Article 9U.K.Intra-Community trade

1.As from the dates mentioned in Annex I, column 5, at the latest, flocks and herds of origin of the species listed in column 2 shall be tested for the zoonoses and zoonotic agents listed in column 1 prior to any dispatching of the live animals, or hatching eggs, from the food business of origin. The date and the result of testing shall be included in the relevant health certificates provided for in Community legislation.

2.The Member State of destination may, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 14(2), be authorised for a transitional period to require that the results of the tests to be referred to in the relevant health certificates for consignments of animals and hatching eggs subject to testing in the Member State of dispatch fulfil the same criteria as regards salmonella as those laid down under its approved national programme, in accordance with Article 5(5), for consignments despatched within its territory.

The authorisation may be withdrawn in accordance with the same procedure.

3.The special measures concerning salmonella that applied to live animals dispatched to Finland and Sweden prior to the entry into force of this Regulation shall continue to apply as if they had been authorised in accordance with paragraph 2.

4.Without prejudice to Article 5(6), specific rules concerning the setting by Member States of the criteria referred to in Article 5(5) and in paragraph 2 above, may be laid down in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 14(2).