CHAPTER ISCOPE AND DEFINITIONSCHAPTER IIJURISDICTIONSECTION 1Divorce, legal separation and marriage annulmentSECTION 2Parental responsibilitySECTION 3Common provisionsCHAPTER IIIRECOGNITION AND ENFORCEMENTSECTION 1RecognitionSECTION 2Application for a declaration of enforceabilitySECTION 3Provisions common to Sections 1 and 2SECTION 4Enforceability of certain judgments concerning rights of access and of certain judgments which require the return of the childSECTION 5Authentic instruments and agreementsSECTION 6Other provisionsCHAPTER IVCOOPERATION BETWEEN CENTRAL AUTHORITIES IN MATTERS OF PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITYCHAPTER VRELATIONS WITH OTHER INSTRUMENTSCHAPTER VITRANSITIONAL PROVISIONSCHAPTER VIIFINAL PROVISIONS
1.Member State of origin 2.Court or authority issuing the certificate 2.1.Name 2.2.Address 2.3.Tel./fax/e-mail 3.Marriage 3.1.Wife 3.1.1.Full name 3.1.2.Address 3.1.3.Country and place of birth 3.1.4.Date of birth 3.2.Husband 3.2.1.Full name 3.2.2.Address 3.2.3.Country and place of birth 3.2.4.Date of birth 3.3.Country, place (where available) and date of marriage 3.3.1.Country of marriage 3.3.2.Place of marriage (where available) 3.3.3.Date of marriage 4.Court which delivered the judgment 4.1.Name of Court 4.2.Place of Court 5.Judgment 5.1.Date 5.2.Reference number 5.3.Type of judgment 5.3.1.Divorce 5.3.2.Marriage annulment 5.3.3.Legal separation 5.4.Was the judgment given in default of appearance? 5.4.1.No 5.4.2.Yes 6.Names of parties to whom legal aid has been granted...7.Is the judgment subject to further appeal under the law...7.1.No 7.2.Yes 8.Date of legal effect in the Member State where the...8.1.Divorce 8.2.Legal separation 1.Member State of origin 2.Court or authority issuing the certificate 2.1.Name 2.2.Address 2.3.Tel./Fax/e-mail 3.Person(s) with rights of access 3.1.Full name 3.2.Address 3.3.Date and place of birth (where available) 4.Holders of parental responsibility other than those mentioned under 3 Full name 4.1.1.Full name 4.1.2.Address 4.1.3.Date and place of birth (where available) Full Name 4.2.1.Full Name 4.2.2.Address 4.2.3.Date and place of birth (where available) Full name 4.3.1.Full name 4.3.2.Address 4.3.3.Date and place of birth (where available) 5.Court which delivered the judgment 5.1.Name of Court 5.2.Place of Court 6.Judgment 6.1.Date 6.2.Reference number 6.3.Was the judgment given in default of appearance? 6.3.1.No 6.3.2.Yes 7.Children who are covered by the judgment 7.1.Full name and date of birth 7.2.Full name and date of birth 7.3.Full name and date of birth 7.4.Full name and date of birth 8.Names of parties to whom legal aid has been granted...9.Attestation of enforceability and service 9.1.Is the judgment enforceable according to the law of the...9.1.1.Yes 9.1.2.No 9.2.Has the judgment been served on the party against whom...9.2.1.Yes name of the party of service 9.2.2.No 10.Specific information on judgments on rights of access where ‘exequatur’...10.1.Practical arrangements for exercise of rights of access (to the...10.1.1.Date and time 10.1.2.Place 10.1.3.Specific obligations on holders of parental responsibility 10.1.4.Specific obligations on the person with right of access 10.1.5.Any restrictions attached to the exercise of rights of access...11.Specific information for judgments on the return of the child...11.1.The judgment entails the return of the child 11.2.Person to whom the child is to be returned (to...11.2.1.Full name 11.2.2Address 1.Member State of origin 2.Court or authority issuing the certificate 2.1.Name 2.2.Address 2.3.Tel./fax/e-mail 3.Person(s) with rights of access 3.1.Full name 3.2.Address 3.3.Date and place of birth (where available) 4.Holders of parental responsibility other than those mentioned under 3 Full name 4.1.1.Full name 4.1.2.Address 4.1.3.Date and place of birth (where available) Full name 4.2.1.Full name 4.2.2.Address 4.2.3.Date and place of birth (where available) 4.3.Other 4.3.1.Full name 4.3.2.Address 4.3.3.Date and place of birth (where available) 5.Court which delivered the judgment 5.1.Name of Court 5.2.Place of Court 6.Judgment 6.1.Date 6.2.Reference number 7.Children who are covered by the judgment 7.1.Full name and date of birth 7.2.Full name and date of birth 7.3.Full name and date of birth 7.4.Full name and date of birth 8.Is the judgment enforceable in the Member State of origin?...8.1.Yes 8.2.No 9.Where the judgment was given in default of appearance, the...10.All parties concerned were given an opportunity to be heard...11.The children were given an opportunity to be heard, unless...12.Practical arrangements for exercise of rights of access (to the...12.1.Date and time 12.1.1.Start 12.1.2.End 12.2.Place 12.3.Specific obligations on holders of parental responsibility 12.4.Specific obligations on the person with right of access 12.5.Any restrictions attached to the exercise of rights of access...13.Names of parties to whom legal aid has been granted...1.Member State of origin 2.Court or authority issuing the certificate 2.1.Name 2.2.Address 2.3.Tel./fax/e-mail 3.Person to whom the child has to be returned (to...3.1.Full name 3.2.Address 3.3.Date and place of birth (where available) 4.Holders of parental responsibility 4.1.Mother 4.1.1.Full name 4.1.2.Address (where available) 4.1.3.Date and place of birth (where available) 4.2.Father 4.2.1.Full name 4.2.2.Address (where available) 4.2.3.Date and place of birth (where available) 4.3.Other 4.3.1.Full name 4.3.2.Address (where available) 4.3.3.Date and place of birth (where available) 5.Respondent (where available) 5.1.Full name 5.2.Address (where available) 6.Court which delivered the judgment 6.1.Name of Court 6.2.Place of Court 7.Judgment 7.1.Date 7.2.Reference number 8.Children who are covered by the judgment 8.1.Full name and date of birth 8.2.Full name and date of birth 8.3.Full name and date of birth 8.4.Full name and date of birth 9.The judgment entails the return of the child 10.Is the judgment enforceable in the Member State of origin?...10.1.Yes 10.2.No 11.The children were given an opportunity to be heard, unless...12.The parties were given an opportunity to be heard 13.The judgment entails the return of the children and the...14.Where applicable, details of measures taken by courts or authorities...15.Names of parties to whom legal aid has been granted...Declaration by Sweden: Declaration by Finland:

Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003

of 27 November 2003

concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000