Commission Regulation (EC) No 1429/2004Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1429/2004 of 9 August 2004 amending Regulation (EC) No 753/2002 laying down certain rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 as regards the description, designation, presentation and protection of certain wine sector products

Article 1U.K.

Regulation (EC) No 753/2002 is amended as follows:


in paragraph 5 of Article 24, the following subparagraph is added:

A traditional term is deemed traditional in the official language of one Member State if it has been used in that official language and in a specified border region of the neighbouring Member State(s) for wines elaborated under the same conditions provided that such a term fulfils the criteria in points (a) to (d) in one of these Member States and both Member States mutually agree to define, use and protect such a term.;


in the first paragraph of Article 28 the following indents are added after the eighth indent:

  • “zemské víno” in the case of table wines originating in the Czech Republic,

  • “τοπικός οίνος” in the case of table wines originating in Cyprus,

  • “tájbor” in the case of table wines originating in Hungary,

  • “Inbid ta’ lokalita tradizzjonali (‘I.L.T.’)” in the case of table wines originating in Malta,

  • “deželno vino s priznano geografsko oznako” or “deželno vino PGO” in the case of table wines originating in Slovenia,;


Article 29 is amended as follows:


in paragraph 1, the following points are added to paragraph 1:


Czech Republic:

  • “jakostní víno”, “jakostní víno odrůdové”, “jakostní víno známkové”,

  • “jakostní víno s přívlastkem” or “víno s přívlastkem”, together with one of the following indications: “kabinetní víno”, “pozdní sběr”, “výběr z hroznů”, “výběr z bobulí”, “výběr z cibéb”, “ledové víno”, “slámové víno”,

  • “jakostní likérové víno”,

  • “jakostní perlivé víno”,

  • “víno originální certifikace”, “V.O.C”, “VOC”;



  • “ΟΕΟΠ” (Οίνος Ελεγχόμενης Ονομασίας Προέλευσης),

  • “οίνος γλυκύς φυσικός”;



  • “minőségi bor”,

  • “különleges minőségű bor”,

  • “fordítás”,

  • “máslás”

  • “szamorodni”,

  • “aszú … puttonyos”, completed by the numbers 3-6,

  • “aszúeszencia”,

  • “eszencia”,

  • “védett eredetű bor”;



  • “Denominazzjoni ta’ Origini Kontrollata (‘D.O.K.’)”;



  • “kakovostno vino z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom” or “kakovostno vino ZGP”; these terms may be followed by the expression “mlado vino”,

  • “priznano tradicionalno poimenovanje”, “vino PTP”,

  • “vrhunsko vino z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom” or “vrhunsko vino ZGP”; this term may be accompanied by “pozna trgatev”, “izbor”, “jagodni izbor”, “suhi jagodni izbor”, “ledeno vino”, “arhivsko vino”, “arhiva” or “starano vino”, “slamno vino”;



  • names accompanying the indication of origin of the wine:

    • “akostné víno”,

    • “víno s prívlastkom” plus “kabinetné”, “neskorý zber”, “výber z hrozna”, “bobuľový výber”, “hrozienkový výber”, “ľadový zber”,

  • as well as the following expressions:

    • esencia,

    • forditáš,

    • mášláš,

    • samorodné,

    • výberová esencia,

    • “výber … putňový”, completed by the numbers 3-6.;


in paragraph 2, the following points are added:


Czech Republic:

  • “jakostní šumivé víno stanovené oblasti”,

  • “aromatické jakostní šumivé víno stanovené oblasti”/“aromatický sekt s.o.”;



  • “Denominazzjoni ta’ Origini Kontrollata (‘D.O.K.’)”;



  • “kakovostno peneče vino z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom” or “kakovostno peneče vino ZGP”,

  • “vrhunsko peneče vino z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom” or “vrhunsko peneče vino ZGP”,

  • penina,

  • “kakovostno peneče vino.” ;


in Article 30, the following point (f) is added:



  • “Κουμανδαρία” (Commandaria).;


Annex II is replaced by Annex I to this Regulation;


Annex III is amended in accordance with Annex II to this Regulation.

Article 2U.K.

In the case of Slovenia, products covered by this Regulation, the description and presentation in Slovenian of which conformed to the provisions applicable in Slovenia before its accession to the Community on 1 May 2004 and were put into circulation before the accession but do not conform to this Regulation, may be held for sale and exported until stocks are exhausted, however, by the latest on 30 April 2006 and in case of the vintage year 2003, on 30 April 2007.

Article 3U.K.

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

It shall apply from 1 May 2004.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 9 August 2004.

For the Commission

Franz Fischler

Member of the Commission