SECTION 1Reporting and Confidentiality

Article 9Reporting

1.Each registry administrator shall make available the information listed in Annex XVI at the frequencies and to the recipients set out in Annex XVI in a transparent and organised manner via his registry web site. Registry administrators shall not release additional information held in the registry.

2.The Central Administrator shall make available the information listed in Annex XVI at the frequencies and to the recipients set out in Annex XVI in a transparent and organised manner via the Community independent transaction log web site. The Central Administrator shall not release additional information held in the Community independent transaction log.

3.Each web site shall allow the recipients of the reports listed in Annex XVI to query those reports using search facilities.

4.Each registry administrator is responsible for the accuracy of the information that originates from his registry and is made available via the Community independent transaction log website.

5.Neither the Community independent transaction log nor registries shall require account holders to submit price information concerning allowances or Kyoto units.

Article 10Confidentiality

1.All information, including the holdings of all accounts and all transactions made, held in the registries and the Community independent transaction log shall be considered confidential for any purpose other than the implementation of the requirements of this Regulation, Directive 2003/87/EC or national law.

2.Information held in the registries may not be used without the prior consent of the relevant account holder except to operate and maintain those registries in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.

3.Each competent authority and registry administrator shall only perform processes concerning allowances, verified emissions, accounts or Kyoto units where necessary to carry out their functions as competent authority or registry administrator.

SECTION 2Accounts

Article 11Accounts

1.From 1 January 2005 onwards, each registry shall contain at least one Party holding account created in accordance with Article 12.

2.From 1 January 2005 onwards, each Member State registry shall contain one operator holding account for each installation created in accordance with Article 15 and each registry shall contain at least one person holding account for each person created in accordance with Article 19.

3.From 1 January 2005 onwards, each registry shall contain one retirement account and one cancellation account for the 2005-2007 period and one cancellation account for the 2008-2012 period, created in accordance with Article 12.

4.From 1 January 2008 and from 1 January of the first year of each subsequent five-year period, each registry shall contain one retirement account and the cancellation and replacement accounts required by the relevant decisions adopted pursuant to the UNFCCC or the Kyoto Protocol for the 2008-2012 period and for each subsequent five-year period, created in accordance with Article 12.

5.Unless otherwise provided, all accounts shall be capable of holding allowances and Kyoto units.

SECTION 3Party accounts

Article 12Creation of Party accounts

1.The relevant body of the Member State and the Commission shall submit an application to their respective registry administrator for the creation in their registries of the accounts referred to in Article 11(1), (3) and (4).

The applicant shall provide the registry administrator with the information reasonably required by the registry administrator. That information shall include the information set out in Annex IV.

2.Within 10 days of the receipt of an application in accordance with paragraph 1 or the activation of the communication link between the registry and the Community independent transaction log, whichever is the later, the registry administrator shall create the account in the registry in accordance with the account creation process set out in Annex VIII.

3.The applicant referred to in paragraph 1 shall notify its registry administrator within 10 days of any changes in the information provided to its registry administrator pursuant to paragraph 1. Within 10 days of the receipt of such a notification the registry administrator shall update that information in accordance with the account update process set out in Annex VIII.

4.The registry administrator may require the applicants referred to in paragraph 1 to agree to comply with reasonable terms and conditions addressing the issues set out in Annex V.

Article 13Closure of Party accounts

Within 10 days of the receipt of an application from the relevant body of a Member State or from the Commission to close a Party holding account, its registry administrator shall close the account in accordance with the account closure process set out in Annex VIII.

Article 14Notification

The registry administrator shall immediately notify the account holder of the creation or update of his Party accounts and of the closure of his Party holding accounts.

SECTION 4Operator holding accounts

Article 15Creation of operator holding accounts

1.Within 14 days of the issue of each greenhouse gas emissions permit to the operator of an installation where the installation has not previously been covered by such a permit or the activation of the communication link between the registry and the Community independent transaction log, whichever is the later, the competent authority, or the operator where the competent authority so requires, shall provide the registry administrator of the Member State registry with the information set out in Annex III.

2.Within 10 days of the receipt of the information in paragraph 1 or the activation of the communication link between the registry and the Community independent transaction log, whichever is the later, the registry administrator shall create an operator holding account referred to in Article 11(2) for each installation in its registry in accordance with the account creation process set out in Annex VIII.

3.The competent authority, or the operator where the competent authority so requires, shall notify the registry administrator within 10 days of any changes in the information provided to the registry administrator pursuant to paragraph 1. Within 10 days of the receipt of such a notification the registry administrator shall update the operator’s details in accordance with the account update process set out in Annex VIII.

4.The registry administrator may require operators to agree to comply with reasonable terms and conditions addressing the issues set out in Annex V.

