CHAPTER IIMarketing outside the production region

Section IRice, fruit, vegetables, plants and flowers and potatoes

Section IIMadeira wine

Article 51


The aid referred to in Article 20(6) of Regulation (EC) No 1453/2001 shall be granted up to and including the end of the 2005/06 wine year.


Where the aid is applied for in respect of containers of less than one litre, a reduction coefficient shall be applied to take account of the volume of the bottle.


The aid shall be paid to shippers who submit an application to the competent body for each lot for the period laid down by that body.


Applications shall contain at least the following:

  • a copy of section 3 of the accompanying administrative document (AAD), duly completed, with particulars of the consignor and the consignee (name, address, country), the volume of wine dispatched in litre equivalent, the customs code description, the stamp of the Madeira Wine Institute certifying the product and the stamp of the Madeira customs authorities certifying that the product has left the territory,

  • a copy of the invoice from the carrier/shipping agent showing the final destination or the marine bill of lading,

  • a copy of the invoice to the buyer showing the volume in litre equivalent, which must correspond to that shown on the AAD.