moroccan passport No F 879567, issued 29 April 1992 in Marrakesh, Morocco, valid until 28 April 1997 , renewed until 28 February 2002 ; (b) Moroccan passport No M271392, issued 4 December 2000 by the Moroccan Consulate in Berlin, Germany. National identification No: Moroccan personal ID No E 427689, issued 20 March 2001 by the Moroccan Consulate General in Düsseldorf, Germany. Additional information: remanded in custody in Germany (June 2003)]

  • [F3Abdelhalim Remadna, date of birth: 2 April 1966 ; place of birth: Bistra, Algeria]

  • [F27Abdul Rahman YASIN ( alias (a) Taha, Abdul Rahman S. (b) Taher, Abdul Rahman S. (c) Yasin, Abdul Rahman Said (d) Yasin, Aboud); date of birth: 10 Apr 1960 ; place of birth: Bloomington, Indiana United States of America; nationality: American; passport No: (a) 27082171 (United States of America (Issued on 21 June 1992 in Amman, Jordan)) (b) MO887925 (Iraq); national identification: SSN 156-92-9858 (United States of America); other information: Abdul Rahman Yasin is in Iraq]

  • Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah (aka Abu Mariam; aka Al-Masri, Abu Mohamed; aka Saleh), Afghanistan; born 1963, Egypt; citizen Egypt

  • Abdullkadir, Hussein Mahamud, Florence, Italy

  • [F17Abdurrahman, Mohamad Iqbal (alias Abu Jibril ; Rahman, Mohamad Iqbal; A Rahman, Mohamad Iqbal; Abu Jibril Abdurrahman; Fikiruddin Muqti; Fihiruddin Muqti); nationality: Indonesian; place of birth: Tirpas-Selong Village, East Lombok, Indonesia]

  • Abu Hafs the Mauritanian (aka Mahfouz Ould al-Walid, Khalid Al-Shanqiti, Mafouz Walad Al-Walid, Mahamedou Ouid Slahi); born 1.1.1975

  • [F27Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad HUSAYN ( alias (a) Abu Zubaida (b) Abd Al-Hadi Al-Wahab (c) Zain Al-Abidin Muhahhad Husain (d) Zain Al-Abidin Muhahhad Husain (e) Abu Zubaydah (f) Tariq); date of birth: 12 March 1971 ; place of birth: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: nationality: thought to be a Saudi and Palestinian national; passport No: bearer of Egyptian passport No 484824 issued on 18 January 1984 at the Egyptian embassy in Riyadh; other information: close associate of Usama bin Laden and facilitator of terrorist travel]

  • [F3Adel Ben Soltane, Via Latisana no. 6, Milan, Italy , date of birth: 14 July 1970 ; place of birth: Tunis, Tunisia; Italian Fiscal Code: BNSDLA70L14Z352B]

  • [F2. . . . .]

  • Agha, Abdul Rahman (Chief Justice of Military Court)

  • Agha, Haji Abdul Manan (aka Saiyid; Abd Al-Manam), Pakistan

  • Agha, Saed M. Azim, Maulavi (Passport and Visa Dept)

  • Agha, Sayyed Ghiassouddine, Maulavi (Minister of Haj and Religious Affairs)

  • Ahmadi, Haji M., Mullah (President of Da Afghanistan Bank)

  • Ahmadulla, Qari (Minister of Security (Intelligence))

  • Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani (aka Ahmed the Tanzanian; aka Foopie; aka Fupi; aka Ahmad, Abu Bakr; aka Ahmed, A; aka Ahmed, Abubakar; aka Ahmed, Abubakar K.; aka Ahmed, Abubakar Khalfan; aka Ahmed, Abubakary K.; aka Ahmed, Ahmed Khalfan; aka Al Tanzani, Ahmad; aka Ali, Ahmed Khalfan; aka Bakr, Abu; aka Ghailani, Abubakary Khalfan Ahmed; aka Ghailani, Ahmed; aka Ghilani, Ahmad Khalafan; aka Hussein, Mahafudh Abubakar Ahmed Abdallah; aka Khabar, Abu; aka Khalfan, Ahmed; aka Mohammed, Shariff Omar); born 14.3.1974 or 13.4.1974 or 14.4.1974 or 1.8.1970, Zanzibar, Tanzania; citizen Tanzania

  • Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali (aka Abdurehman, Ahmed Mohammed; aka Abu Fatima; aka Abu Islam; aka Abu Khadiijah; aka Ahmed Hamed; aka Ahmed The Egyptian; aka Ahmed, Ahmed; aka Al-Masri, Ahmad; aka Al-Surir, Abu Islam; aka Ali, Ahmed Mohammed; aka Ali, Hamed; aka Hemed, Ahmed; aka Shieb, Ahmed; aka Shuaib), Afghanistan; born 1965, Egypt; citizen Egypt

  • Akhund, Ahmed Jan, Mullah (Minister of Water and Electricity)

  • Akhund, Alhaj Mohammad Essa, Mullah (Minister of Mines and Industries)

  • Akhund, Attiqullah, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Agriculture)

  • Akhund, Dadullah, Maulavi (Minister of Construction)

  • Akhund, Hadji Ubaidullah, Mullah (Minister of Defence)

  • Akhund, Mohammad Abbas, Mullah (Minister of Public Health)

  • Akhundzada, Mohammad Sediq (Deputy Minister of Martyrs and Repatriation)

  • [F6AL-FAWAZ, Khalid (a.k.a. AL-FAUWAZ, Khaled; AL-FAUWAZ, Khaled A.; AL-FAWWAZ, Khalid; AL FAWWAZ, Khalik; AL-FAWWAZ, Khaled; AL FAWWAZ, Khaled); date of birth: 25 August 1962; 55 Hawarden Hill, Brooke Road, London NW2 7BR, United Kingdom .]

  • Al-Hamati, Muhammad (aka Al-Ahdal, Mohammad Hamdi Sadiq; aka Al-Makki, Abu Asim), Yemen

  • Al-Haq, Amin (aka Amin, Muhammad; aka Ah Haq, Dr Amin; aka Ul-Haq, Dr Amin); born 1960, Nangahar Province, Afghanistan

  • Ali, Abbas Abdi, Mogadishu, Somalia

  • [F2. . . . .]

  • [F27Ali Ahmed Yusaf ( alias Ali Galoul), Krälingegränd 33, S-16362 Spånga, Sweden ; date of birth 20 November 1974 ; place of birth: Garbaharey, Somalia; nationality: Swedish; passport No: Swedish passport 1041635; national identification No: 741120-1093]

  • Al-Jadawi, Saqar; Born c. 1965; thought to be a Yemeni and Saudi national; aide to Usama Bin Laden.

  • Al-Jaziri, Abu Bakr; nationality: Algerian; address: Peshawar, Pakistan — affiliated with Afghan Support Committee

  • [F27Ahmad Sa'id Al-Kadr; date of birth: 1 March 1948 ; place of birth: Cairo, Egypt; nationality: Canadian and thought to be an Egyptian national]

  • Allamuddin, Syed (Second Secretary, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Peshawar)

  • Al-Libi Abd Al Mushin, aka Ibrahim Ali Muhammad Abu Bakr — affiliated with Afghan Support Committee and Revival of Islamic Heritage Society

  • [F28Mostafa Kamel MOSTAFA (alias a) Mustafa Kamel MUSTAFA, b) Adam Ramsey Eaman, c) Abu Hamza Al-Masri, d) Al-Masri, Abu Hamza, e) Al-Misri, Abu Hamza), 9 Alboume Road, Shepherds Bush, London W12 OLW, United Kingdom; 8 Adie Road, Hammersmith, London W6 OPW, United Kingdom . Date of birth: 15 April 1958]

  • Al-Qadi, Yasin (aka Kadi, Shaykh Yassin Abdullah; aka Kahdi, Yasin), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

  • Al-Sharif, Sa'd; born c. 1969, Saudi Arabia; brother-in-law and close associate of Usama Bin Laden; said to be head of Usama Bin Laden's financial organisation.

  • Amin, Aminullah, Maulavi (Governor of Saripul Province)

  • Aminzai, Shams-us-Safa (Press-Centre, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

  • Anafi, Nazirullah, Maulavi (Commercial Attaché, Taliban ‘Embassy’, Islamabad)

  • Anas al-Liby (aka Al-Libi, Anas; aka Al-Raghie, Nazih; aka Alraghie, Nazih Abdul Hamed; aka Al-Sabai, Anas), Afghanistan; born 30.3.1964 or 14.5.1964, Tripoli, Libya; citizen Libya (individual)

  • Anwari, Mohammad Tahre, Mullah (Administrative Affairs)

  • [F27Aoudi Mohamed ben Belgacem BEN ABDALLAH ( alias Aouadi, Mohamed Ben Belkacem), (a) Via A. Masina n. 7, Milan, Italy, (b) Via Dopini n. 3, Gallarati, Italy ; date of birth 12 November 1974 , place of birth: Tunis, Tunisia; nationality: Tunisian; passport No L 191609 issued on 28 February 1996 ; national identification No: 04643632 delivered on 18 June 1999 ; Codice Fiscale: DAOMMD74T11Z352Z. Other information: his mother's name is Bent Ahmed Ourida]

  • Aref, Arefullah, Mullah (Deputy Minister of Finance)

  • Asem, Esmatullah, Maulavi, SG of Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS)

  • Asem, Sayed Esmatullah, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue)

  • Atiqullah, Hadji Molla (Deputy Minister of Public Works)

  • Aweys, Dahir Ubeidullahi, Via Cipriano Facchinetti 84, Rome, Italy.

