Article 8Requests for enforcement measures


A requested authority shall, on request from an applicant authority, take all necessary enforcement measures to bring about the cessation or prohibition of the intra-Community infringement without delay.


In order to fulfil its obligations under paragraph 1, the requested authority shall exercise the powers set out under Article 4(6) and any additional powers granted to it under national law. The requested authority shall determine, if necessary with the assistance of other public authorities, the enforcement measures to be taken to bring about the cessation or prohibition of the intra-Community infringement in a proportionate, efficient and effective way.


The requested authority may also fulfil its obligations under paragraphs 1 and 2 by instructing a body designated in accordance with the second sentence of Article 4(2) as having a legitimate interest in the cessation or prohibition of intra-Community infringements to take all necessary enforcement measures available to it under national law to bring about the cessation or prohibition of the intra-Community infringement on behalf of the requested authority. In the event of a failure by that body to bring about the cessation or prohibition of the intra-Community infringement without delay, the obligations of the requested authority under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall remain.


The requested authority may only take the measures set out in paragraph 3 if, after consultation with the applicant authority on the use of these measures, both applicant and requested authority are in agreement that:

  • use of the measures in paragraph 3 is likely to bring about the cessation or prohibition of the intra-Community infringement in at least equally efficient and effective a way as action by the requested authority,


  • the instruction of the body designated under national law does not give rise to any disclosure to that body of information protected under Article 13.


If the applicant authority is of the opinion that the conditions set out under paragraph 4 are not fulfilled, it shall inform the requested authority in writing, setting out the grounds for its opinion. If the applicant authority and the requested authority are not in agreement, the requested authority may refer the matter to the Commission, which shall issue an opinion in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 19(2).


The requested authority may consult the applicant authority in the course of taking the enforcement measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2. The requested authority shall notify without delay the applicant authority, the competent authorities of other Member States and the Commission of the measures taken and the effect thereof on the intra-Community infringement, including whether it has ceased.


The measures necessary for the implementation of this Article shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 19(2).