Article 83U.K.Community aid

1.A Community aid shall be granted to farmers producing nuts under the conditions laid down in this Chapter.

Nuts shall include:

2.Member States may differentiate the aid in function of the products or by increasing or decreasing the national guaranteed areas (hereinafter referred to as the ‘NGA’) established in Article 84(3). However, in each Member State, the total amount of aid granted in a given year shall not be higher than the ceiling referred to in Article 84(1).

[F1Article 84 U.K. Areas

1. A Member State shall grant the Community aid within the limit of a ceiling calculated by multiplying the number of hectares of its NGA as fixed in paragraph 3 by the average amount of EUR  120,75 .

2. A maximum guaranteed area of 829 229 ha is hereby established.

3. The maximum guaranteed area referred to in paragraph 2 shall be divided into the following NGA:

National Guaranteed Areas (NGA)


100 ha


11 984 ha


1 500 ha


41 100 ha


568 200 ha


17 300 ha


130 100 ha


5 100 ha


100 ha


2 900 ha


100 ha


100 ha


4 200 ha


41 300 ha


1 645 ha


300 ha


3 100 ha

United Kingdom

100 ha

4. A Member State may subdivide its NGA into sub-areas in accordance with objective criteria, in particular at regional level or in relation to the production.]

Article 85U.K.Overrun of the sub-base areas

When a Member State subdivides its NGA in sub-base areas and one or more sub-base areas are exceeded, the area per farmer for which Community aid is claimed shall be reduced proportionately in that year for the farmers in the sub-base areas where their limit have been exceeded. This reduction shall be made when, in the Member State concerned, the areas in sub-base areas, which have not reached their limits, have been redistributed to sub-base areas in which those limits have been exceeded.

Article 86U.K.Conditions for eligibility

1.Payment of the Community aid shall be conditional on, in particular, minimum plot size and tree density.

2.Areas in improvement plans within the meaning of Article 14(b) of Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72 of the Council of 18 May 1972 on the common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables(1) become eligible for aid under this scheme on 1 January of the year following the year in which the improvement plan expired.

3.Member States may make the granting of Community aid conditional on farmers being members of a producer organisation recognised under Articles 11 or 14 of Regulation (EC) No 2200/96.

4.If the provision of paragraph 3 is applied, Member States may decide that the payment of the aid referred to in paragraph 1 is made to a producer organisation on the behalf of its members. The amount of aid received by the producer organisation shall be paid to its members. However, Member States may authorise a producer organisation, as compensation for the services provided to its members, to operate a deduction on the amount of Community aid up to a maximum of 2 %.

Article 87U.K.National aid

1.Member States may grant national aid, in addition to the Community aid, up to a maximum of EUR 120,75 per hectare per year.

2.The national aid may be paid only for areas receiving Community aid.

3.Member States may make the granting of national aid conditional on farmers being members of a producer organisation recognised under Articles 11 or 14 of Regulation (EC) No 2200/96.


OJ L 118, 20.5.1972, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 1363/95 (OJ L 132, 16.6.1995, p. 8).