  • Aweys, Hassan Dahir (aka Ali, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys) (aka Awes, Shaykh Hassan Dahir); date of birth 1935; citizen of Somalia

  • Ayman Al-Zawahari (aka Ahmed Fuad Salim, Aiman Muhammad Rabi Al-Zawahiri); Operational and Military Leader of Jihad Group; born 19.6.1951, Giza, Egypt; passport No 1084010 (Egypt); alternative No 19820215

  • Azizirahman, Mr (Third Secretary, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi)

  • [F29Bahaji, Said, formerly resident at Bunatwiete 23, D-21073 Hamburg, Germany ; date of birth 15 July 1975 ; place of birth: Haselünne (Lower Saxony), Germany; provisional German passport No 28 642 163 issued by the City of Hamburg]

  • Baqi, Abdul, Maulavi (Consulate Dept, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

  • Baqi, Abdul, Mullah (Vice-Minister of Information and Culture)

  • Baradar, Mullah (Deputy, Minister of Defence)

  • Bari, Abdul, Maulavi (Governor of Helmand Province)

  • [F6BEN HENI, Lased; date of birth 5 February 1969 ; place of birth Libya.]

  • [F29Binalshibh, Ramzi Mohamed Abdullah (aka Omar, Ramzi Mohamed Abdellah; aka Binalsheidah, Ramzi Mohamed Abdullah; aka Bin al Shibh, Ramzi); date of birth 1 May 1972 or 16 September 1973 ; place of birth: Hadramawt, Yemen or Khartoum, Sudan; citizenship: Sudan or Yemen; passport of Yemen No 00 085 243 issued on 12 November 1997 in Sanaa, Yemen]

  • Bin Marwan, Bilal; born 1947

  • [F30Ayadi Shafiq Ben Mohamed BEN MOHAMED (alias (a) Bin Muhammad, Ayadi Chafiq, (b) Ayadi Chafik, Ben Muhammad, (c) Aiadi, Ben Muhammad, (d) Aiady, Ben Muhammad, (e) Ayadi Shafig Ben Mohamed, (f) Ben Mohamed, Ayadi Chafig, (g) Abou El Baraa), (a) Helene Meyer Ring 10-1415-80809, Munich, Germany, (b) 129 Park Road, NW8, London, England, (c) 28 Chaussée De Lille, Mouscron, Belgium . Date of birth: 21 March 1963 . Place of birth: Sfax, Tunisia. Nationality: (a) Tunisian, (b) Bosnian. Passport No: E 423362 delivered in Islamabad on 15 May 1988 . National identification No: 1292931. Other information: his mother's name is Medina Abid; he is actually in Ireland.]

  • [F27Bouchoucha Mokhtar Ben Mohamed BEN MOKHTAR ( alias Bushusha, Mokhtar), Via Milano n. 38, Spinadesco (CR), Italy ; date of birth: 13 October 1969 ; place of birth: Tunis, Tunisia; nationality: Tunisian; passport No: K/754050 delivered on 26 May 1999 ; national identification No: 04756904 delivered on 14 September 1987 ; Codice Fiscale: BCHMHT69R13Z352T. Other information: his mother's name is Bannour Hedia]

  • [F27Charaabi Tarek Ben Bechir BEN AMARA ( alias (a) Sharaabi, Tarek (b) Haroun, Frank), Viale Bligny n. 42, Milan, Italy ; date of birth: 31 March 1970 ; place of birth: Tunis, Tunisia; nationality: Tunisian; passport No: L 579603 delivered in Milan on 19 Nov 1997 ; national identification No: 007-99090; Codice Fiscale: CHRTRK70C31Z352U. Other information: his mother's name is Charaabi Hedia]

  • [F27Mamoun DARKAZANLI ( alias (a) Abu Ilyas (b) Abu Ilyas Al Suri (c) Abu Luz), Uhlenhorster Weg 34, Hamburg, 22085 Germany ; date of birth: 4 August 1958 ; place of birth: Damascus, Syria; nationality: Syrian and German; passport No: 1310636262 (Germany), expires on 29 October 2005 ; national identification No: German identity card No 1312072688, expires on 20 August 2011]

  • Daud, Mohammad (Administrative Attaché, Taliban ‘Embassy’, Islamabad)

  • Delawar, Shahabuddin, Maulavi (Deputy of High Court)

  • Ehsanullah, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Security (Intelligence))

  • Elmi, Mohammad Azam, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Mines and Industries)

  • [F29El Motassadeq, Mounir, Göschenstraße 13, D-21073 Hamburg, Germany ; date of birth 3 April 1974 ; place of birth: Marrakesh, Morocco; citizenship: Morocco; Moroccan passport No H 236 483 issued on 24 October 2000 by the Embassy of Morocco in Berlin, Germany]

  • Eshaq M. (Governor of Laghman Province)

  • [F31Essabar, Zakarya (aka Essabar, Zakariya), Dortmunder Strasse 38, D-22419 Hamburg, Germany ; date of birth 13 April 1977 ; place of birth: Essaouira, Morocco; citizenship: Morocco; passport No M 271 351 issued on 24 October 2000 by the Embassy of Morocco in Berlin, Germany]

  • [F6ES SAYED, Abdelkader Mahmoud (a.k.a. ES SAYED, Kader); date of birth 26 December 1962; place of birth Egypt; address: Via del Fosso di Centocelle No 66, Rome, Italy ; Italian Fiscal Code: SSYBLK62T26Z336L.

  • [F27Essid Sami Ben Khemais BEN SALAH ( alias (a) Omar El Mouhajer (b) Saber), Via Dubini n. 3, Gallarate (VA), Italy ; date of birth: 10 February 1968 ; place of birth: Menzel Jemil Bizerte, Tunisia; nationality: Tunisian; passport No: K/929139 delivered on 14 February 1995 ; national identification No: 00319547 delivered on 8 December 1994 ; Codice Fiscale: SSDSBN68B10Z352F. Other information: his mother's name Saidani Beya] ]

  • Ezatullah, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Planning)

  • Fahid Mohammed Ally Msalam (aka Al-Kini, Usama; aka Ally, Fahid Mohammed; aka Msalam, Fahad Ally; aka Msalam, Fahid Mohammed Ali; aka Msalam, Mohammed Ally; aka Musalaam, Fahid Mohammed Ali; aka Salem, Fahid Muhamad Ali); born 19.2.1976, Mombasa, Kenya; citizen Kenya

  • Faiz, Maulavi (Information Dept, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

  • Faizan, Faiz Mohammad, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Commerce)

  • Fauzi, Habibullah (First Secretary/Deputy Head of Mission, Taliban ‘Embassy’, Islamabad)

  • Fazul Abdullah Mohammed (aka Abdalla, Fazul; aka Adballah, Fazul; aka Aisha, Abu; aka Al Sudani, Abu Seif; aka Ali, Fadel Abdallah Mohammed; aka Fazul, Abdalla; aka Fazul, Abdallah; aka Fazul, Abdallah Mohammed; aka Fazul, Haroon; aka Fazul, Harun; aka Haroon; aka Haroun, Fadhil; aka Harun; aka Luqman, Abu; aka Mohammed, Fazul; aka Mohammed, Fazul Abdilahi; aka Mohammed, Fouad; aka Muhamad, Fadil Abdallah); born 25.8.1972 or 25.12.1974 or 25.2.1974, Moroni, Comoros Islands; citizen Comoros or citizen Kenya

  • Ghafoor, Abdul, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Agriculture)

  • [F3Habib Waddani, Via unica Borighero no. 1, San Donato (MI), Italy ; date of birth: 10 June 1970 ; place of birth: Tunis, Tunisia; Italian Fiscal Code: WDDHBB70H10Z352O]

  • Hakimi, Gul Ahmad, Maulavi (Commercial Attaché, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Karachi)

  • Hamdullah, Maulavi (Repatriation Attaché, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Quetta),

  • Hamidi, Zabihullah (Deputy Minister of Higher Education)

  • Hamidullah, Mullah, Head of Ariana Afghan Airlines

  • Hamsudin, Maulavi (Governor of Wardak (Maidan) Province)

  • Hanafi, Mohammad Nasim, Mullah (Deputy Minister of Education)

  • Hanif, Qari Din Mohammad (Minister of Planning)

  • Haqani, Djallalouddine, Maulavi (Minister of Frontier Affairs)

  • Haqani, Sayeedur Rahman, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Mines and Industries)

  • Haqqan, Sayyed, Maulavi (Minister of Administrative Affairs)

  • Haqqani, Mohammad Salim, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue)

  • Haqqani, Moslim, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Haj and Religious Affairs)

  • Haqqani, Najibullah, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Public Works)

  • Hassan, Hadji Mohammad, Mullah (First Deputy, Council of Ministers, Governor of Kandahar)

