Response Code | Description |
7005 | The current status of the initiating (or transferring) registry does not permit this process to take place. |
7006 | The current status of the acquiring registry does not permit this process to take place |
7020 | The specified account identification code does not exist in the acquiring registry. |
7021 | The specified account identification code does not exist in the transferring registry. |
7022 | The transferring account and acquiring account must be in the same registry for all transactions except external transfers. |
7023 | The transferring account and acquiring account must be in different registries for external transfers. |
7024 | Force majeure allowances cannot be transferred out of the Party holding account unless being cancelled and retired in accordance with Article 58. |
7025 | The transferring account is blocked for all transfers of allowances out of that account, with the exception of the surrender and cancellation and replacement processes pursuant to Articles 52, 53, 60 and 61. |
7027 | One or more units in the serial block are not recognised as being held by the transferring account. |
7101 | The account has already been created. |
7102 | An account must have one and only one account holder. |
7103 | An account must have one and only one primary authorised representative. |
7104 | An account must have one and only one secondary authorised representative. |
7105 | An installation must have one and only one contact person. |
7106 | The installation associated to this account is already associated to another account. |
7107 | The authorised representatives of the account must all be different. |
7108 | The alphanumeric identifier specified for the account is already specified for another account. |
7109 | The account type being created has not been given the correct commitment period. |
7110 | An operator holding account must have one and only one installation associated with that account. |
7111 | The specified account does not exist, and therefore it is not possible to update or close the account. |
7113 | It is not possible to change the account holder of a person holding account. |
7114 | The specified account has already been closed therefore it is not possible to close the account. |
7115 | The specified account still holds units and therefore it is not possible to close the account. |
7117 | The installation linked to the specified account is not in compliance therefore it is not possible to close the account. |
7118 | The specified installation does not exist and therefore it is not possible to update the verified emissions table for that installation. |
7119 | The specified year is a future year and therefore it is not possible to update the verified emissions table for that year. |
7120 | The people and their relationship with the account do not exist and therefore it is not possible to update that relationship. |
7122 | The correlation identifier is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7124 | The account alphanumeric identifier is not in valid format or is out of range |
7125 | The permit identifier is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7126 | The installation name is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7127 | The installation main activity is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7128 | The installation country is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7129 | The installation postal code is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7130 | The installation city is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7131 | The installation address1 is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7132 | The installation address2 is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7133 | The installation parent company is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7134 | The installation subsidiary company is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7135 | The installation EPER identification is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7136 | The installation latitude is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7137 | The installation longitude is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7138 | The people relationship code is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7139 | The person identifier is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7140 | The people first name is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7141 | The people last name is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7142 | The people country is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7143 | The people postal code is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7144 | The people city is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7145 | The people address1 is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7146 | The people address2 is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7147 | The people phonenumber1 is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7148 | The people phonenumber2 is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7149 | The people fax number is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7150 | The people email is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7151 | The people action is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7152 | The installation verified emission is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7153 | The from element is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7154 | The to element is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7155 | The major version is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7156 | The minor version is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7157 | The account type is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7158 | The account identifier is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7159 | The installation identifier is not in valid format or is out of range. |
7160 | It is not possible for a person holding account to have a contact person or his details, or an installation or its details (as listed in section 11.1 of Annex I to Commission Decision 2004/156/EC) associated with that account. |
7201 | The amount of allowances for the specified period requested to be issued exceeds the amount approved by the Commission in the national allocation plan. |
7202 | The acquiring account is not a Party holding account. |
7203 | The national allocation plan table has not been submitted to the Commission and therefore it is not possible for the issuance or allocation of allowances for the specified period to take place. |
