Article 4Special requirements for active and intelligent materials and articles
In the application of Article 3(1)(b) and 3(1)(c), active materials and articles may bring about changes in the composition or organoleptic characteristics of food on condition that the changes comply with F1retained EU law and any other enactment applicable to food.
Pending the adoption of additional rules in a specific measure on active and intelligent materials and articles, substances deliberately incorporated into active materials and articles to be released into the food or the environment surrounding the food shall be authorised and used in accordance with F2retained EU law and any other enactment applicable to food.
Active materials and articles shall not bring about changes in the composition or organoleptic characteristics of food, for instance by masking the spoilage of food, which could mislead consumers.
Intelligent materials and articles shall not give information about the condition of the food which could mislead consumers.
Active and intelligent materials and articles already brought into contact with food shall be adequately labelled to allow identification by the consumer of non-edible parts.
Active and intelligent materials and articles shall be adequately labelled to indicate that the materials or articles are active and/or intelligent.