  • [F32Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin (alias Gulabudin Hekmatyar, Golboddin Hikmetyar, Gulbuddin Khekmatiyar, Gulbuddin Hekmatiar, Gulbuddin Hekhmartyar, Gulbudin Hekmetyar), date of birth: 1 August 1949 , place of birth: Konduz Province, Afghanistan]

  • [F27Ri'ad (Raed) Muhammad Hasan MUHAMMAD HIJAZI ( alias (a) Hijazi, Raed M. (b) Al-Hawen, Abu-Ahmad (c) Al-Shahid, Abu-Ahmad (d) Al-Maghribi, Rashid (the Moroccan) (e) Al-Amriki, Abu-Ahmad (the American)); date of birth: 30 December 1968 ; place of birth: California, United States of America; nationality: Jordanian national; national identification No: SSN: 548-91-5411 National number 9681029476; other information: originally from Ramlah; place of residence while in Jordan — al-Shumaysani (Sheisani) (area of Amman), behind the trade unions complex]

  • [F27Ali Ghaleb HIMMAT, Via Posero 2, CH-6911 Campione D'Italia, Italy ; date of birth: 16 June 1938 ; place of birth: Damascus, Syria; nationality: Swiss]

  • Homayoon, Mohammad, Eng. (Deputy Minister of Water and Electricity)

  • Hottak, Abdul Rahman Ahmad, Maulavi (Deputy (Cultural) Minister of Information and Culture)

  • Hottak, M. Musa, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Planning)

  • [F27Armand Albert Friedrich HUBER ( alias Huber, Ahmed), Rossimattstrasse 33, 3074 Muri b. Bern, Switzerland ; date of birth 1927; nationality: Swiss]

  • [F2. . . . .]

  • Ibn Al-Shaykh Al-Libi

  • [F17Isamuddin, Nurjaman Riduan (alias Hambali ; Nurjaman; Isomuddin, Nurjaman Riduan); born: Encep Nurjaman; nationality: Indonesian; date of birth: 4 April, 1964 ; place of birth: Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia]

  • Islam, Muhammad (Governor of Bamiyan Province)

  • Jabbar, Abdul, Maulavi (Governor of Baghlan Province)

  • Jalal, Noor, Maulavi (Deputy (Administrative) Minister of Interior Affairs)

  • Jalil, Abdul, Mullah (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs)

  • [F2. . . . .]

  • Jamal, Qudratullah, Maulavi (Minister of Information)

  • Jan, Ahmad, Maulavi (Governor of Zabol Province)

  • Janan, Mullah (Governor of Fariab),

  • Jim'ale, Ahmed Nur Ali (aka Jimale, Ahmed Ali) (aka Jim'ale, Ahmad Nur Ali) (aka Jumale, Ahmed Nur) (aka Jumali, Ahmed Ali), PO Box 3312, Dubai, UAE; Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Kabir, A., Maulavi (Governor of Nangarhar Province)

  • Kabir, Abdul, Maulavi (Second Deputy, Council of Ministers, Governor of Nangahar Province, Head of Eastern Zone)

  • Kahie, Abdullahi Hussein, Bakara Market, Dar Salaam Buildings, Mogadishu, Somalia.

  • Kakazada, Rahamatullah, Maulavi (Consul General, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Karachi)

  • Khairkhwah, Khair Mohammad, Maulavi (Governor of Herat Province)

  • Khaksar, Abdul Samad, Mullah (Deputy (Security) Minister of Interior Affairs)

  • Kmalzada Shamsalah, Mr (Second Secretary, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi)

  • Ladehyanoy, Mufti Rashid Ahmad (aka Ludhianvi, Mufti Rashid Ahmad; aka Ahmad, Mufti Rasheed; aka Wadehyanoy, Mufti Rashid Ahmad); Karachi, Pakistan

  • [F3Lazhar Ben Mohammed Tlili, Via Carlo Porta no. 97, Legnano, Italy ; date of birth: 26 March 1969 ; place of birth: Tunis, Tunisia; Italian Fiscal Code: TLLLHR69C26Z352G]

  • Madani, Jan Mohammad, Mr (Chargé d'Affaires, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi)

  • Madani, Zia-ur-Rahman, Maulavi (Governor of Logar Province)

  • Mahmood, Sultan Bashir-Ud-Din (aka Mahmood, Sultan Bashiruddin; aka Mehmood, Dr. Bashir Uddin; aka Mekmud, Sultan Baishiruddin), Street 13, Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul, Aghanistan; alt. date of birth 1937; alt. date of birth 1938; alt. date of birth 1939; alt. date of birth 1940; alt. date of birth 1941; alt. date of birth 1942; alt. date of birth 1943; alt. date of birth 1944; alt. date of birth 1945; nationality: Pakistani

  • Majeed, Abdul (aka Majeed Chaudhry Abdul; aka Majid, Abdul); date of birth 15 Apr 1939; alt. date of birth 1938; nationality: Pakistani)

  • Makhtab Al-Khidamat/Al Kifah

  • Manan, Mawlawi Abdul, Mr (Commercial Attaché, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi)

  • Mansour, Akhtar Mohammad (Minister of Civil Aviation and Transportation)

  • [F27Mansour MOHAMED ( alias Al-Mansour, Dr. Mohamed), Obere Heslibachstrasse 20, 8700 Kuesnacht, ZH (Zurich), Switzerland ; date of birth: 30 August 1928 ; place of birth: (a) Egypt (b) United Arab Emirates; nationality: Swiss]

  • [F27Mansour Fattouh ZEINAB, Obere Heslibachstrasse 20, 8700 Kuesnacht, ZH, Switzerland ; date of birth: 7 May 1933]

  • [F3Mansour Thaer, date of birth: 21 March 1974 ; place of birth: Baghdad, Iraq]

  • Mansur, Abdul Latif, Maulavi (Minister of Agriculture)

  • Mati, Mohammadullah, Maulavi (Minister of Public Works)

  • Matiullah, Mullah, Kabul Custom House,

  • Mazloom, Fazel M, Mullah (Deputy Chief of Army Staff)

  • [F3Mehdi Kammoun, Via Masina no. 7, Milan, Italy ; date of birth: 3 April 1968 ; place of birth: Tunis, Tunisia; Italian Fiscal Code: KMMMHD68D03Z352N]

  • Mohammad, Akhtar, Maulavi (Education Attaché, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Peshawar)

  • Mohammad, Dost, Mullah (Governor of Ghazni Province)

  • Mohammad, Nazar, Maulavi (Governor of Kunduz Province)

  • Mohammad, Nik, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Commerce)

  • Mohammad, Qari Din (Minister of Higher Education)

  • Mohammadi, Shafiqullah, Maulavi (Governor of Khost Province)

  • Momand, Qalamudin, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Haj Affairs)

  • Monib, Abdul Hakim, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Frontier Affairs)

  • Motaqi, Amir Khan, Mullah (Minister of Education)

  • Motasem, Abdul Wasay Aghajan, Mullah (Minister of Finance)

  • Motmaen, Abdulhai (Information and Culture Dept, Kandahar)

  • Muazen, Samiullah, Maulavi (Deputy of High Court)

  • Muhammad Atif (aka Subhi Abu Sitta, Abu Hafs Al Masri, Sheik Taysir Abdullah, Mohamed Atef, Abu Hafs Al Masri el Khabir, Taysir); born 1956, Alexandria, Egypt; alt. date of birth 1951.

  • Muhammad 'Atif (aka Abu Hafs); born (probably) 1944, Egypt; thought to be an Egyptian national; senior lieutenant to Usama Bin Laden

  • Muhammad Salah (aka Nasr Fahmi Nasr Hasanayn)

  • Muhsin Musa Matwalli Atwah (aka Abdel Rahman; aka Abdul Rahman; aka Al-Muhajir, Abdul Rahman; aka Al-Namer, Mohammed K.A.), Afghanistan; born 19.6.1964, Egypt; citizen Egypt

  • Mujahid, Abdul Hakim, Taliban envoy to the United Nations

  • Murad, Abdullah, Maulavi (Consul General, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Quetta)

  • Mustafa Mohamed Fadhil (aka Al Masri, Abd Al Wakil; aka Al-Nubi, Abu; aka Ali, Hassan; aka Anis, Abu; aka Elbishy, Moustafa Ali; aka Fadil, Mustafa Muhamad; aka Fazul, Mustafa; aka Hussein; aka Jihad, Abu; aka Khalid; aka Man, Nu; aka Mohammed, Mustafa; aka Yussrr, Abu); born 23.6.1976, Cairo, Egypt; citizen Egypt or citizen Kenya; Kenyan ID No 12773667; serial No 201735161

  • Mustasaed, Mullah (Head of Academy of Sciences)

  • Mutawakil, Abdul Wakil (Minister of Foreign Affairs)

  • Muttaqi, Amir Khan (Taliban representative in UN-led talks)

  • [F33. . . . .]

