Council Regulation (EC) No 1435/2003Show full title

Council Regulation (EC) No 1435/2003 of 22 July 2003 on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society (SCE)

Article 24U.K.Publication

1.The law applicable to public limited-liability companies concerning the disclosure requirements of the draft terms of mergers shall apply by analogy to each of the merging cooperatives, subject to the additional requirements imposed by the Member State to which the cooperative concerned is subject.

2.Publication of the draft terms of merger in the national gazette shall, however, include the following particulars for each of the merging cooperatives:

(a)the type, name and registered office of each merging cooperative;

(b)the address of the place or of the register in which the statutes and all other documents and particulars are filed in respect of each merging cooperative, and the number of the entry in that register;

(c)an indication of the arrangements made in accordance with Article 28 for the exercise of the rights of the creditors of the cooperative in question and the address at which complete information on those arrangements may be obtained free of charge;

(d)an indication of the arrangements made in accordance with Article 28 for the exercise of the rights of members of the cooperative in question and the address at which complete information on those arrangements may be obtained free of charge;

(e)the name and registered office proposed for the SCE;

(f)the conditions determining the date on which the merger will take effect pursuant to Article 31.