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1. Aggregated results referred to in Article 12(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 are defined, for each flow, as the total value of trade with other Member States. In addition, Member States belonging to the euro area shall provide a breakdown by products of their trade outside the euro area according to sections of the Standard International Trade Classification in force.
2. Member States shall take all the necessary measures to ensure that the trade data collected from companies above the established thresholds according to Article 13 are exhaustive and comply with the quality criteria specified in Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 638/2004.
3. Adjustments made in application of Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 shall be transmitted to Eurostat with at least a breakdown by partner Member State and commodity code at chapter level of the CN.
4. Where statistical value not collected, Member States shall estimate the statistical value of the goods.
5. Member States shall estimate the net mass whenever it is not collected from the parties responsible for providing information pursuant to Article 9(1). The Commission (Eurostat) shall provide Member States with the coefficients needed to estimate the net mass.
6. Member States that have adjusted the reference period in accordance with Article 3(1) shall ensure that monthly results are transmitted to the Commission (Eurostat), using estimates if necessary, where the reference period for fiscal purposes does not correspond to a calendar month.
7. Member States shall transmit data declared confidential to the Commission (Eurostat) so that they may be published at least at chapter level of the CN provided confidentiality is thereby ensured.
8. Where monthly results already transmitted to the Commission (Eurostat) are subject to revision, Member States shall transmit the revised results no later than the month following availability of the revised data.]
Textual Amendments
F1 Substituted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 96/2010 of 4 February 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 1982/2004 implementing Regulation (EC) No 638/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States, as regards the simplification threshold, trade by business characteristics, specific goods and movements and nature of transaction codes.