  • [F3Nabil Benattia, date of birth: 11 May 1966 ; place of birth: Tunis, Tunisia]

  • [F27Nada Youssef MUSTAFA ( alias (a) Nada, Youssef, (b) Nada, Youssef M.), (a) via Arogno 32, 6911 Campione d'Italia, Italy (b) Via per Arogno 32, CH-6911 Campione d'Italia, Italy (c) Via Riasc 4, CH-6911 Campione d'Italia I, Italy ; date of birth: (a) 17 May 1931 (b) 17 May 1937 ; place of birth: Alexandria, Egypt; national identification No: Italian Identity Card No AE 1111288 (Expiry date 21 March 2005 )]

  • Naim, Mohammad, Mullah (Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation)

  • Najibullah, Maulavi (Consul General, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Peshawar)

  • [F27Nasreddin Ahmed IDRIS ( alias (a) Nasreddin, Ahmad I. (b) Nasreddin, Hadj Ahmed (c) Nasreddine, Ahmed Idriss (d)Ahmed Idris Nasreddin), (a) Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy, (b) Piazzale Biancamano, Milan, Italy, (c) Rue De Cap Spartel, Tangiers, Morocco, (d) No 10, Rmilat, Villa Nasreddin in Tangiers, Morocco ; date of birth: 22 November 1929 ; place of birth: Adi Ugri, Ethiopia (now Eritrea); nationality: Italian; national identification No: Italian Identity Card No AG 2028062 (Expiry date 7 September 2005 ); Foreign ID card No: K 5249; Italian Fiscal Code: NSRDRS29S22Z315Y. Other information: In 1994, Mr. Nasreddin left his residence in 1 via delle Scuole, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland and moved to Morocco]

  • Nomani, Hamidullah, Maulavi (high ranking official in the Ministry of Higher Education)

  • Noorani, Mufti Mohammad Aleem (First Secretary, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Karachi)

  • Nuri, Maulavi Nurullah (Governor of Balkh Province, Head of Northern Zone)

  • Nuristani, Rostam, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Public Works)

  • Nyazi, Manan, Mullah (Governor of Kabul Province)

  • Omar, Mohammed, Mullah, Leader of the Faithful (‘Amir ul-Mumineen’), Afghanistan

  • Omari, Alhaj M. Ibrahim (Deputy Minister of Frontier Affairs)

  • Paktis, Abdul Satar, Dr, (Protocol Dept, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

  • [F33. . . . .]

  • Qadeer, Abdul, General (Military Attaché, Taliban ‘Embassy’, Islamabad)

  • Qalamuddin, Maulavi (Head of Olympic Committee)

  • Qurishi, Abdul Ghafar, Maulavi (Repatriation Attaché, Taliban ‘Embassy’, Islamabad)

  • Rabbani, Mohammad, Mullah (Chairman of the Ruling Council, Head of the Council of Ministers)

  • Rahimi, Yar Mohammad Mullah (Minister of Communication)

  • Rahmani, Arsalan, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Higher Education)

  • Rahmani, M. Hasan, Mullah (Governor of Kandahar Province)

  • Rasul, M, Mullah (Governor of Nimroz Province)

  • Rauf, Abdul, Mullah (Commander of Central Corpus)

  • Razaq, Abdul, Maulavi (Minister of Commerce)

  • Razaq, Abdul, Mullah (Minister of Interior Affairs)

  • Reshad, Habibullah, Mullah (Head of Investigation Dept.)

  • [F3Riadh Jelassi, date of birth: 15 December 1970 ; place of birth: Tunisia]

  • Saddiq, Alhaj Mohammad, Maulavi (Trade Representative, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Peshawar)

  • Sadruddin, Alhaj, Mullah (Mayor of Kabul City)

  • Safi, Rahmatullah, General (Taliban representative in Europe)

  • Salek, Abdulhai, Maulavi (Governor of Urouzgan Province)

  • [F3Samir Kishk, date of birth: 14 May 1955 ; place of birth: Gharbia, Egypt]

  • Sanani, Maulavi, Head of Dar-ul-Efta,

  • Saqib, Noor Mohammad (Chief Justice of Supreme Court)

  • [F17Sayadi, Nabil Abdul Salam (alias Abu Zeinab); date of birth: 1.1.1966 in El Hadid, Tripoli, Lebanon; nationality: Belgian since 18.9.2001 ; spouse of Patricia Vinck; married on 29.5.1992 in Peschawar, Pakistan]

  • Sayed, Alhaj Mullah Sadudin (Mayor of Kabul City)

  • Sayf al-Adl (aka Saif Al-'Adil); born c. 1963, Egypt; thought to be an Egyptian national; responsible for UBL's security

  • Sayyed, Saiduddine, Maulavi (Vice-Minister of Work and Social Affairs)

  • Shafiq, A. Wahed, Maulavi (Deputy Governor of Kabul Province)

  • Shafiq, M, Mullah (Governor of Samangan Province)

  • Shaheen, Mohammad Sohail (Second Secretary, Taliban ‘Embassy’, Islamabad)

  • Shahidkhel, S. Ahmed, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Education)

  • Shams-ur-Rahman, Mullah (Deputy Minister of Agriculture)

  • Sharif, Mohammad (Deputy Minister of Interior Affairs)

  • Shaykh Sai'id (aka Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad); born in Egypt

  • Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan (aka Ahmed the Tall; aka Ally, Ahmed; aka Bahamad; aka Bahamad, Sheik; aka Bahamadi, Sheikh; aka Suweidan, Sheikh Ahmad Salem; aka Swedan, Sheikh; aka Swedan, Sheikh Ahmed Salem); born 9.4.1969 or 9.4.1960, Mombasa, Kenya; citizen of Kenya

  • Shenwary, Haji Abdul Ghafar (Third Secretary, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Karachi)

  • Shinwari, Jalaluddine, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Justice)

  • Siddiqmal, Mohammad Sarwar (Third Secretary, Taliban ‘Embassy’, Islamabad)

  • Stanekzai, Sher Abbas (Deputy Minister of Public Health)

  • Tahis, Hadji (Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation)

  • Takhari, Abdul Raqib, Maulavi (Minister of Repatriation)

  • [F3Tarek Ben Habib Maaroufi, date of birth: 23 November 1965 ; place of birth: Ghardimaou, Tunisia]

  • Tariq Anwar Al-Sayyid Ahmad (aka Hamdi Ahmad Farag, Amr al-Fatih Fathi); born 15.3.1963, Alexandria, Egypt

  • Tawana, Maulavi (Governor of Paktia Province)

  • Tayeb, Haji Alla Dad, Mullah (Deputy Minister of Communication)

  • Thirwat Salah Shihata (aka Tarwat Salah Abdallah, Salah Shihata Thirwat, Shahata Thirwat); born 29.6.1960, Egypt

  • Tufail, Mohammed (aka Tufail, S.M.; aka Tufail, Sheik Mohammed); nationality: Pakistani

  • Turab, Hidayatullah Abu (Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation)

  • Turabi, Nooruddin, Mullah (Minister of Justice)

  • [F2. . . . .]

  • Usama Bin Laden (aka Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Awad, a.k.a. Osama Bin Laden; aka Abu Abdallah Abd Al-Hakim); born 30.7.1957, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Saudi citizenship withdrawn, now officially an Afghan national

  • Uthman, Omar Mahmoud (aka Al-Filistini, Abu Qatada; aka Takfiri, Abu Umr; aka Abu Umar, Abu Omar; aka Uthman, Al-Samman; aka Umar, Abu Umar; aka Uthman, Umar; aka Abu Ismail), London, England; born 30.12.1960 or 13.12.1960

  • [F17Vinck, Patricia Rosa (alias Souraya P. Vinck); date of birth: 4.1.1965 in Berchem, Antwerp; nationality: Belgian; spouse of Nabil Sayadi]

  • [F10Wa'el Hamza Julaidan (aka Wa'il Hamza Julaidan, Wa'el Hamza Jalaidan, Wa'il Hamza Jalaidan, Wa'el Hamza Jaladin, Wa'il Hamza Jaladin, and Abu Al-Hasan al Madani); date of birth: 22 January 1958 ; place of birth: Al-Madinah, Saudi Arabia; Saudi passport No A-992535]

  • Wahab, Malawi Abdul Taliban (Chargé d'Affaires in Riyadh)

  • Wahidyar, Ramatullah (Deputy Minister for Martyrs and Repatriation)

  • Wali, Mohammad, Maulavi (Minister of Department of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue)

  • Wali, Qari Abdul (First Secretary, Taliban ‘Consulate General’, Peshawar)

  • Walijan, Maulavi (Governor of Jawzjan Province)

  • Wasseq, Abdul-Haq-, Maulavi (Deputy Minister of Security (Intelligence))

  • Waziri, M. Jawaz (UN Dept, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

  • Yaqoub, Mohammad, Maulavi (Head of BIA)

  • [F3Yassine Chekkouri, date of birth: 6 October 1966 ; place of birth: Safi, Morocco]

  • Yuldashev, Tohir (aka Yuldashev, Takhir), Uzbekistan

  • Zaeef, Abdul Salam, Mullah (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Taliban ‘Embassy’, Islamabad)

  • Zaeef, Abdul Salam (Taliban Ambassador to Pakistan)

  • Zahed, Abdul Rahman (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs)

  • Zahid, Mohammad, Mullah (Third Secretary, Taliban ‘Embassy’, Islamabad),

  • Zaief, Abdul Salam, Mullah (Deputy Minister of Mines and Industries)

  • Zia, Mohammad (aka Zia, Ahmad); c/o Ahmed Shah s/o Painda Mohammad al-Karim Set, Peshawar, Pakistan; c/o Alam General Store Shop 17, Awami Market, Peshawar, Pakistan; c/o Zahir Shah s/o Murad Khan Ander Sher, Peshawar, Pakistan

  • Zurmati, Maulavi Rahimullah (Deputy (Publication) Minister of Information and Culture)

  • [F34 [F35Youssef Abdaoui (alias (a) Abu Abdullah , (b) Abdellah, (c) Abdullah). Address: (a) via Romagnosi 6, Varese (Italy), (b) Piazza Giovane Italia 2, Varese (Italy). Date of birth: (a) 4 June 1966 , (b) 4 September 1966 . Place of birth: Kairouan (Tunisia). Fiscal Code: BDA YSF 66P04 Z352Q.]

  • Mohamed Amine AKLI (alias (a) Mohamed Amine Akli, (b) Killech Shamir, (c) Kali Sami, (d) Elias). Place of birth: Abordj El Kiffani (Algeria). Date of birth: 30 March 1972 .

  • Mehrez AMDOUNI (alias (a) Fabio FUSCO, (b) Mohamed HASSAN, (c) Thale ABU). Place of birth: Tunis (Tunisia). Date of birth: 18 December 1969 .

  • Chiheb Ben Mohamed AYARI (alias Abu Hchem HICHEM), Via di Saliceto 51/9, Bologna, Italy . Place of birth: Tunis (Tunisia). Date of birth: 19 December 1965 .

  • Mondher BAAZAOUI (alias HAMZA), Via di Saliceto 51/9, Bologna, Italy . Place of birth: Kairouan (Tunisia). Date of birth: 18 March 1967 .

  • [F36Lionel DUMONT ( alias (a) Jacques BROUGERE, (b) BILAL, (c) HAMZA). Address: no fixed address in Italy. Place of birth: Roubaix (France). Date of birth: (a) 21.1.1971 , (b) 29.1.1975 .]

  • Moussa Ben Amor ESSAADI (alias (a) DAH DAH, (b) ABDELRAHMMAN, (c) BECHIR), Via Milano 108, Brescia, Italy . Place of birth: Tabarka (Tunisia). Date of birth: 4 December 1964 .

  • Rachid FETTAR (alias (a) Amine del Belgio, (b) Djaffar), Via degli Apuli 5, Milan, Italy . Place of birth: Boulogin (Algeria). Date of birth: 16 April 1969 .

  • Brahim Ben Hedili HAMAMI, Via de' Carracci 15, Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), Italy . Place of birth: Goubellat (Tunisia). Date of birth: 20 November 1971 .

  • Khalil JARRAYA (alias (a) Khalil YARRAYA, (b) Aziz Ben Narvan ABDEL', (c) AMRO, (d) OMAR, (e) AMROU, (f) AMR) Via Bellaria 10, Bologna, Italy or Via Lazio 3, Bologna, Italy . Place of birth: Sfax (Tunisia). Date of birth: 8 February 1969 . He has also been identified as Ben Narvan Abdel Aziz, born in Sereka (ex-Yugoslavia) on 15 August 1970 .

  • Mounir Ben Habib JARRAYA (alias YARRAYA), Via Mirasole 11, Bologna, Italy or Via Ariosto 8, Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), Italy . Place of birth: Sfax (Tunisia). Date of birth: 25 October 1963 .

  • Faouzi JENDOUBI (alias (a) SAID, (b) SAMIR) Via Agucchi 250, Bologna, Italy or Via di Saliceto 51/9, Bologna, Italy . Place of birth: Beja (Tunisia). Date of birth: 30 January 1966 .

  • Fethi Ben Rebai MNASRI (alias (a) AMOR, (b) Omar ABU, (c) Fethi ALIC), Via Toscana 46, Bologna, Italy or Via di Saliceto 51/9, Bologna, Italy . Place of birth: Nefza (Tunisia). Date of birth: 6 March 1969 .

  • Najib OUAZ, Vicolo dei Prati 2/2, Bologna, Italy . Place of birth: Hekaima (Tunisia). Date of birth: 12 April 1960 .

  • Ahmed Hosni RARRBO (alias ABDALLAH, ABDULLAH). Place of birth: Bologhine (Algeria). Date of birth: 12 September 1974 .

  • Nedal SALEH (alias HITEM), Via Milano 105, Casal di Principe (Caserta), Italy or Via di Saliceto 51/9, Bologna, Italy . Place of birth: Taiz (Yemen). Date of birth: 1 March 1970 .

  • [F28Zelimkhan Ahmedovich (Abdul-Muslimovich) YANDARBIEV. Place of birth: village of Vydriha, Eastern Kazakhstan region, USSR. Date of birth: 12 September 1952 . Nationality: Russian Federation. Passports: Russian passport 43 No 1600453] ]

  • [F37Shamil BASAYEV (alias Abdullakh Shamil Abu-Idris); place of birth: Dyshni-Vedeno, Chechnya, Russian Federation; date of birth: 14 January 1965 ; Russian passport No 623334 (January 2002).]

  • [F38Mohamad Nasir ABAS (alias (a) Abu Husna, (b) Addy Mulyono, (c) Malik, (d) Khairudin, (e) Sulaeman, (f) Maman, (g) Husna), Taman Raja Laut, Sabah, Malaysia; date of birth: 6 May 1969 , place of birth: Singapore; nationality: Malaysian; passport No: A 8239388; national identification No: 690506-71-5515.

  • Zulkifli ABDUL HIR (alias Musa Abdul Hir), Seksyen 17, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia ; date of birth: 5 January 1966 ; place of birth: Johor, Malaysia; nationality: Malaysian; passport No: A 11263265; national identification No: 660105-01-5297.

  • Fathur Rohman AL-GHOZHI (alias (a) Al Ghozi, Fathur Rohman, (b) Al Ghozi, Fathur Rahman, (c) Al-Gozi, Fathur Rohman, (d) Al-Gozi, Fathur Rahman, (e) Alghozi, Fathur Rohman, (f) Alghozi, Fathur Rahman, (g) Al-Gozhi, Fathur Rohman, (h) Al-Gozhi, Fathur Rahman, (i) Randy Alih, (j) Randy Ali, (k) Alih Randy, (l) Randy Adam Alih, (m) Sammy Sali Jamil, (n) Sammy Salih Jamil, (o) Rony Azad, (p) Rony Azad Bin Ahad, (q) Rony Azad Bin Ahmad, (r) Rony Azad Bin Amad, (s) Edris Anwar Rodin, (t) Abu Saad, (u) Abu Sa'ad, (v) Freedom Fighter); date of birth: 17 February 1971 ; place of birth: Madiun, East Java, Indonesia; nationality: Indonesian; passport No: Philippines GG 672613.

  • Agus DWIKARNA; date of birth: 11 August 1964 ; place of birth: Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia; nationality: Indonesian.

  • Huda bin Abdul HAQ (alias (a) Ali Gufron, (b) Ali Ghufron, (c) Ali Gufron al Mukhlas, (d) Mukhlas, (e) Muklas, (f) Muchlas, (g) Sofwan); date of birth: (a) 9 February 1960 (b) 2 February 1960 ; place of birth: Solokuro subdistrict in Lamongan district, East Java province, Indonesia; nationality: Indonesian.

  • Azahari HUSIN, Taman Sri Pulai, Johor, Malaysia; title: Dr; date of birth: 14 September 1957 ; place of birth: Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia; nationality: Malaysian; passport No: A 11512285; national identification No: 570914-05-5411.

  • Salim Y Salamuddin JULKIPLI (alias (a) Kipli Sali, (b) Julkipli Salim); date of birth: 20 June 1967 ; place of birth: Tulay, Jolo Sulu, Phillippines.

  • [F20Abdul Manaf KASMURI (alias (a) Muhammad Al-Filipini, (b) Intan), Klang. Selangor, Malaysia. Date of birth: 28 May 1955 . Place of birth: Selangor, Malaysia. Nationality: Malaysian. Passport No: A 9226483. National identification No: 550528-10-5991.]

  • Amran MANSOR (alias Henry), Kg. Sg. Tiram, Johor, Malaysia; date of birth: 25 May 1964 ; place of birth: Johor, Malaysia; nationality: Malaysian; passport No: A 10326821; national identification No: 640525-01-5885.

  • [F39Zulkepli Bin Marzuki, Taman Puchong Perdana, Selangor, Malaysia. Date of birth: 3 July 1968 . Place of birth: Selangor, Malaysia. Nationality: Malaysian. Passport No: A 5983063. National identification No: 680703-10-5821.]

  • Nordin MOHD TOP, Kg. Sg. Tiram, Johor, Malaysia; date of birth: 11 August 1969 ; place of birth: Johor, Malaysia; nationality: Malaysian; passport No: A 9775183; national identification No: 690811-10-5873.

  • Aris MUNANDAR; date of birth: approximately 34 to 40 years of age as of December 2002; place of birth: Sambi, Boyolali, Java, Indonesia.

  • Abdul Hakim MURAD (alias (a) Murad, Abdul Hakim Hasim, (b) Murad, Abdul Hakim Ali Hashim, (c) Murad, Abdul Hakim Al Hashim, (d) Saeed Akman, (e) Saeed Ahmed); date of birth: 4 January 1968 ; place of birth: Kuwait; nationality: Pakistani.

