Concerning technical assistance and import-export restrictions:
Междуведомствен съвет по въпросите на военнопромишления комплекс и мобилизационната готовност на страната
бул. ‘ Дондуков ’ № 1
1594 София
тел.: (359) 2 987 91 45
факс: (359) 2 988 03 79
Interdepartmental Council on the Military-Industrial Complex and the Mobilisation Preparedness of the Country
1 ‘ Dondukov ’ Blvd.
1594 Sofia
Tel.: (359) 2 987 91 45
Fax: (359) 2 988 03 79
Concerning freezing of funds:
Министерство на финансите
ул. ‘ Г.С. Раковски ’ № 102
София 1000
Тел: (359-2) 985 91
Факс: (359-2) 988 1207
Ministry of Finance
102 ‘ G.S. Rakovsky ’ street
Sofia 1000
Tel.: (359-2) 985 91
Fax: (359-2) 988 1207
Textual Amendments
F1 Inserted by Council Regulation (EC) No 1791/2006 of 20 November 2006 adapting certain Regulations and Decisions in the fields of free movement of goods, freedom of movement of persons, company law, competition policy, agriculture (including veterinary and phytosanitary legislation), transport policy, taxation, statistics, energy, environment, cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs, customs union, external relations, common foreign and security policy and institutions, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania.