Commission Regulation (EC) No 43/2003 (repealed)Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 43/2003 of 23 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulations (EC) No 1452/2001, (EC) No 1453/2001 and (EC) No 1454/2001 as regards aid for the local production of crop products in the outermost regions of the European Union (repealed)


Part AU.K.

Products referred to in Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1452/2001

Maximum quantities per marketing year as referred to in Article 13(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1452/2001

Amounts of aid as referred to in Article 13(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1452/2001

Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IV
Product categoriesCN codeProductQuantities(tonnes)Aid(EUR/tonne)
Aex 0703 10Onions for rougail and achards8 320216
ex 0706 10 00Carrots for rougail and achards
ex 0709 90 90Chayotes, breadfruit
0803 00 11Plantains (all French overseas departments)
0803 00 19Bananas other than plantains (French Guiana and Réunion)
0804 30 00Pineapples (except Martinique)
0810 10Strawberries
ex 0810 90 95Strawberry guavas
ex 0810 90 95Ambarellas
Bex 0704 90Cabbage for rougail and achards1 550354
ex 0709 90 90Turban squash
0714 10Manioc
0714 20 10Sweet potatoes
ex 0714 90Dachines
ex 0805 20Tangor mandarins
0805 50 90Limes
0807 20 00Pawpaws
ex 0810 90 30Jackfruit, lychees, rambutans
ex 0810 90 40Carambolas
ex 0810 90 95Antilles apricots, Surinam cherries, soursops
ex 0804 50 00Guavas
C0703 20 00Garlic for rougail and achards560412
0709 60 99Peppers
0708 20 00Beans for rougail and achards
ex 0714 90Yams
ex 0804 50 00Mangoes
ex 0805 90 00Combava
ex 0810 90 40Passion fruit, maracujas and granadillas

Part BU.K.

Products as referred to in Article 13(2)

CN codeProduct
ex 0710Vegetables, frozen, uncooked
ex 0712Dried vegetables
ex 0714Dried vegetables
2001Fruit and vegetables preserved in vinegar or acetic acid
2004 90 98Frozen vegetables
ex 2005 90Vegetable preserves and vegetables, vacuum sterilised
ex 2006 00Fruit preserved in sugar
2007Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut puree and paste
ex 2008Fruit pulps
2009Fruit juices
2008 20Pineapples (except in Martinique)


Products as referred to in Article 12(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1452/2001

Maximum quantities as referred to in Article 12(1) of Regulation (EC) NProducts as referred to in Article 12(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1452/2001o 1452/2001 per period from 1 January to 31 December



However, the aid shall be:

  • EUR 120/tonne for 2003,

  • EUR 96/tonne for 2004.


However, the aid shall be:

  • EUR 180/tonne for 2003

  • EUR 145/tonne for 2004.


However, the aid shall be:

  • EUR 236/EUR/tonne for 2003,

  • EUR 189/tonne for 2004.

Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Product categoriesCN codeProductQuantities(tonnes)Aid(EUR/tonnes)
A0701 90Potatoes7 80080a160
ex 0706 10Carrots
ex 0707 00 05Cucumbers
0709 90 90Chayotes, breadfruit
0803 00 11Plantains (all French overseas departments)
0803 00 19Bananas other than plantains (French Guiana and Réunion)
0804 30 00Pineapples
0807 11 00Water melons
B0702 00 00Tomatoes13 000120 b241
ex 0703 10Onions
ex 0704Cabbage
[F10705 Lettuces and chicory]
0709 90 10Salad vegetables other than lettuce and chicory
0709 30 00Aubergines
0714 20 10Sweet potatoes
0709 90 70Courgettes
ex 0714 90 11Dasheens, taro
ex 0709 60 10Sweet peppers
ex 0709 60 99Other peppers
ex 0709 90 90Turban squash
0804 40 00Avocados
ex 0804 50 00Mangoes
ex 0805Citrus fruit (oranges, mandarins, lemons and limes, grapefruit and pomelos)
0807 19 00Melons
0807 20 00Papayas
ex 0810 90 30Lychees, rambutans
ex 0810 90 85Strawberry guavas
C0703 20 00Garlic700158 c315
0708 20Green beans
0810 10Strawberries
ex 0810 90 40Passion fruit, maracuja, granadilla
0809 30Peaches
ex 0714 90Yams
0709 90 90Gombo
ex 0910 10Ginger
ex 0910 30 00Turmeric (curcuma)


Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Product categoriesCN codeProductQuantities(units)Aid(EUR/1000 units)
Aex 0603 10 80Tropical flowers (standard anthurium, alpinas, heliconias, porcelain rose, strelitzias)2 640 000150157
ex 0604 99 90Foliage (arecas, cariotas)
0602 90 91Flowering plants with buds or flowers
Cex 0603 10 80Tropical flowers (hybrid anthurium, Canna indica)2 500 000300315
ex 0603 10 30Orchids
0603 10 10Roses
ex 0604 99 90Foliage (dracaena, alocasia)
0602 90 91Flowering plants (geranium, pelargonium, begonia, …)


Products as referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1453/2001

Maximum quantities as referred to in the fourth subparagraph of Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1453/2001 per period from 1 January to 31 December


Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Product categoriesCN codeProductQuantities(tonnes)Aid(EUR/tonne)
A0709 90 90Other fruit and vegetables not mentioned elsewhere60 000100200
0701 90Other potatoes
0703 10 19Shallots
0704 10 00Cauliflowers and headed broccoli
0704 90 90Other cauliflowers not mentioned elsewhere
0704 90 10Red cabbages
0704 10Cauliflowers
0704 90 90Chinese cabbages
0709 70 00Spinach
0708 90 00Other leguminous vegetables
0706 10 00Turnips
0713 33Kidney beans
0804 40 00Avocados
0803 00Bananas
0804 50 00Guavas
0805 10Oranges
0805 20Mandarins/tangerines
0805 50Lemons
B0703 90 00Leeks10 000150300
0709 40 00Celery
0705Lettuces and chicory
0709 90 20Chard
0706 90 90Beetroot
0714 20Sweet potatoes
0714 90 90Other potatoes
0706 90 90Radishes
0707 00 05Cucumbers
0709 90 60Sweetcorn
0709 60Peppers
0709Other vegetables
C0709 90Other7 000200400
0703 20 00Garlic
0709 90 90Other
0708 10 00Peas
0708 20 00Green beans
0709 90 90Other
0709Other vegetables not mentioned elsewhere
0810Other fresh fruit
0808 10Apples
0805 20Clementines
0805 30 90Limes
0807 19 00Other melons
0810Other fresh fruit
0807 20 00Papayas
0806 10 10Table grapes
0802 40 00Chestnuts
Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumna IVColumna V
Product categoriesCN codeProductQuantities(tonnes)Aid(EUR/tonne)
A0902Orange pekoe tea101 4802 960
B0902Pekoe tea101 0902 180
C0902Broken leaf tea5440880
A0409 00Honey110250500


Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Product categoriesCN codeProductQuantities(tonnes)Aid(EUR/tonne)
Category A: Bulbs and rhizomes
A10601 10Bulbs and rhizomes with a value of EUR 0,10 to EUR 0,15 each100 0000,010,015
A20601 10Bulbs and rhizomes with a value of EUR 0,16 to EUR 0,30 each100 0000,0150,02
Category B: Live flowers, cuttings and grafts
B10602Live flowers, cuttings and grafts with a value of EUR 1 to EUR 3 each46 0000,20,25
B20602Live flowers, cuttings and grafts with a value of EUR 3,01 to EUR 5 each10 0000,40,45
B30602Live flowers, cuttings and grafts with a value of EUR 5,01 to EUR 10 each1 0000,70,75
B40602Live flowers, cuttings and grafts with a value of EUR 10,01 to EUR 20 each1 0001,51,75
Category C: Fresh flowers
C10603 10Fresh flowers with a value of EUR 0,20 to EUR 0,40 each65 0000,030,035
C20603 10Fresh flowers with a value of EUR 0,41 to EUR 0,70 each30 0000,0550,06
C30603 10Fresh flowers with a value of EUR 0,71 to EUR 1,5 each25 0000,220,3
C40603 10Fresh flowers with a value greater than EUR 1,5 each20 0000,50,55
Category D: Foliage, leaves and branches, fresh and dried
D10604Foliage, leaves and branches, fresh and dried, with a value of EUR 0,05 to EUR 0,15 each725 0000,10,15
D20604Foliage, leaves and branches, fresh and dried, with a value of EUR 0,16 to EUR 0,30 each25 0000,220,25
D30604Foliage, leaves and branches, fresh and dried, with a value of EUR 0,31 to EUR 0,50 each10 0000,40,45
D40604Foliage, leaves and branches, fresh and dried, with a value greater than EUR 0,51 each10 0000,50,55



(Products as referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1453/2001)

Maximum quantities as referred to in the fourth subparagraph of Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1453/2001 per period from 1 January to 31 December.

Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column V
Product categories CN Code Product Quantities (tonnes) Aid (EUR/t)
A ex 0703 10 19 Other onions 1 500 100 200
ex 0706 10 00 Carrots
ex 0706 10 00 Turnips
ex 0706 90 90 Other
ex 0714 20 Sweet potatoes
ex 0714 90 90 Yams
0807 11 Water melons
B ex 0703 90 00 Leeks 700 125 250
ex 0704 90 90 Other cabbages
ex 0706 90 90 Beetroot
ex 0708 90 00 Broad beans
0709 90 60 Sweetcorn
0709 Other vegetables not mentioned elsewhere
0805 10 Oranges
0805 50 10 Lemons
0808 10 Apples
0808 20 50 Pears
ex 0809 30 Peaches
0809 40 05 Plums
0810 Other non-tropical fruit not mentioned elsewhere
C 0702 00 00 Tomatoes 1 250 150 300
0704 10 00 Cauliflowers and broccoli
ex 0705 Lettuces
0707 00 05 Cucumbers
0708 10 00 Peas
0709 90 10 Salad vegetables
0709 90 70 Courgettes
ex 0709 90 90 Other fruit and vegetables
ex 0802 40 00 Chestnuts
0804 30 00 Pineapples
ex 0804 40 00 Avocados
ex 0804 50 00 Guavas
ex 0805 20 50 Mandarins
0809 10 00 Apricots
0810 50 00 Kiwis
0703 20 00 Garlic
0708 20 00 Beans
ex 0709 60 10 Sweet peppers
ex 0709 90 90 Other fruit and vegetables not mentioned elsewhere
0802 31 00 Walnuts in shell
ex 0804 50 00 Mangoes
0805 20 70 Tangerines
0806 10 10 Fresh table grapes
0807 20 00 Papayas
0809 20 95 Cherries
0810 10 00 Strawberries
ex 0810 90 40 Passion fruit
ex 0810 90 95 Other tropical fruit
D 0701 90 Potatoes 10 000 80 240
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column V
Product categories CN Code Product Quantities (units) Aid (EUR/ 1 000 units) Aid (EUR/ 1 000 units)
A 0603 10 10 Roses 2 000 000 50 100
0603 10 20 Carnations
0603 10 40 Gladioli
0603 10 50 Chrysanthemums
0603 10 80 Other (fresh)
0603 90 00 Other (not fresh)
0604 00 00 Foliage
B 0603 10 80 Proteas 300 000 120 240
C 0603 10 30 Orchids 900 000 140 280
0603 10 80 Anthuriums
0603 10 80 Strelitzias and Heliconias
D 0601 10 00 Bulbs 20 000 50 100
0601 20 00 Bulbs]