  • Imam SAMUDRA (alias (a) Abdul Aziz ben Sihabudin, (b) Faiz Yunshar, (c) Abdul Azis, (d) Kudama, (e) Hendri, (f) Heri, (g) Fatih, (h) Abu Omar; date of birth: 14 January 1970 ; place of birth: Serang, Banten, Indonesia.

  • Parlindungan SIREGAR (alias (a) Siregar, Parlin (b) Siregar, Saleh Parlindungan); date of birth: (a) 25 April 1957 , (b) 25 April 1967 ; place of birth: Indonesia; nationality: Indonesian.

  • [F39Yazid Sufaat ( alias (a) Joe, (b) Abu Zufar), Taman Bukit Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia. Date of birth: 20 January 1964 . Place of birth: Johor, Malaysia. Nationality: Malaysian. Passport No: A 10472263. National identification No: 640120-01-5529.]

  • Yassin SYWAL (alias (a) Salim Yasin, (b) Mochtar Yasin Mahmud, (c) Abdul Hadi Yasin, (d) Muhamad Mubarok, (e) Muhammad Syawal, (f) Abu Seta, (g) Mahmud, (h) Abu Muamar); date of birth: approximately 1972; nationality: Indonesian.

  • Wan Min WAN MAT (alias (a) Abu Hafis, (b) Wan Halim, (c) Abu Hidayah), Ulu Tiram, Johor, Malaysia; date of birth: 23 September 1960 ; place of birth: Kelantan, Malaysia; nationality: Malaysian; passport No: A 9703399; national identification No: 600923-03-5527.

  • Mukhlis YUNOS (alias (a) Yunos, Muklis, (b) Saifullah Mukhlis Yunos); date of birth: on or about 7 July 1966 ; place of birth: estimated to be in Lanao del Sur, Philippines.

  • Zaini ZAKARIA (alias Ahmad), Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia; date of birth: 16 May 1967 ; place of birth: Kelantan, Malaysia; nationality: Malaysian; passport No: A 11457974; national identification No: 670516-03-5283.]

  • [F40Shadi Mohamed Mustafa ABDALLA, rue de Pavie 42, 1000 Brussels, Belgium (alias (a) Emad Abdelhadie, born 27 September 1976 in Alhamza; (b) Shadi Mohammed Mustafa Abdalla, born 27 September 1976 in Irbid; (c) Shadi Abdallha, born 27 September 1976 in Irbid, Jordan; (d) Shadi Abdallah, born 27 September 1976 in Irbid; (e) Emad Abdekhadie, born 27 September 1976 in Athamse; (f) Zidan Emad Abdelhadie, born 27 September 1976 in Alhamza; (g) (Used in Belgium) Shadi Mohammed Mostafa Hasan, born 27 September 1976 in Beje, Iraq; (h) Zidan; (i) Zaidan; (j) Al Hut (English: the shark); (k) Emad Al Sitawi). Date of birth: 27 September 1976 . Place of birth: Irbid, Jordan. Nationality: Jordanian of Palestinian origin. Passport No: (a) Jordanian passport No D 862 663 , issued in Irgid, Jordan, on 10 August 1993 ; (b) Jordanian passport No H 641 183 , issued in Irgid, Jordan, on 17 April 2002 ; (c) German International travel document No 0770479, issued in Dortmund, Germany on 16 February 1998 . Other information: (a) Name of father: Mohamed Abdalla; (b) Name of mother: Jawaher Abdalla, née Almadaneie; (c) Currently in detention awaiting trial.

  • Mohamed ABU DHESS (alias (a) Yaser Hassan, born 1 February 1966 in Hasmija; (b) Abu Ali Abu Mohamed Dhees, born 1 February 1966 in Hasmija; (c) Mohamed Abu Dhess, born 1 February 1966 in Hashmija, Iraq). Date of birth: 22 February 1964 . Place of birth: Irbid, Jordan. Nationality: Jordanian. Passport No: (a) German International travel document No 0695982, expired; (b) German International travel document No 0785146, valid until 8 April 2004 . Other information: (a) Name of father: Mouhemad Saleh Hassan; (b) Name of mother: Mariam Hassan, née Chalabia; (c) Distinguishing features: stiffening/deformation of the left index finger; (d) Currently in detention awaiting trial.

  • Aschraf AL-DAGMA (alias (a) Aschraf Al-Dagma, born 28 April 1969 in Kannyouiz, Palestinian Territories; (b) Aschraf Al Dagma, born 28 April 1969 in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories; (c) Aschraf Al Dagma, born 28 April 1969 in Palestinian Territories; (d) Aschraf Al Dagma, born 28 April 1969 in Abasan, Gaza Strip). Date of birth: 28 April 1969 . Place of birth: Absan, Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories. Nationality: Unresolved/Palestinian origin Passport No: Refugee travel document issued by Landratsamt Altenburger Land (Altenburg County Administration Office), Germany, dated 30 April 2000 . Other information: Currently in detention awaiting trial.

  • Ahmad Fadil Nazal AL-KHALAYLEH (alias (a) Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi; (b) Muhannad; (c) Al-Muhajer; (d) Garib). Date of birth: 30 October 1966 . Place of birth: Al-Zarqaa, Jordan.

  • Djamel MOUSTFA (alias (a) Ali Barkani, born 22 August 1973 in Morocco; (b) Kalad Belkasam, born 31 December 1979 ; (c) Mostafa Djamel, born 31 December 1979 in Maskara, Algeria; (d) Mostefa Djamel, born 26 September 1973 in Mahdia, Algeria; (e) Mustafa Djamel, born 31 December 1979 in Mascara, Algeria; (f) Balkasam Kalad, born 26 August 1973 in Algiers, Algeria; (g) Bekasam Kalad, born 26 August 1973 in Algiers, Algeria; (h) Belkasam Kalad, born 26 August 1973 in Algiers, Algeria; (i) Damel Mostafa, born 31 December 1979 in Algiers, Algeria; (j) Djamal Mostafa, born 31 December 1979 in Maskara, Algeria; (k) Djamal Mostafa, born 10 June 1982 ; (l) Djamel Mostafa, born 31 December 1979 in Maskara, Algeria; (m) Djamel Mostafa, born 31 December 1979 in Algiers, Algeria; (n) Fjamel Moustfa, born 28 September 1973 in Tiaret, Algeria; (o) Djamel Mustafa, born 31 December 1979 ; (p) Djamel Mustafa, born 31 December 1979 in Mascara, Algeria; (q) Mustafa). Date of birth: 28 September 1973 . Place of birth: Tiaret, Algeria. Nationality: Algerian. Passport No: (a) Counterfeit Danish driving licence No 20645897, made out to Ali Barkani, 22 August 1973 in Morocco; (b) Algerian birth certificate, issued for Djamel Mostefa, born on 25 September 1973 in Mehdia, Tiaret province, Algeria. Other information: (a) Name of father: Djelalli Moustfa; (b) Name of mother: Kadeja Mansore; (c) Currently in detention awaiting trial.

  • Ismail Abdallah Sbaitan SHALABI (alias (a) Ismain Shalabe, (b) Ismail Abdallah Sbaitan Shalabi). Date of birth: 30 April 1973 . Place of birth: Beckum, Germany. Nationality: Jordanian of Palestinian origin. Passport No: (a) Passport of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan No: E778675, issued in Rusaifah on 23 June 1996 , valid until 23 June 2001 ; (b) Passport of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan No: H401056, JOR 9731050433, issued on 11 April 2001 , valid until 10 April 2006 . Remark: Other information: (a) Name of father: Abdullah Shalabi; (b) Name of mother: Ammnih Shalabi; (c) Currently in detention awaiting trial.]

  • [F41Ibrahim DAWOOD (alias (a) Ebrahim Dawood; (b) Sheikh Dawood Hassan). Date of birth: 1955. Place of birth: Ratnagiri, India. Nationality: Indian. Passport No: A-333602, issued in Bombay, India, on 6 April 1985 .]

  • [F18Faraj Farj Hassan AL SAADI, Viale Bligny 42, Milan, Italy . Place of birth: Libya. Date of birth: 28 November 1980 (alias (a) MOHAMED ABDULLA IMAD. Place of birth: Gaza. Date of birth: 28 November 1980 ; (b) MUHAMAD ABDULLAH IMAD. Place of birth: Jordan. Date of birth: 28 November 1980 ; (c) IMAD MOUHAMED ABDELLAH. Place of birth: Palestine. Date of birth: 28 November 1980 ; (d) HAMZA the LIBYAN ).

  • Mokhtar BELMOKHTAR. Place of birth: Ghardaia. Date of birth: 1 June 1972 . Other information: Son of Mohamed and Zohra Chemkha.

  • Cherif Said BEN ABDELHAKIM (alias (a) DJALLAL, (b) YOUCEF, (c) ABOU SALMAN), Corso Lodi 59, Milan, Italy . Place of birth: Menzel Temine (Tunisia). Date of birth: 25 January 1970 .

  • Zarkaoui Imed BEN MEKKI (alias ZARGA or NADRA), Via Col. Aprosio 588, Vallecrosia (IM), Italy . Place of birth: Tunis (Tunisia). Date of birth: 15 January 1973 . Other information: Milan Tribunal — Custody Order, 30.09.2002 , 36601/2001 R.G.N.R. — 7464/2001 R.G.GIP.

  • Hamraoui Kamel BENN MOULDI (alias KAMEL or KIMO), Via Bertesi 27, Cremona, Italy or Via Plebiscito 3, Cremona, Italy . Place of birth: Beja (Tunisia). Date of birth: 21 October 1977 .

  • Maxamed Cabdullaah CIISE, Via Quaranta (mosque), Milan, Italy . Place of birth: Somalia. Date of birth: 8 October 1974 .

  • Radi Abd El Samie Abou El Yazid EL AYASHI, (alias MERA'I), Via Cilea 40, Milan, Italy . Place of birth: El Gharbia (Egypt). Date of birth: 2 January 1972 .

  • Bouyahia HAMADI, Corso XXII Marzo 39, Milan, Italy . Place of birth: Tunisia. Date of birth: 22 May 1966 . (alias GAMEL MOHMED. Place of birth: Morocco. Date of birth: 25 May 1966 .)

  • Mohammed Tahir HAMMID (alias ABDELHAMID AL KURDI), Via della Martinella 132, Parma, Italy . Place of birth: Poshok (Iraq). Date of birth: 1 November 1975 . Title: Imam.

  • Rihani LOFTI (alias ABDERRAHMANE), Via Bolgeri 4, Barni (Como), Italy . Place of birth: Tunis (Tunisia). Date of birth: 1 July 1977 .

  • Daki MOHAMMED, Via Melato 11, Reggio Emilia, Italy . Place of birth: Morocco. Date of birth: 29 March 1965 .

  • Mohamed Amin MOSTAFA, Via della Martinella 132, Parma, Italy . Place of birth: Karkuk (Iraq). Date of birth: 11 October 1975 .

  • Nasri Ait El Hadi MUSTAPHA. Place of birth: Tunis. Date of birth: 5 March 1962 . Other information: Son of Abdelkader and Amina Aissaoui.

  • Saadi NASSIM (alias ABOU ANIS), (a) Via Monte Grappa 15, Arluno (Milan), Italy, (b) Via Cefalonia 11, Milan, Italy . Place of birth: Haidra (Tunisia). Date of birth: 30 November 1974 .

  • Drissi NOUREDDINE, Via Plebiscito 3, Cremona, Italy . Place of birth: Tunis (Tunisia). Date of birth: 30 April 1969 .

  • Lazher Ben Khalifa Ben Ahmed ROUINE (alias (a) SALMANE, (b) LAZHAR), Vicolo S. Giovanni, Rimini, Italy . Place of birth: Sfax (Tunisia). Date of birth: 20 November 1975 .

  • Mourad TRABELSI (alias ABOU DJARRAH), Via Geromini 15, Cremona, Italy . Place of birth: Menzel Temine (Tunisia). Date of birth: 20 May 1969 .]

  • [F42Saifi AMMARI (alias (a) El Para (combat name), (b) Abderrezak Le Para, (c) Abou Haidara, (d) El Ourassi, (e) Abderrezak Zaimeche, (f) Abdul Rasak Ammane Abu Haidra, (g) Abdalarak). Date of birth: 1 January 1968 . Place of birth: Kef Rih, Algeria. Nationality: Algerian.]

  • [F43Safet DURGUTI. Date of birth: 10 May 1967 . Place of birth: Orahovac, Kosovo (Serbia and Montenegro).]

  • [F30Sulaiman Jassem Sulaiman Abo Ghaith (alias Abo Ghaith). Date of birth: 14 December 1965 . Place of birth: Kuwait. Former nationality: Kuwaiti.]

  • [F30Jamel Lounici. Date of birth: 1 February 1962 . Place of birth: Algiers. Other information: son of Abdelkader and Johra Birouh.]

  • [F44Shaykh Abd-al-Majid AL-ZINDANI (alias (a) Abdelmajid AL-ZINDANI; (b) Shaykh Abd Al-Majid AL-ZINDANI). Date of birth: 1950. Place of birth: Yemen. Nationality: Yemeni. Passport No: A005487 (Yemen) issued 13 August 1995 .]

  • [F45Othman Deramchi (alias Abou Youssef). Date of birth: 7 June 1954. Place of birth: Tighennif, Algeria. Residence: Via Milanese, 5 — Sesto San Giovanni, Italy. Domicile: Piazza Trieste, 11 — Mortara, Italy. Fiscal code: DRMTMN54H07Z301T .

  • Aider Farid (alias Achour Ali). Date of birth: 12 October 1964. Place of birth: Algiers, Algeria. Residence: Via Milanese, 5 — 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Italy. Fiscal code: DRAFRD64R12Z301C .

  • Bendebka l'Hadi (alias (a) Abd Al Hadi, (b) Hadi). Date of birth: 17 November 1963. Place of birth: Algiers, Algeria. Residence: Via Garibaldi, 70 — San Zenone al Po (PV), Italy. Domicile: Via Manzoni, 33 — Cinisello Balsamo (MI), Italy .

  • Ahmed Nacer Yacine (alias Yacine Di Annaba). Date of birth: 2 December 1967. Place of birth: Annaba, Algeria. Residence: rue Mohamed Khemisti, 6 — Annaba, Algeria. Domicile: vicolo Duchessa, 16 and via Genova, 121 — Naples (Italy) .

  • Kifane Abderrahmane. Date of birth: 7 March 1963. Place of birth: Casablanca, Morocco. Residence: via S. Biagio, 32 or 35 — Sant'Anastasia (NA), Italy .

  • El Heit Ali (alias (a) Kamel Mohamed, (b) Ali Di Roma). Date of birth: (a) 20 March 1970, (b) 30 January 1971. Place of birth: Rouba, Algeria. Residence: via D. Fringuello, 20 — Rome, Italy. Domicile: Milan, Italy .

  • Abd Al Hafiz Abd Al Wahab (alias (a) Ferdjani Mouloud, (b) Mourad, (c) Rabah Di Roma). Date of birth: 7 September 1967 . Place of birth: Algiers, Algeria. Domicile: Via Lungotevere Dante — Rome, Italy.

  • Haddad Fethi Ben Assen. Date of birth: (a) 28 March 1963, (b) 28 June 1963. Place of birth: Tataouene, Tunisia. Residence: Via Fulvio Testi, 184 — Cinisello Balsamo (MI), Italy. Domicile: Via Porte Giove, 1 — Mortara (PV), Italy. Fiscal code: HDDFTH63H28Z352V .

  • Abbes Moustafa. Date of birth: 5 February 1962. Place of birth: Osniers, Algeria. Domicile: Via Padova, 82 — Milan, Italy .

  • Abbes Youcef (alias Giuseppe). Date of birth: 5 January 1965. Place of birth: Bab El Aoued, Algeria. Domicile: (a) Via Padova, 82 — Milan (Italy), (b) Via Manzoni, 33 — Cinisello Balsamo (MI), Italy .]

  • [F46Hacene Allane ( alias (a) Hassan the Old, (b) Al Sheikh Abdelhay, (c) Boulahia, (d) Abu al-Foutouh, (e) Cheib Ahcéne). Date of birth: 17 January 1941 . Place of birth: El Ménéa, Algeria. Nationality: probably Algerian.

  • Kamel Djermane ( alias (a) Bilal, (b) Adel, (c) Fodhil). Date of birth: 1965. Place of birth: Oum el Bouaghi, Algeria. Nationality: probably Algerian.

  • Dhou El-Aich ( alias Abdel Hak). Date of birth: 5 August 1964 . Place of birth: Debila, Algeria. Nationality: probably Algerian.

  • Ahmad Zerfaoui ( alias (a) Abdullah, (b) Abdalla, (c) Smail, (d) Abu Khaoula, (e) Abu Cholder, (f) Nuhr). Date of birth: 15 July 1963 . Place of birth: Chrea, Algeria. Nationality: probably Algerian.]

  • [F47Mohamed Ben Mohamed Abdelhedi . Address: via Catalani 1, Varese (Italy). Date of birth: 10 August 1965 . Place of birth: Sfax (Tunisia). Fiscal Code: BDL MMD 65M10 Z352S.

  • Kamel Darraji . Address: via Belotti 16, Busto Arsizio (Varese, Italy). Date of birth: 22 July 1967 . Place of birth: Menzel Bouzelfa (Tunisia). Fiscal Code: DRR KML 67L22 Z352Q or DRR KLB 67L22 Z352S.

  • Mohamed El Mahfoudi . Address: via Puglia 22, Gallarate (Varese, Italy). Date of birth: 24 September 1964 . Place of birth: Agadir (Morocco). Fiscal Code: LMH MMD 64P24 Z330F.

  • Imed Ben Bechir Jammali . Address: via Dubini 3, Gallarate (Varese, Italy). Date of birth: 25 January 1968 . Place of birth: Menzel Temine (Tunisia). Fiscal Code: JMM MDI 68A25 Z352D.

  • Habib Ben Ahmed Loubiri . Address: via Brughiera 5, Castronno (Varese, Italy). Date of birth: 17 November 1961 . Place of birth: Menzel Temine (Tunisia). Fiscal Code: LBR HBB 61S17 Z352F.

  • Chabaane Ben Mohamed Trabelsi . Address: via Cuasso 2, Porto Ceresio (Varese, Italy). Date of birth: 1 May 1966 . Place of birth: Menzel Temine (Tunisia). Fiscal code: TRB CBN 66E01 Z352O.]