7205 | The units requested to be converted into allowances must be AAUs that have been issued for a commitment period matching the commitment period for which allowances are being issued. |
7206 | The specified acquiring account is not the operator holding account which is associated to the specified installation. |
7207 | The installation does not exist in the national allocation plan table. |
7208 | The specified year does not exist in the national allocation plan table. |
7209 | The acquiring account is not the retirement account for the 2005-2007 period. |
7210 | Force-majeure allowances can only be issued prior to 30 June 2008. |
7211 | The amount of force-majeure allowances requested to be issued exceeds the amount approved by the Commission for the commitment period. |
7212 | The acquiring account is not the cancellation account for the 2005-2007 period. |
7213 | The reduction in the number of allowances exceeds the correction to the NAP as approved by the Commission. |
7214 | The number of allowances transferred is not strictly equal to the number foreseen in the NAP for the specified installation and specified year. |
7215 | The installation does not exist. |
7216 | The number of allowances transferred for the specified installation and specified year as foreseen in the national allocation plan has already been transferred. |
7217 | The specified year is not part of the period 2005-2007. |
7218 | The specified AAUs are allowances and therefore it is not possible to convert those AAUs into ERUs. |
7219 | The units requested to be issued do not have the correct allowance identification code and therefore it is not possible for the issue to take place. |
7220 | The units requested to be issued do not have the correct force majeure allowance identification code and therefore it is not possible for the issue to take place. |
7301 | Warning: approaching breach of the commitment period reserve. |
7302 | There is no mutual recognition agreement between the transferring registry and the acquiring registry that enables the transfer of allowances. |
7304 | After 30 April of the first year of the current period, allowances issued for the preceding period may only be transferred to the cancellation account or retirement account for that period. |
7305 | Allowances are not those issued for the 2005-2007 period. |
7353 | It is not possible to surrender allowances issued for the period 2005-2007 for the period 2008-2012 and subsequent five-year periods. |
7354 | The transferring account is not an operator holding account. |
7355 | It is not possible to surrender allowances issued for the current period for the previous period. |
7356 | Units are not eligible for surrender pursuant to Article 53. |
7357 | The number of allowances and force majeure allowances requested to be transferred to the retirement account is not equal to the number of allowances surrendered pursuant to Articles 52 and 54. |
7358 | The number of AAUs requested to be converted from allowances is not equal to the number of allowances surrendered pursuant to Article 52. |
7359 | The number of units requested to be transferred to the retirement account is not equal to the number of allowances surrendered pursuant to Article 52 and 53. |
7360 | The transferring account(s) are not Party holding account(s). |
7361 | Units are not eligible for retirement pursuant to Articles 58 and 59. |
7362 | The number of CERs requested to be transferred to the cancellation account is not equal to the number of allowances surrendered pursuant to Article 53. |
7401 | The number of AAUs requested to be converted into allowances is not equal to the number of allowances cancelled. |
7402 | Specified unit type requested to be cancelled in advance of replacement is not an allowance issued for the preceding period. |
7404 | The number of allowances cancelled is not equal to the number of allowances to be cancelled pursuant to Article 60(a) and 61(b). |
7405 | The quantity of allowances cancelled from the transferring account is not equal to the quantity of allowances transferred back to this account. |
7406 | The transferring account(s) must be accounts referred to in Article 11(1) and (2). |
7407 | The acquiring account(s) must be accounts referred to in Article 11(1) and (2). |
7501 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the operator holding account unit blocks. |
7502 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the person holding account unit blocks. |
7503 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the operator holding account unit blocks. |
7504 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the person holding account unit blocks. |
7505 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the operator holding account unit blocks. |
7506 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the person holding account unit blocks. |
7507 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the operator holding account unit blocks. |
7508 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the person holding account unit blocks. |
7509 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the Party holding account unit blocks. |
7510 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the retirement account unit blocks. |
7511 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the cancellation account unit blocks. |
7512 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the Party holding account unit blocks. |
7513 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the retirement account unit blocks. |
7514 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the cancellation account unit blocks. |
7515 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the Party holding account unit blocks. |
7516 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the retirement account unit blocks. |
7517 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the cancellation account unit blocks. |
7518 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the Party holding account unit blocks. |
7519 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the retirement account unit blocks. |
7520 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the cancellation account unit blocks. |
7521 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the replacement account unit blocks. |
7522 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the replacement account unit blocks. |
7523 | There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the replacement account unit blocks. |
7524 | Information: there are no inconsistencies between the registry and the CITL in the totals of the replacement account unit blocks. |
7601 | Reminder: the specified unit blocks of allowances issued for the previous period have not yet been cancelled pursuant to Articles 60 and 61. |