Article 16Holding of Kyoto units in operator holding accounts

An operator holding account shall be capable of holding Kyoto units where authorised by Member State or Community legislation.

Article 17Closure of operator holding accounts

1.The competent authority shall notify the registry administrator within 10 days of a greenhouse gas emissions permit being revoked or surrendered for an installation that is, as a result, not covered by any such permit. Without prejudice to paragraph 2, the registry administrator shall close all operator holding accounts relating to that revocation or surrender in accordance with the account closure process set out in Annex VIII on 30 June the year after the revocation or surrender took place if the relevant installation’s entry in the latest year of the compliance status table is greater than or equal to zero. If the relevant installation’s entry in the latest year of the compliance status table is less than zero, the registry administrator shall close its account the day after the entry is greater than or equal to zero or the day after the competent authority has instructed the registry administrator to close the account because there is no reasonable prospect of further allowances being surrendered by the installation’s operator.

2.If there is a positive balance of allowances or Kyoto units in an operator holding account which the registry administrator is to close in accordance with paragraph 1, the registry administrator shall first request the operator to specify another account within the registry system to which such allowances or Kyoto units shall then be transferred. If the operator has not responded to the registry administrator’s request within 60 days, the registry administrator shall transfer the balance to the Party holding account.

Article 18Notification

The registry administrator shall immediately notify the account holder of the creation, update or closure of his operator holding account.

SECTION 5Person holding accounts

Article 19Creation of person holding accounts

1.An application for the creation of a person holding account shall be submitted to the registry administrator of the registry concerned.

The applicant shall provide the registry administrator with the information reasonably required by the registry administrator. That information shall include the information set out in Annex IV.

2.Within 10 days of the receipt of an application in accordance with paragraph 1 or the activation of the communication link between the registry and the Community independent transaction log, whichever is the later, the registry administrator shall create a person holding account in its registry in accordance with the account creation process set out in Annex VIII.

The registry administrator shall not establish more than 99 person holding accounts in any one person’s name in its registry.

3.The applicant shall notify the registry administrator within 10 days of any changes in the information provided to the registry administrator pursuant to paragraph 1. Within 10 days of the receipt of such a notification the registry administrator shall update the person’s details in accordance with the account update process set out in Annex VIII.

4.The registry administrator may require the applicants referred to in paragraph 1 to agree to comply with reasonable terms and conditions addressing the issues set out in Annex V.

Article 20Holding of Kyoto units in person holding accounts

A person holding account shall be capable of holding Kyoto units where authorised by Member State or Community legislation.

Article 21Closure of person holding accounts

1.Within 10 days of the receipt of an application from a person to close a person holding account, the registry administrator shall close the account in accordance with the account closure process set out in Annex VIII.

2.If a person holding account has a zero balance and no transactions have been recorded during a period of 12 months, the registry administrator shall notify the account holder that the person holding account shall be closed within 60 days unless the registry administrator receives within that period a request from the account holder that the person holding account be maintained. If the registry administrator does not receive any such request from the account holder, it shall close the account in accordance with the account closure process set out in Annex VIII.

Article 22Notification

The registry administrator shall immediately notify each account holder of the creation, update or closure of his person holding account.

Article 23Authorised representatives

1.Each account holder shall appoint a primary and a secondary authorised representative for each account created in accordance with Articles 12, 15 and 19. Requests to the registry administrator to carry out processes shall be submitted by an authorised representative on behalf of the account holder.

2.Each Member State and the Commission may allow account holders in its registry to nominate an additional authorised representative whose agreement is required in addition to the agreement of the primary or secondary authorised representative to submit a request to their registry administrator to carry out one or more of the processes pursuant to Articles 49(1), 52, 53 and 62.

3.Each verifier shall appoint at least one authorised representative to enter or approve the entry of the annual verified emissions for an installation into the verified emissions table in accordance with Article 51(1).

4.Each registry administrator and the Central Administrator shall appoint at least one authorised representative to operate and maintain their registry and the Community independent transaction log on behalf of that administrator.


Article 24Tables

1.From 1 January 2005 onwards, each Member State registry shall contain one verified emissions table, one surrendered allowances table, and one compliance status table.

Each registry may contain additional tables for other purposes.

2.The Community independent transaction log shall contain one national allocation plan table for each Member State for the 2005-2007 period, the 2008-2012 period and for each subsequent five-year period.

The Community independent transaction log may contain additional tables for other purposes.

3.The tables in each Member State registry shall contain the information set out in Annex II. The operator holding accounts and person holding accounts shall contain the information set out in Annex XVI.

The national allocation plan table in the Community independent transaction log shall contain the information set out in Annex XIV.