  • [F23Aqeel [X1Abdulaziz] Al-Aqil. Date of birth: 29 April 1949 .

  • Hassan Abdullah Hersi Al-Turki (alias Hassan Turki). Date of birth: circa 1944. Place of birth: Region V (Ogaden), Ethiopia. Other information: member of the Reer-Abdille subclan of the Ogaden clan.]

  • [F24Suliman Al-Buthe. Date of birth: 8 December 1961 . Place of birth: Egypt. Nationality: Saudi Arabian. Passport No: B049614.]

Editorial Information

Textual Amendments

ANNEX IIU.K.List of competent authorities referred to in Article 5


Ministère des finances


Avenue des Arts 30

B-1040 Bruxelles

Fax (32-2) 233 75 18

Ministère des affaires économiques

Administration des relations économiques

Service Licences

60, rue Général Léman

B-1040 Bruxelles

Fax (32-2) 230 83 22

Tel. (32-2) 206 58 11


Ministerstvo financí

Finanční analytický útvar

P.O. BOX 675

Jindřišská 14

111 21 Praha 1

Tel.: +420 2 57044501

Fax.: +420 2 57044502]


Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen

Dahlerups Pakhus

Langelinie Alle 17

DK-2100 København Ø

Tel. (45) 35 46 60 00

Fax (45) 35 46 60 01


Deutsche Bundesbank

Postfach 100602

D-60006 Frankfurt/Main

Tel. (49-69) 95 66-01

Fax (49-69) 560 10 71


Eesti Välisministeerium

Islandi väljak 1

15049 Tallinn

Tel: +372 6 317 100

Fax: +372 6 317 199

Freezing of funds:


Sakala 4

15030 Tallinn

Tel: +372 66 80 500

Fax: +372 66 80 501]


Ministry of National Economy

General Directorate of Economic Policy

5-7 Nikis Street

GR-101 80 Athens

Tel. (30-10) 333 27 81-2

Fax (30-10) 333 28 10, 333 27 93

Υπουργείο Εθνικής Οικονομίας

Γενική Διεύθυνση Οικονομικής Πολιτικής

Νίκης 5-7

GR-101 80 Αθήνα

Tηλ. (30-10) 333 27 81-2

Φάξ.: (00-30-10) 333 28 10/333 27 93


Dirección General de Comercio Inversiones

Subdirección General de Inversiones Exteriores

Ministerio de Economía

Paseo de la Castellana, 162

E-28046 Madrid

Tel. (34) 913 49 39 83

Fax (34) 913 49 35 62

Dirección General del Tesoro y Política Financiera

Subdirección General de Inspección y Control de Movimientos de Capitales

Ministerio de Economía

Paseo del Prado, 6

E-28014 Madrid

Tel. (34) 912 09 95 11

Fax (34) 912 09 96 56


Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie

Direction du Trésor

Service des affaires européennes et internationales

Sous-direction E

139, rue du Bercy

F-75572 Paris Cedex 12

Tel. (33-1) 44 87 17 17

Fax (33-1) 53 18 36 15


Central Bank of Ireland

Financial Markets Department

PO Box 559

Dame Street

Dublin 2


Tel. (353-1) 671 66 66

Department of Foreign Affairs

Bilateral Economic Relations Division

76-78 Harcourt Street

Dublin 2


Tel. (353-1) 408 24 92


Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze

Comitato di sicurezza finanziaria

Via XX Settembre 97

I-00187 Roma


Tel. (39 06) 4 761 39 21

Fax (39 06) 4 761 39 32


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Presidential Palace Avenue

1447 Nicosia

Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών

Λεωφόρος Προεδρικού Μεγάρου

1447 Λευκωσία

Tel: +357 22 300600

Fax: +357 22 661881

Unit for Combating Money Laundering

1 Apellis Street

1403 Nicosia

Μονάδα Καταπολέμησης Αδικημάτων Συγκάλυψης (ΜΟΚΑΣ)

Οδός Απελλή Αρ.1

1403 Λευκωσία

Tel: +357 22 889 100

Fax: +357 22 665 080



Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija

Brīvības bulvāris 36


LV 1395

Tel: +371 7016201

Fax: +371 7828121


Lietuvos Respublikos užsienio reikalų ministerija

J.Tumo-Vaižganto 2

LT-2600 Vilnius

Tel: 370 5 236 24 44

Fax.: 370 5 231 30 90]


Ministère des affaires étrangères, du commerce extérieur, de la coopération, de l'action humanitaire et de la défense

Direction des relations économiques internationales

BP 1602

L-1016 Luxembourg

Tel. (352) 478-1 ou 478-2350

Fax (352) 22 20 48

Ministère des finances

3, rue de la Congrégation

L-1352 Luxembourg

Tel. (352) 478-2712

Fax (352) 47 52 41


Gazdasági és Közlekedési Minisztérium

Engedélyezési és Közigazgatási Hivatal

1024 Budapest

Margit körút 85

Tel: (36-1) 336 7300

Fax: (36-1) 336 7302


Bord ta' Sorveljanza dwar is-Sanzjonijiet

Direttorat ta' l-Affarijiet Multilaterali

Ministeru ta' l-Affarijiet Barranin

Palazzo Parisio

Triq il-Merkanti

Valletta CMR 02

Tel: +356 21 24 28 53

Fax: +356 21 25 15 20]


[F49Ministerie van Financiën

Directie Financiële Markten, afdeling Integriteit

Postbus 20201

2500 EE Den Haag

The Netherlands

Tel (31-70) 342 89 97

Fax: (31-70) 342 79 18]


Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Otto-Wagner-Platz 3

A-1090 Wien

Tel. (43-1) 404 20-0

Fax (43-1) 404 20-73 99

Bundesministerium für Inneres — Bundeskriminalamt

Josef Holaubek Platz 1

A-1090 Wien

Tel. (43-1) 313 45-0

Fax (43-1) 313 45-85 290


Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych

Departament Prawno - Traktatowy

Al. J. Ch. Szucha 23

PL-00-580 Warszawa

Tel: +48 22 523 93 48

Fax: +48 22 523 91 29]


Ministério das Finanças

Direcção Geral dos Assuntos Europeus Relações Internacionais

Avenida Infante D. Henrique, n.o 1, C 2. o

P-1100 Lisboa

Tel. (351-1) 882 32 40/47

Fax (351-1) 882 32 49

Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros

Direcção Geral dos Assuntos Multilaterias/Direcção dos Serviços das Organizações Políticas Internacionais

Largo do Rilvas

P-1350-179 Lisboa

Tel. (351-21) 394 60 72

Fax (351-21) 394 60 73


Banka Slovenije

Slovenska 35


Tel: +386 1 471 90 00

Fax: +386 1 251 55 16

Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

Prešernova 25


Tel: +386 1 478 20 00

Fax: +386 1 478 23 47


Ministerstvo financií

Štefanovičova 5

817 82 Bratislava

Tel: +421 2 5958 2201

Fax: +421 2 5249 3531

Ministerstvo hospodárstva

Mierová 19

827 15 Bratislava

Tel: +421 2 4854 1421

Fax: +421 2 4342 3949]



PL 176

FIN-00161 Helsinki

Tel. (358-9) 16 05 59 00

Fax (358-9) 16 05 57 07


  • [F49With respect to Article 2a:

    • Riksförsäkringsverket (RFV)

      S-103 51


      Tel. (46-8) 786 90 00

      Fax (46-8) 411 27 89

  • With respect to Article 4:

    • Rikspolisstyrelsen (RPS)

      Box 12256

      S-102 26


      Tel. (46-8) 401 90 00

      Fax (46-8) 401 99 00

  • With respect to Article 5:

    • Finansinspektionen

      Box 7831

      S-103 98


      Tel. (46-8) 787 80 00

      Fax (46-8) 24 13 35]


  • [F49With respect to export restrictions:

    • Department of Trade and Industry

      Export Control and Non-Proliferation Directorate

      3-4, Abbey Orchard Street

      London SW1P 2JJ

      United Kingdom

      Tel. (44-207) 215 05 10

      Fax (44-207) 215 05 11.

  • With respect to freezing of funds and economic resources:

    • HM Treasury

      International Financial Services Team

      1, Horse Guards Road

      London SW1A 2HQ

      United Kingdom

      Tel. (44-207) 270 55 50

      Fax (44-207) 270 43 65

    • Bank of England

      Financial Sanctions Unit

      Threadneedle Street

      London EC2R 8AH

      United Kingdom

      Tel. (44-207) 601 46 07

      Fax (44 207) 601 43 09]


[F49Commission of the European Communities

Directorate-General for External Relations

Directorate CFSP

Unit A.2: Legal and institutional matters for external relations — Sanctions

CHAR 12/163

B-1049 Brussels

Tel. (32-2) 295 81 48, 296 25 56

Fax (32-2) 296 75 63



See page 4 of this Official Journal.


Proposal submitted on 6 March 2002 (not yet published in the Official Journal).


Opinion delivered on 11 April 2002 (not yet published in the Official Journal).


[F1 OJ L 43, 16.2.2000, p. 1 ; Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 467/2001.]


[F1 OJ L 67, 9.3.2001, p. 1 ; Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 881/2002.]