Article 25Records kept by producers


Producers shall record:


information on the poultry rearing methods, specifying for each rearing method used:

  • the date of placing, age at placing and number of laying hens,

  • the date of culling and the number of hens culled,

  • daily egg production,

  • the number or weight of eggs sold per day in accordance with Article 2(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/90 or delivered daily by other means and, in the latter case:

  • the names and addresses of purchasers and the establishment number;


information on how the laying hens are fed, in cases where grade A eggs and their packs bear this indication, specifying:

  • the quantity and type of feed supplied and/or mixed on-site,

  • the date of delivery,

  • the name of the manufacturer or supplier,

  • the number and age of the laying hens and the number of eggs produced and delivered,

  • the date of dispatch,

  • the names and addresses of purchasers and the establishment number.


Where the date of laying is indicated, the information referred to in paragraph 1(a) shall be recorded separately.


Where several different rearing methods are used in a single establishment, the information referred to in paragraph 1(a) and (b) shall be broken down by hen house, in accordance with Directive 2002/4/EC.


Producers shall keep the information listed in paragraph 1(a) and (b) for at least six months after ceasing their activity or after the flock has been destroyed.

Article 26Records kept by packing centres


Packing centres shall record separately, by rearing method and by day:


the quantities of eggs they receive, broken down by producer, giving the name, address and distinguishing number of the producer and laying date or period;


the quantities of ungraded eggs delivered to other packing centres, including the distinguishing numbers of those centres and the laying date or period;


the quality and weight gradings of these eggs;


the quantities of graded eggs received coming from other packing centres, including the distinguishing numbers of those centres, the date of minimum durability and specifying the identity of the sellers;


the number and/or weight of eggs delivered, by weight grade, packing date and use-by date, and by purchaser, with the name and address of the latter.

Packing centres shall update their physical stock records each week.


Where grade A eggs and washed eggs and packs bear an indication of how laying hens are fed, the laying date and/or the regional origin, packing centres using such markings shall keep separate records in accordance with the first subparagraph of paragraph 1.


However, instead of keeping records of sales and deliveries, they may keep files of invoices and delivery notes marked as indicated at the first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Such records and files shall be kept for at least six months.

Article 27Records kept by other operators


For eggs as referred to in Articles 13, 14 and 15, collectors and wholesalers shall be required to keep records on purchases and sales transactions and physical stock records for at least six months.

Collectors must be able to show for these eggs:


dates and quantities of collections;


the name, address and distinguishing number of the producers;


dates and quantities of deliveries to the relevant packing stations.

Wholesalers (including dealers who do not physically handle eggs) must be able to show for these eggs:


dates and quantities of both purchases and sales,


names and addresses of the suppliers/purchasers.

In addition, those wholesalers who physically handle such eggs shall keep a weekly record of physical stock.

Instead of keeping specific records on purchases and sales, collectors and wholesalers may keep files of invoices and delivery notes marked as indicated in Articles 13, 14 and 15.


Feed manufacturers and suppliers shall keep accounts of their deliveries to the producers referred to in Article 25(1)(b) showing the composition of the feed supplied.

They shall keep these records for at least six months after dispatch.


All the records and accounts referred to in Articles 25 and 26 and in this Article shall be made available on first request to the competent authorities.