CHAPTER IAid applications

Article 54Submission of applications and payment of aid


Without prejudice to Articles 5, 25, 34 and 36, aid applications shall be submitted to the office designated by the competent authorities of the Member State in accordance with the models established by the latter and within the periods they have laid down. For the aid covered by Title I, those periods shall be fixed so as to allow time for the necessary on-the-spot checks.


Each aid application shall include at least the following information:


the surname, forenames and address of the applicant;


for the aid covered by Title I, the areas cultivated in hectares and in ares, identified in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 3508/92;


for the aid covered by Chapter I of Title II, the quantity of pineapples harvested and the quantity covered by the aid application;


for the aid covered by Chapter III of Title II, applications shall be accompanied by cane delivery notes drawn up by the competent bodies or the processing enterprises designated by France for each department;


for the aid covered by Chapter II of Title II, Chapter I of Title III and Chapters I and II of Title IV, applications shall be accompanied by grouped or individual invoices and all other supporting documents relating to the operations carried out, in particular the references of delivery contracts, processing contracts or annual contracts.


Without prejudice to Articles 6 and 9, after verifying the aid applications and the relevant supporting documents, the competent authorities shall pay the aid calculated in accordance with this Regulation X1within four months following the end of the period for lodging applications.

Where more than one harvest is possible during the course of a calendar year in the context of the crops covered by Chapter I of Title I, the deadline fixed in the first subparagraph shall start to run from the end of the period for submitting aid applications for the last harvest of the year concerned.


The Member States may adopt additional rules regarding how producer organisations are to pay the aid covered by Title IV to their members.