Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Product categoriesCN codeProductQuantities(tonnes)Aid(EUR/tonne)
Category A: Bulbs and rhizomes
A10601 10Bulbs and rhizomes with a value of EUR 0,10 to EUR 0,15 each100 0000,010,015
A20601 10Bulbs and rhizomes with a value of EUR 0,16 to EUR 0,30 each100 0000,0150,02
Category B: Live flowers, cuttings and grafts
B10602Live flowers, cuttings and grafts with a value of EUR 1 to EUR 3 each46 0000,20,25
B20602Live flowers, cuttings and grafts with a value of EUR 3,01 to EUR 5 each10 0000,40,45
B30602Live flowers, cuttings and grafts with a value of EUR 5,01 to EUR 10 each1 0000,70,75
B40602Live flowers, cuttings and grafts with a value of EUR 10,01 to EUR 20 each1 0001,51,75
Category C: Fresh flowers
C10603 10Fresh flowers with a value of EUR 0,20 to EUR 0,40 each65 0000,030,035
C20603 10Fresh flowers with a value of EUR 0,41 to EUR 0,70 each30 0000,0550,06
C30603 10Fresh flowers with a value of EUR 0,71 to EUR 1,5 each25 0000,220,3
C40603 10Fresh flowers with a value greater than EUR 1,5 each20 0000,50,55
Category D: Foliage, leaves and branches, fresh and dried
D10604Foliage, leaves and branches, fresh and dried, with a value of EUR 0,05 to EUR 0,15 each725 0000,10,15
D20604Foliage, leaves and branches, fresh and dried, with a value of EUR 0,16 to EUR 0,30 each25 0000,220,25
D30604Foliage, leaves and branches, fresh and dried, with a value of EUR 0,31 to EUR 0,50 each10 0000,40,45
D40604Foliage, leaves and branches, fresh and dried, with a value greater than EUR 0,51 each10 0000,50,55