Products as referred to in Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 1454/2001

Maximum quantities as referred to in the fourth subparagraph of Article 9(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1454/2001 per period from 1 January to 31 December

Amounts of aid as referred to in Article 9(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1454/2001


Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Product categoriesCN codeProductQuantities(tonnes)Aid(EUR/tonne)
Aex 0703 10Onions16 32040120
0704 90Cabbage
0709 90 60Sweetcorn
ex 0709 90 90Pumpkins
ex 0709Other vegetables not mentioned elsewhere
0805 40 00Grapefruit
0805 50 10Lemons
0807 11 00Water melons
ex 0807 19 00Melons
B0703 20 00Garlic32 83090180
ex 0703 90 00Leeks
0704 10 00Cauliflowers
0705Lettuces and chicory
ex 0706 10 00Carrots
0707 00 05Cucumbers
0709 30 00Aubergines
0709 40 00Celery
ex 0709 60 10Peppers
0709 90 20Chard (silver beet) and cardoons
0709 90 70Courgettes
0714 20Sweet potatoes
0805 10Oranges
ex 0805 20Mandarins
0806 10 10Table grapes
0808 10Apples
0808 20Pears
0809 10 00Apricots
0809 30Peaches and nectarines
0809 40 05Plums
ex 0810 90 95Other non-tropical fruit not mentioned elsewhere
C0708 20 00Green beans14 550120210
ex 0709 70 00Spinach
ex 0709 90Cress
ex 0802Almonds
0804 20 10Fresh figs
0804 30 00Pineapples
0804 40 00Avocados
ex 0804 50 00Mangoes
0807 20 00Papayas
0810 10 00Strawberries
ex 0810 90 95Barbary figs and other tropical fruits not mentioned elsewhere
D0701 90Potatoes harvested from 1 April to 31 December30 00060150


Column IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Product categoriesCN codeProductQuantities(units)Aid(EUR/1 000 units)
Category A: Cuttings
A0602 90 45Cuttings2400 00 001011
Category B: Flowers
B 1ex 0603 10Flowers with a value of EUR 0,07 to EUR 0,15 each8 000 0001819
B 2ex 0603 10Flowers with a value of EUR 0,16 to EUR 0,45 each6 000 0004044
B 3ex 0603 10Flowers with a value of EUR 0,46 to EUR 1,20 each1 090 0006066
Category C: Plants
C 1ex 0602 90Plants with a value of EUR 0,15 to EUR 0,45 each2 500 0004548
C 2ex 0602 90Plants with a value of EUR 0,46 to EUR 1,50 each1 000 000222240
C 3ex 0602 90Plants with a value of EUR 1,51 to EUR 3,00 each750 000456480
C 4ex 0602 90Plants with a value of EUR 3,01 and above each500 000601637




Nomoi: Imathias, Pellas, Artas, Argolidas, Korinthias, Viotias, Serron, Kavallas.


Nomoi: Larisas, Magnisias, Karditsas, Evrou, Thessaloniki, Prevezas, Kilkis, Pierias, Lakonias, Kastorias.

Member States or specific regionsProducer organisationsArticle 11(1)(a) categories (i) to (iv)Producer organisationsArticle 11(1)(a) categories (vi) and (vii) and Article 11(3)
Minimum number of producersMinimum volume(EUR million)Minimum number of producersMinimum volume(EUR million)
Belgium, Germany, Spain (except Balearic Islands and Canaries), France (except overseas departments), Greece a, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland)40 or1,550,25
15 or2,5
Denmark, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Greece b, Balearic and Canary Islands, Portugal (except Madeira and Azores)15 or0,5
Finland, Sweden, Greece (Nomoi (regions) other than undera and b)10 or0,25
Greece (islands), Luxembourg, Madeira and Azores, French overseas departments50,150,1